NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 24: Tremendous Awakening! Sonjo's Resolve

Sonjo: What?

Master Tazz: You heard me.

Sonjo: Yeah, but I think I shouldn't have.

Master Tazz: Really? Okay then, allow me to repeat myself.

Khan: (Uh oh, now Sonjo's done it.)

(Play G Gundam Music: Tooi Kioku on loop)

Master Tazz: Sonjo, let me just say this. You have a lot of potential. You're a very strong and talented person. However, as it stands now, you're nothing more than a waste of space. All you do is either complain about the Sarlen, or feel sorry for yourself because you know you can't save Skia'. You're living in a reality that doesn't exist. You can make all the excuses you want, but this is the truth. Skia' doesn't love you, and your love for her means nothing.

Sonjo: *Enraged* You're still trying to tell me how to handle my life and my business? Why are you so determined to interfere with my life?! Why don't you just go back to being dead!

Master Tazz: If she really loved you, she would be here with you and everyone else. And another thing, why do you act like Skia' is the only one important to you? Do you not think that Jin and Khan still care about them?

Sonjo: I'm sure they do, but…

Master Tazz: The fact that you're about to argue that point shows just how selfish you are. You've been holding everyone back and for what? Some hope that you can save someone who doesn't even love you? Who isn't worth your time?!

Sonjo: I know but…

*Master Tazz punches Sonjo and he hits the ground*

Master Tazz: STOP TRYING TO DEFEND YOUR PITIFUL EXCUSES! GROW UP ALREADY! You're so pathetic Sonjo! Well, have you seen what Skia' really thinks of you? Have you?!

Khan: Sonjo, are you really going to forsake an entire planet all because you're on mass amounts of hormonal copium?! Skia' made her decision, you've gotta let go of the feeling that you can change that. You said you wanted to help people when you were a kid. Tell me how you being a horny simp is helping anyone? She made her decision, now you need to make yours. Are you going to keep chasing after her until she kills you, or are you going to stop being a beta, and do what needs to be done?

*Sonjo sits on the ground looking at both of them, before looking to the ground. After a few seconds, Master Tazz comes to a realization.*

Master Tazz: Okay, I get it now.

Khan: Huh?

Master Tazz: Look at him. Despite everything we just said, and despite how much he knows he's absolutely fooling himself, he's still determined to give his love to her.

Khan: Bruh, and I thought Sakura was the biggest simp in anime history… She's got nothing on Sonjo.

Sonjo: I'm right here!

Master Tazz: Sonjo, you truly love Skia'?

Sonjo: Of course I do! I'm the only one meant for her, no one cares about her more than me.

Khan: For once, he's in the right even though he's being totally selfish and horny still.

Master Tazz: Then let me ask you this. How do you expect to save Skia', when you can't take anything seriously? You don't train, you don't listen, and you're too caught up living in your fantasies.

Sonjo: ...

Khan: Checkmate.

Master Tazz: If you really want to bring Skia' back, then let us help you.

Sonjo: ?!

Khan: WE?!

Master Tazz: You want to bring back Skia', prove your love for her to the entire world? Then you better do what I say, and you'd better be prepared to give your life for it.

Khan: I mean… He's already been doing that last part, so he's off to a good start already at least.

Sonjo: Just when ya thought you could catch me slacking, the compliments arise!

Khan: Bruh, are you gonna train with us or not?

Master Tazz: If you don't want to, that's fine. You can be a weakling not worthy of anyone's love, especially the one you're seeking.

Sonjo: Please! If anything, I'll be the one giving the instructions!


Master Tazz: Perfect. You should know well by now that my training often brings those included to their absolute limits. Sonjo, I hope you're ready.

Sonjo: When do we start?

Master Tazz: Right now.

*The three of them teleport to the area where Master Tazz usually goes to the train…* (This is the same place where Khan got his power up, if you need a reference.)

Khan: Ah yes, we're here again.

Sonjo: Seriously, what is it that you love about this place?

Khan: Who said anything about loving, let alone liking it?

Sonjo: So you're saying you don't like it?

Khan: I'm saying you're gonna get your ass beat if you don't stop trolling for 5 minutes! Like damn, can't you just stop it for a bit? So annoying, damn!

Sonjo: If anything, you should be happy that I'm still able to have some fun after everything that's happened. Much better than constantly being mad I got beat by a praying mantis. Right, Khan?

Khan: Are you not the same person who got killed by someone who claims to be a steak? You literally got beat by someone who's claiming to be a cow. Now THAT is

utterly hilarious!

Sonjo: That's it! I've had it with your shit! You're going down!

Khan: Bring it bitchjo!

Master Tazz: (Okay I can't lie, that was funny.) Hey you two, knock it off! If killing each other was a part of your training, I would've stated that from the get go.

Sonjo: It isn't?

Master Tazz: Not intentionally…

Sonjo: Are you serious right now?

Master Tazz: Can't handle being trolled, can you Sonjo?

Khan: GOT… HIS… ASS!

Sonjo: I hate y'all so much.

Master Tazz: In any case, I feel the best way to get the results is for you two to battle it out.

Sonjo: Is that even fair?

Khan: Yeah, it'd be a decisive victory in my favor.

Sonjo: What are you implying Khan?

Khan: Umm, how can I put this in a polite way… I'm just, way better than you.

Sonjo: Pssh, yeah right!

Master Tazz: Actually Sonjo, he is. He's gotten way ahead of you since you don't ever train.

Sonjo: What?! But everyone in and out of this universe knows that I'm both the sexiest AND the strongest anime MC!

Master Tazz: Did… you just try to pull a Baron and Ayumi and break the fourth wall?

Khan: What the hell is wrong with you?

Sonjo: I'll tell you what's wrong. Whoever created this story is holding me back from my greatness! As I speak,they're thinking of ways to turn me into a side character!

Khan: I think Ayumi beating his ass really brought out the worst in him. He's finally lost it.

Master Tazz: This has to be some of your best trolling yet.

Sonjo: Thanks!

Master Tazz: I look forward to watching it get beaten out of you.

Sonjo: Wait, what?

Master Tazz: Here's the rules! No powering up into your transformations, and you can only use taijutsu.

Sonjo: Isn't that from Naruto?

Master Tazz: Where do you think they got that from? It's a real form of martial arts.

Khan: Keep it up, Master Tazz might jump in and beat your ass too.

Master Tazz: Actually, not a bad idea. I'll have to keep that in mind.

Sonjo: Wait no! AHHHHH!

Master Tazz: Begin!