NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 20: Fear of the Future’s Past

Narrator: Sonjo has finally awoken, and is starting to show signs of his normal state. Having seen Khan's true power, Jin and Sonjo talk with Khan about a world changing plan. But fresh off of Sonjo waking up, and a whole lot of information, the lines they walk will have to be tread carefully. And as it has been the case for them so many times, the past always finds its way back to them. (Play episode opening songs Fuyu no hanashi - Given EP9 OST SpongeBob Anime ED (ROMIX Cover) and G Gundam: Unmei no Gong)

(Play Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain Of Memories -Just Wondering- Extended)

Narrator: This episode begins right after episode 19. Jin, Sonjo, and Khan are still talking.

Sonjo: Revolution?

Khan: Yes…

Sonjo: What do you mean?

Khan: It's clear to me that the ones in charge of this world are completely inept. I'm going to destroy them, and replace them with a clean slate.

Jin: Wow! Who would've known Khan would be one to go extreme?

Khan: Everyone has an air of mystery to them, I'm just better at hiding it.

Jin: Fair point.

Sonjo: So, are you going to become like some supreme leader or something?

Khan: Of course not, I've no interest in ruling over anyone other than myself. I say the people should be able to decide on how they want things to be. No more principalities, let's be rid of them once and for all!

Sonjo: Alright! This man Khan is finally coming through with the fire!

Jin: Wow Khan! Where was all this motivation earlier huh?

Khan: Again, I'm better at hiding things.

Jin: Alright, so how do you plan to go about this whole "revolution"?

Khan: Well first things first, we need to defeat the Principality. They are the most obvious and biggest threat to us. After defeating them, the rest should be smooth sailing.

Jin: The rest being…

Khan: Hell if I know, I just don't want one person calling all the shots. Let everyone split themselves among different areas or not have anyone ruling at all. I don't care, as long as we actually have a say in it.

Sonjo: That sounds fair.

Jin: Understandable too.

Master Tazz: (An intriguing plan Khan, but have you really thought everything out?)

(The three of them look confused, and begin to question one another.)

Jin: Hey, did you guys hear that?

Khan: Yeah, I did.

Sonjo: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that was Master Tazz.

Khan: It was him, he's using his telepathy again.

Jin: But where is he?

(They all look around before hearing his voice much clearer this time.)

Master Tazz: Where are you looking? I'm up here.

(They look up and see Master Tazz hovering in the air above them.)

Jin: Master Tazz!

Master Tazz: *He slowly descends to the ground.* Your plan is most interesting. But if you're going to do something so drastic, you're going to need to think about things outside of the plan as well.

Sonjo: Like if we're gonna kill either Baron or Ayumi first?

(Elsewhere… stop playing the song)

Baron Hampton/Ayumi: *In unison* AHH-CHOO!

Ayumi: Wow! We sneezed at the same time!

Baron Hampton: Yes, indeed…

Ayumi: What do you think it could mean?

Baron Hampton: *Philosophical voice and look* It's hard to say, there could be a number of reasons inside of the multiverse. Perhaps some of our fans are talking about how legendary we are. Or, perhaps someone has decided to be a hater and is trying to deny our greatness.

Ayumi: I can't stand those haters! What did we ever do to deserve them?

Baron Hampton: Who knows, but one thing's for certain. Wherever Baron and Ayumi go-

Ayumi: They'll be sure to-

Baron Hampton/Ayumi: *In unison* RAISE THE STEAKS!

(Back to our original point…)

Master Tazz: I meant a number of things, but that certainly wasn't one of them.

Sonjo: Alright, I'm done trolling I promise.

Khan: That means he's DEFINITELY NOT done!

Jin: So what did you mean then?

Master Tazz: Before you begin anything, you need to know who your enemies are first. Do you know who they are?

Khan: The Sarlen

Sonjo: Agreed.

Jin: Aside from the obvious being the Principality, I can't really think of one.

Master Tazz: All of those are correct, and I'll tell you why. Your enemy is anyone who tries to kill you. They're also anyone who seeks to oppose you in any way.

Sonjo: Right right, that makes sense.

Master Tazz: Oh really? Then you should have no problem killing Skia' then right?

(A very loud silence surrounds them, until a gust of wind breaks the silence. They are all stunned, and Sonjo becomes confused with a rather bad attitude…) (Play Chinkon no Kane mo Narasenai mama)

Sonjo: I'm sorry what?

Master Tazz: Sonjo I understand that you think this is funny, and you're clearly nervous right now, but I assure you this isn't a game.

Sonjo: HEY C'MON! I'm being serious here!

Khan: Which means you clearly aren't…

Master Tazz: Sonjo, Skia' betrayed you. She nearly killed you, and almost got you and your friends killed. Make no mistake, Skia' has made it clear that she is your enemy.

Sonjo: Okay yeah, when you say it out loud it does sound really bad. I mean I know she tried to kill us, but it's not like she actually went through with it.

Khan: *Angry* That's like saying we should let the Principality's meteor threat slide because they didn't actually go through with it!

Master Tazz: I don't know what grade concussion you suffered, but you need to stop making excuses for her.

Jin: He's got a point, Sonjo. I care about Skia' too, but we almost died because of her. That isn't something that we can forgive!

Khan: They're right Sonjo, there's no defending that.

Sonjo: Do you two even hear yourselves? How could either of you possibly be okay with killing one of your childhood friends?!

Khan: Do YOU hear yourself?!

Jin: We're not okay with it! But we understand that if given another chance, she'll try to kill us again. I saw her walk away with Shenrei and Graves Sonjo. I almost watched you die after she made a giant gash in your back! I care about her, but I'm not gonna stand by and let her try to kill us again!

Khan: Listen, since no one else will say it, I will. We all know the reason that you don't wanna face this is because you harbor romantic feelings for Skia'!

Sonjo: Tch… (growls)