NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 26: The Fall of Oasis Part 1

Narrator: Lalah has begun her training, and is showing signs of skill and promise. With Shenrei overseeing her training, Graves and Skia' head to Oasis to begin their destruction. As any general knows, plans fail. And one should be ready for the event in which said thing happens. (Play episode opening songs Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Opening 2 HD 1080p and G Gundam: Unmei no Gong)

Lalah: Captain, I did it!

Shenrei: Excellent work Lalah!

Shirinan Soldier: Amazing! Her test scores are off the charts!

Shenrei: Where do her scores rank on our list?

Shirinan Soldier: She's miles above anyone on our list! She's first place, and her scores surpass that of your own.

Shenrei: Incredible… (I knew there was something special about her. I truly did find something in that trash town that day.)

Shirinan Soldier: Commander, did you ever think it was possible for such skill to exist?

Shenrei: I must admit, I didn't think it possible for someone to be so skilled, at least in our lifetime. This just proves beyond anything that Lalah truly is remarkable. I'm impressed by your display of skill Lalah.

Lalah: Thank you captain, it means a lot!

Shirinan Soldier: What are your next requests, commander?

Shenrei: Now that we know how skilled Lalah is, we need to be sure there's consistency to such skill.

Shirinan Soldier: Commander?

Shenrei: Simulations are one thing, but it's nothing compared to the real battlefield. The battlefield will kill both your body and your spirit, before your opponent even has a chance too.

Lalah: Captain…

Shenrei: If you are to assist me in completing my goals Lalah, then I need you ready for battle. Even if you do not engage in any combat, I need you ready.

Lalah: I understand…

Shenrei: Forgive me if I've frightened you Lalah, that wasn't my intention.

Lalah: "The world isn't changed by the intentions of others, it's changed by their actions."

Shenrei: ?

Lalah: It's something I've heard you say in the past. The truth is, I am scared to go on the battlefield, terrified even. But I cannot let my fear stop me from what I must do. I will fight for what I believe in, and I believe in the captain.

Shenrei: It's something I do not take for granted, ever. Then Lalah, are you ready to join this war, and fight at my side?

Lalah: There's no doubt in my mind, I can do it captain!

*Just then, a call comes in from Lady Shirina…*

Shirinan Soldier: Commander, we're receiving a call from Lady Shirina.

Shenrei: Put her through.

Lady Shirina: Commander…

Shenrei: Lady Shirina…

Lady Shirina: I trust that you all have good news to report?

Lalah: Yes my lady.

Shenrei: We've gotten the scores from the simulation training, as well as other tests.

Lady Shirina: What are the results?

Shenrei: Her scores are second to none. Not only do they exceed all else, but their miles beyond anything we've ever seen.

Lady Shirina: Is that so? Then it would seem I owe you an apology for the disrespect I've been giving you.

Lalah: *Nervous…* That… really isn't necessary.

Shenrei: It's not everyday that Lady Shirina apologizes for something.

Lady Shirina: He's right my dear. I suggest you take it.

Lalah: Oh uh alright. I accept your apology, my lady.

Lady Shirina: Shenrei, Lalah, I need the two of you to come to the throne room immediately.

Shenrei: What for?

Lady Shirina: You will be joining Graves and someone else for an urgent matter regarding the future of the Principality.

Shenrei: Is that so?

Lady Shirina: Disappointed Shenrei?

Shenrei: I am, I hate cryptic statements.

Lalah: I'm sure the Lady will tell us what it is if we go and see her.

Lady Shirina: You're beginning to understand, very good. I expect to see you both soon.

Shenrei: Alright, we'll head over there now.

*The call ends…*

Shenrei: (An urgent matter regarding our future huh? This should prove to be an interesting chapter. Lalah, I hope you're ready…)

*The two of them make their way to the throne room, where they see Lady Shirina and a few others waiting on them.* (Play Xehanort - Birth by Sleep- Extended)

Shenrei: Alright, we're here.

Graves: Took you long enough.

Shenrei: Wow Graves, I didn't know I was missed so much!

Skia': Don't forget about me as well.

Lalah: *Hides behind Shenrei…*

Shenrei: It's alright Lalah, she's on our side remember? What're you doing here Skia'?

Skia': Same as you.

Lady Shirina: Now everybody is here.

Shenrei: Indeed.

Skia': So tell us, what have you called us here for?

Lady Shirina: We've received crucial intel on the enemy. Thanks to this intel, we now know where the enemy stronghold is.

Shenrei: Really?

Graves: You almost sound surprised Shenrei.

Shenrei: I'll admit, I am.

Skia': I am too. How were you able to uncover the location of Oasis? The only one here who knew where it was, was me. And even then, I didn't mention it.

Lady Shirina: That I cannot say. If I tell you who revealed this information to me, it would jeopardize… no, ruin everything we have going for us.

Skia': Hmm I see…

Shenrei: Could you be any more cryptic?

Graves: So we know where the enemy stronghold is, whoopty do. What are we gonna do about it?

Lady Shirina: I'm glad you asked Graves! I've decided to send you and Skia' there to dispose of it.

Graves: FINALLY!

Skia': Say what?

Shenrei: I don't think I've seen Graves this pumped in a long time.

Lady Shirina: I do recall asking you if you'd like the chance to prove yourself. Well, I don't think you'll get any better chances than this.

Graves: One chance is all I need. Now everyone else sit back, I'll show you how to get things done!

Shenrei: For once in your life, I hope you mean the right way and not the wrong way.

Skia': Why the hell do I have to go with him? He clearly believes he can do it all on his own. I say let him.

Shenrei: That would be fun to watch.

Lady Shirina: I agree, which is why I'll be watching from the comfort of my seat. But all jokes aside, you're going because you were once a member of the Blitzwing. I doubt word of your betrayal has gotten around very fast, if at all. You don't need to do any fighting, not unless you want to.

Skia': I do like having options… Alright, I'll help Graves see this through.

Graves: Where exactly is this place anyway?

Skia': I can show you where it is. Just know though, Oasis isn't some basic military base that some fool can get lucky and just run through. It's an extremely, heavily fortified base.

Lady Shirina: She's right Graves. You make a mistake, and you'll need more than just a robotic arm. Killing is just as easy as dying, any fool can do both.

Graves: Your concern is touching, but hardly necessary. I've got this in the bag.

Shenrei: I haven't seen Graves this full of himself ever.

Skia': It's almost as if he went to the same buffet as Sonjo. You'd definitely give him a run for his money.

Lady Shirina: Enough! We've wasted enough time sitting here watching Graves stroke his ego. Both of you, get going. And remember, I'll be watching to see how you do.

Skia': I'll be taking my leave then. Meet me aboard the Argo whenever you're done here.

Graves: Worry not, Lady Shirina. You'll be able to witness first hand as I-

Lady Shirina: Just shut up and go!

Graves: *Stammers* I-uh… As you wish.

*Graves and Skia' head to the Argo, where they will soon begin their mission.*