NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 19: True Colors Emerge

Fan #3: Wow! Thee Baron Hampton sitting next to me!

Fan #4: Please take a picture with me!

Baron Hampton: Don't worry everyone, there will be plenty of time to do that after the raffle. For now though, let's all just enjoy the song.

(Play Renai Circulation (English Cover) - Lizz Robinett) *Ayumi begins to sing a fan favorite tune, much to the crowd's excitement. The crowd begins to jump around, dance, and sing along to the tune. Eventually, both the singing and the song end. With the performance being over, it is now time for the raffle. (If you want to listen to the song, then go ahead. Otherwise, continue on with the story.)

Ayumi: Alright everyone, it's time for our final event of the day! That's right, it's finally time to do the raffle!

Baron Hampton: *Jumps onto the stage from his spot in the crowd* Ah yeah! I wonder… Which of our lucky fans is going to get to meet us?

Ayumi: I'm beginning to wonder that myself! Okay everyone, please pull out the ticket that you received when entering.

Baron Hampton: Ayumi and I will call out the numbers together. If you have the raffle with the matching numbers, please make your way to the stage. And please be honest guys!

Ayumi: Alright, is everyone ready?

*The crowd YET AGAIN jumps with joy and excitement* The camera pans up into the sky, before cutting to a shot of the Blitzwing.* (We'll continue with Baron and Ayumi some other time.) (Stop playing the song)

(Meanwhile at the Blitzwing… Sonjo has finally awoken, and has mostly recovered. Jin and Khan are currently filling him in on everything he missed since he was out.)

Sonjo: So that's what's been going on huh?

Jin: Yeah.

Khan: Yet again, we find ourselves in a spot where we're having to fight more than just the enemy at hand.

Sonjo: Seems like everyone with some sort of rank or authority is hiding something. Hopefully Capt. Maeko isn't the same way.

Jin: I'd be surprised if he was. He was the one to confront Major General Kabuto after all. By the way, how are you feeling Sonjo?

Sonjo: I feel great. I'm not quite back to 100% yet, but I at least feel like I can do things again.

*Just then, Fadra finishes applying some ointment on Sonjo's back and arms.*

Fadra: Alright, this should do it. Give the ointment some time to be absorbed by your skin. By tomorrow morning, you should be 100% again.

Sonjo: Thanks Fadra! I owe you one, you really saved my neck!

Fadra: You're welcome. Let me know if you start to feel pain or anything. I'll give you all some room to catch up.

*Fadra exists the room, leaving Jin, Khan, and Sonjo in there*

Sonjo: So, what do y'all intend to do?

Jin: What we always intended to do.

Khan: Destroy the Principality, kill Shenrei and Graves, and then go about our lives however we see fit.

Jin: A big big plan indeed.

Sonjo: Sounds good to me.

Khan: Jin… Sonjo…

Jin: What's up Khan?

Khan: There's something I need to show you all.

Sonjo: Uhhh I don't think I like the sound of that…

Khan: Shut up! Come on, we need to go somewhere else.

Sonjo: This man saw me with my shirt off and is trying to do lewd things! AHHHHHH!

*Khan walks up and slaps Sonjo on the face*

Jin: Oh yeah, he's definitely feeling better. His mind is in the gutter like usual.

Khan: If you're done being questionable Sonjo, we can get going.

Jin: Lead the way Khan.

*Khan leads them to the place where he was training with Master Tazz…*

Khan: This is it.

Jin: Okay… What are we doing here?

Sonjo: Wait a minute, we came all the way here for this? This place is nothing but rocks surrounded by more rocks!

Khan: It's a mystery why you don't get along with them then Sonjo.

Jin: Ah yeah, Khan asserting his dominance, that's what I like to see!

Sonjo: Wow, pick on the guy that's still recovering, how noble of you. Anyway, why are we here?

(Play Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle PHY LR Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta (Angel) OST Extended)

Khan: *Power up scream*

*Khan slowly but surely powers up, emitting the same power he displayed against Master Tazz during their training. At first the energy is hard to control, but Khan gradually increases his control over it. Jin and Sonjo are stunned by what they're seeing. The aura of Khan's energy turns the sky dark, almost as if all of the spotlight was on Khan.*

Sonjo: What?!

Jin: Whoa, Khan!

Khan: I'm sorry it took so long. The last time I had this power, I was almost dead.

Sonjo: What is this power? It's so strong, I can feel the energy trying to force its way over here to me!

Khan: This is what I like to call midnight blue.

Jin: Incredible! That's some really strong power you've got there.

Khan: Thank you. Looks like that training I did with Master Tazz paid off.

Sonjo: Right training… That's what you're calling it now.

Khan: *Annoyed* You of all people should know this Sonjo, but I'm not opposed to beating someone's ass just because they're hurt.

Sonjo: PLEASE! Like you could ever kick my ass.

*Khan moves at an insanely fast speed, almost as if he teleported in front of Sonjo. He punches Sonjo once slamming him into the ground*

Jin: Talk about overkill Khan! You didn't have to do him like that ya know!

Khan: Please, he was asking for it.

Sonjo: *Slowly gets up* Okay I'll admit, you got me there. But best believe it won't happen again!

Khan: Hmph, yeah right. *Khan powers down instantly and returns to his normal state* Now then, I believe it's time we talk about something very important.

Jin: Like?

Sonjo: Like why I had to get my face planted into the ground?!

Khan: Please, we all know the answer to that one.

Sonjo: So then, why don't you tell us what's SO important?

Khan: Now that we know who our enemies are, it's time we start thinking of ways to get rid of them.

Jin: What did you have in mind?

Khan: Revolution…

(Play ending songs G Gundam: Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru and Sword Art Online Ending 1)

Narrator: Having successfully controlled his power, Khan's confidence is at an all time high. With Sonjo having finally awoken, things are starting to look up for our friends yet again. Can they regain the momentum in the war? And what exactly does Khan mean by revolution? Find out when we come back, next time!

Baron Hampton: HEY! It's me, Baron! This episode was really exciting. I think it may be the best episode yet! But then again, any episode with me and Ayumi is the best! The raffle event sure was fun, we should do it again sometime. I really wanna know who won, the excitement is killing me! Next time on NECRO-Driver Dawn, we see where our paths take us. See ya then everyone, goodbye!

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)