NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 24: Tremendous Awakening! Sonjo's Resolve

Sonjo: Now wait just a second Khan. I know what you're thinking, "am I really gonna hit my best friend Sonjo?" And we both know the answ-

(Play Dragon Ball Super OST- Battle: Vegito vs Zamasu)

*Khan flies in punching Sonjo, before sending him sliding across the ground with the force of the punch.*

Khan: HA! I'd apologize for doing that, but we all know I'm not sorry. Now then, c'mon and give me your best shot Sonjo, I'm tired of listening to your shit! If you really think you're the strongest in the world, you'll have to prove it to me.

Sonjo: *Slowly gets up* That is the easiest thing… I'll ever do in my life!

*Sonjo fires a streak of lightning with a punch, and Khan has to dodge it. The two of them begin exchanging strikes.*

Master Tazz: (Hmmm…)

Khan: *Charges in and unleashes a combo, before slamming Sonjo face first into the ground* Ah what's the matter? Is the MC unable to fight without plot?

Sonjo: I don't need plot to beat you! *He releases a shockwave that sends Khan flying*

Master Tazz: (Sonjo's not bad, he definitely has gotten stronger and faster.)

*The two of them clash fists, and are at a stalemate…*

Khan: Not bad Sonjo, seems you've gotten stronger after all.

Sonjo: Of course I have! I'm the strongest one in the world.

Khan: It's too bad your skills are wasted fighting me.

Sonjo: What?

*Khan dodges the punch, before countering with his own punch. The punch sends Sonjo flying to the ground. Sonjo lies on the ground unable to move.*

Khan: It's ridiculous how much stronger I am compared to you.You're an embarrassment to our friend group, and to yourself.

Sonjo: (Tch… *growls*)

Khan: I'm ending this now, this battle is over. *He begins charging up an attack in his hand.*

(Play G Gundam: Hoshikuzu no Requiem)

Sonjo: *He tries to stand up, but he is unable.* (D-Damn it! I don't get it, how am I still not strong enough? I've been keeping up with everyone, even before I was humiliated by that brat. I came back, and had acquired even more power. Why am I still so weak? Why can't I ever save anyone? Why can't I save her?) *He begins seeing visions in his head, visions that shock Sonjo to his very core. He sees his best friends Jin and Khan, lying on the floor. Their lifeless bodies surrounded by pools of their own blood. He stands there in disbelief, when he sees one more body. He sees Skia's body, horribly mutilated.*

Skia': Sonjo…

Sonjo: …!

Skia': You… weren't you there for me.

Sonjo: *Very emotional* … I'm sorry Skia'.

Skia': I was wrong… To ever trust you.

Sonjo: I tried Skia, I really did!

Skia': You always said how you loved me… how you'd always protect me. Your love for me did nothing but get me killed.

Sonjo: But Skia'!

*The last breath of Skia' is drawn, before her life finally passes. His friends begin to wither away, turning into nothing more than ashes. While their bodies wither, their remains are rapidly carried away by the wind.*

Sonjo: (Overcome with emotion) No… no… NO! Guys come back! My life means nothing without y'all! Don't leave me! (Filled with anger and sadness) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

*It's at that moment, where all of Sonjo's fears laid bare. All of the pain caused by his fears have pushed Sonjo to a place where he's never been before. While he lets out his scream, he uses his strength to slowly pick himself up in the real world.*

Khan: That's more like it Sonjo. I had hoped you wouldn't kneel and give up so easily. NOW! Let's see if you're brave enough to face my attack! SHOW ME YOUR RESOLVE SONJO! *He unleashes the attack he'd been charging*

(Play Dragon Ball: Raging Blast ‒ "Final Confrontation" [⟨1080p60res⟩]

*Sonjo stands up, ready to face the attack head on.

Sonjo: (I have to win… I can't lose! How many times has someone else gotten hurt because of my own selfishness? And while I always talk about how great I am, it's always me who needs to be saved by someone. What if what I saw in that vision was true? Maybe I really don't have what it takes to save her… No! I refuse to let that happen! I won't feel sorry for myself anymore!) *Sonjo stops the attack with his hands*

*Just then, the sky is filled with grey clouds and color. The sky has now been filled with roaring thunder, and ferocious lighting. Sonjo, having seen all of his fears come to fruition, is determined to prevent them from happening at all cost.

Master Tazz: (Yes that's it, just a little more Sonjo.)

Khan: (I knew you could do it! But I'm not done yet) Not bad Sonjo, now let's see if you can really stand the heat! *He channels more power into his attack*

(The pain caused by his vision has awakened an amazing power inside of him. A sudden surge of energy begins to flow through Sonjo. First through his veins, before spreading in and out of his body.)


*Sonjo's body becomes engulfed in energy! He pushes the attack back, sending it right back to Khan. Khan uses his own power to deflect the attack back into the sky. After a while, the sky returns to its natural state. When Master Tazz and Khan look down, they see a whole new being.

Khan: He did it…

Master Tazz: Yes, he has.

Khan: I always knew he could do it. Thank you for helping him Master Tazz.

Master Tazz: Hmph, I should be thanking you two for even listening to me.

*The camera pans down to a whole new Sonjo! Sonjo is surrounded by a mass of energy and power. His aura emanates a white color, with blue lightning surrounding him, followed by occasional static shocks. His face full of confidence and possessing his usual smirk*

Sonjo: I did it.

Khan: Yeah, took you long enough. You really had to go and milk it huh?

Sonjo: *Full of happiness* Well, had to make things dramatic, ya know?

Khan: After all this, you're still so gleeful? How is that even possible? I straight up destroyed you.

Sonjo: Those sound like fighting words. Wanna go a few rounds, Khan? *Gets in fighting stance*

Khan: Of course I do. I relish any opportunity to shut you up. *Gets in fighting stance*

Master Tazz: *Sigh…* Oh brother… It's happening again.

*The two of them throw a punch, which was actually just a fist bump. The three of them begin laughing, as the camera pans away.*

(Play episode ending songs G Gundam: Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru and Sanctuary (Ending)

(And thus concludes episode 24! With his resolve renewed, Sonjo looks like he can take on the world. Having overcome the fears in his vision, he now looks to overcome them in real life. Can Sonjo not only face, but overcome his fears? And just lies in store for our heroes? Find out in episode 25 of NECR0-Driver Dawn!)

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)