NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 25: Planned Annihilation

Narrator: Having been quiet for quite a while, the Principality decides to reenter the fray. With them not being seen or heard since the events at Radeon, they have the element of surprise. Still feeling the success of their last attack, they feel like they can do anything they please. And a dangerous enemy is one who has confidence. And nothing can prepare the world for the devastation that they're about to unleash… (Play episode opening songs Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Opening 2 HD 1080p and G Gundam: Unmei no Gong)

(Play Beginning by Daisuke Inoue)

(Our story takes place directly after the events of episode 24. Shenrei is currently standing on a balcony overseeing the Norahs Kingdom…)

Shenrei: (It's been so long since I've had time to sit and reflect like this. I wonder if I've changed in any way. *He looks out to the horizon* This place… is just too small.)

*Just then a familiar face approaches him.* EDN: Yes, I know it's been a long time since we've seen some of these characters. They're getting more screen time, I promise*

Lalah: Captain.

Shenrei: Lalah, it's been a while.

Lalah: It has, how have things been?

Shenrei: We haven't done too much since Radeon, but we control the tide of battle.

Lalah: How much longer do you think this war will continue?

Shenrei: Hard to say, but I know we're definitely winning it.

Lalah: I see…

Shenrei: Something troubling you?

Lalah: I …

Shenrei: Whatever it is you're thinking, I need to know.

Lalah: Captain, do you remember that man you and Graves brought back?

Shenrei: You mean Jin?

Lalah: It's just that… I've been thinking about him since then.

Shenrei: About what?

Lalah: There's something inside of him… I can't describe it. But I'd like to meet him to discover what it is.

Shenrei: How awfully vague of you.

Lalah: Please Captain, I need to see him.

Shenrei: This almost sounds like something very trivial and meaningless. During his capture, we were able to gather invaluable data on how to defeat the enemy. Were you not doing the same? How could something so intangible be of value to you?

Lalah: I don't know how else to say it… But, the power I felt from him before? I believe I can produce something similar.

Shenrei: Oh? Then perhaps you should've started with that. I'm listening.

Lalah: It'd be tricky, but given the right equipment and training, I could produce a similar power for you. It won't be the same, it'd be power all your own. But in terms of strength, you'd rival his own.

Shenrei: Interesting… With this, we could defeat the enemy with ease. How long do you think this would take?

Lalah: A few weeks at most. I wish to have him here so that I learn more about this power.

Shenrei: I see… We should inform Lady Shirina of this immediately.

Lalah: Yes captain.

*The two of them head off into the throne room of the Norahs Kingdom to meet Lady Shirina.* (Play Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam OST 3 Axis)

Lady Shirina: Well well, if it isn't Shenrei.

Graves: And I see you've brought the girl again.

Shenrei: Her name is Lalah, in case you've forgotten.

Graves: Ooooh! I see I've touched a nerve there.

Shenrei: And you'll be touching the pavement unconsciously if you don't shut up.

Graves: Oh ho! Such fiery passion for an underling. I wonder, could there be anything more going on between the two of you? Such an interesting thought!

Shenrei: *Looks with a cold glare* Then perhaps you'd like to challenge that thought.

Graves: Maybe I would.

Lady Shirina: Ugh girls, you're both pretty. Now can we get on to the reason you came here Shenrei?

Shenrei: Lalah here has brought something to my attention. I believe it would be of great interest to you.

Lady Shirina: Go on…

Lalah: As I was telling the captain earlier-

Graves: Not to be persnickety but, you do know he's a commander right?

Shenrei: If you would let her finish…

Lady Shirina: *Giggles*

Lalah: I believe I can replicate the powers of the one you call Jin.

Graves: You mean that little runt? He's nothing special.

Lady Shirina: And yet you were the one who called him a monster.

Graves: We were all thinking it, I just said it.

Shenrei: Is there no time where you two aren't being crude?

Lady Shirina: Sometimes. I must say, you have my attention, darling. But how, pray tell, are you able to do this?

Lalah: With the right equipment, I can produce power for the captain that can rival even the strongest among the Blitzwing.

Lady Shirina: And how long would that take?

Lalah: A few weeks at best.

Lady Shirina: That's quite a bit of time, but the "at best" part has me feeling better about it.

Shenrei: Lalah is very fast about her work. Don't be surprised if it takes even less time than that.

Lady Shirina: You sure are confident in this young girl's abilities. Shall I take that as you vouching for her?

Shenrei: Yes.

Lady Shirina: Fascinating… I intend to make good use of you, yes…

Graves: Why does everything you say have to sound either rude or suggestive?

Shenrei: I don't have an answer other than it's what she does.

Lady Shirina: Get your mind out of the gutter boys. Shenrei, I'm trusting you to oversee this. I want nothing but the best results from you both.

Shenrei: And you will have them, I guarantee it.

Lady Shirina: Good. We must eliminate those who seek to destroy us!

Shenrei: There is one other thing.

Lady Shirina: Oh?

Lalah: My lady, if I may be so bold, I request that we bring Jin back here.

Graves: You're kidding…

Lady Shirina: That IS a bold request. Why is it that you desire his presence here?

Lalah: I wish to learn more about his power so that I can be of further use to the captain.

Lady Shirina: I see, in that case… It shall be done.

Graves: Wait, what?

Shenrei: Come again?

Lady Shirina: Why not? This would be a good opportunity to gather more data on the enemy. Plus, I'm curious to see what becomes of this idea.

Lalah: You are too kind to me, Lady Shirina.

Lady Shirina: Yes… Just make sure you don't disappoint me. Now then, I would like you and Shenrei to begin this immediately. But first… *She calls in a Shirinan soldier into the throne room*

Shirinan Soldier: What is your desire, Lady Shirina?

Lady Shirina: I want you to take the girl here and get her whatever she needs.

Shirinan Soldier: Yes my lady, right away. This way miss.