NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 27: The Fall of Oasis Part 2

Narrator: Graves and Skia' are making their way to Oasis, with only one thing on their mind: total annihilation. Meanwhile, Jin is dealing with his own mission in a distant city. With Graves brimming with confidence, and with Skia' for aid should he need it, the Principality look to get a huge victory in the war. But in order for them to do that, they'll need to be ready for anything. And like we've seen so many times before, the enemy can strike at any moment. (Play episode opening songs Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Opening 2 HD 1080p and G Gundam: Unmei no Gong)

Graves: Hey Skia', I've been wondering about something.

Skia': And that is?

Graves: Why are you even here?

Skia': What?

Graves: I mean, we destroyed your city, or at least I did. We've fought y'all quite a few times, and dealt several levels of damage to y'all. Why would you even switch over to our side? It just doesn't make sense.

Skia': My reasons are my own.They are the same now, as they always will be. 

Graves: Gee, could you be any more cryptic or what?

Skia': I could, but I don't think you'd enjoy it very much. 

Graves: Lucky me, I guess…

Shirinan Soldier: We'll be at Oasis in about 10 minutes sir and ma'am.

Skia': Please don't ever call me that again.

Graves: Heh, well alright then! Now we're getting somewhere!

Shirinan Soldier: Of course, my apologies. 

Skia': Why are you being so formal anyway?

Shirinan Soldier: Lady Shirina told me to do anything in my power to ensure you both had a safe and enjoyable trip. Plus, this is just standard protocol.

Graves: I guess I gave the Blitzwing crew too much credit. I shouldn't have expected pigs to be able to use proper english.

Skia': For once, I agree with you.

Graves: Is that so? This truly is a historic day.

Skia': Well you're certainly full of charisma. How about you use some of it to tell me about this plan of yours?

Graves: But of course. So, here's what I'm thinking...

(Meanwhile… Jin and Mamiko are walking through Takar, with Taliyah running slightly ahead of them.)

Mamiko: So…

Jin: Yes?

Mamiko: You're not particularly happy. Is something making you upset?

Jin: You had to ask? I didn't realize I was a master of subtlety. Guess I'm better at hiding my emotions than I give myself credit for. 

Mamiko: More like a master of being rude… What gives?

Jin: I'd rather not talk about something like that to someone I barely know.

Mamiko: But surely you'd wanna tell your story?

Jin: My story consists of many tragedies, betrayals, and a lifetime of torment that even now hasn't ended. Do you really want to know my story?

Mamiko: Why not?

Jin: You couldn't handle it…

Mamiko: Try me.

Jin: You're so damn stubborn. Seems we do have something in common after all.

Mamiko: Being stubborn can be good at times.

Jin: Believe me, I'm in full support of this belief. Tell you what, I'll tell you everything you want to know about me.

Mamiko: Really?

Jin: But in exchange… When I finish doing that, you must tell me everything I want to know about you.

Mamiko: Deal!

(Just then, Taliah stops running and returns to her moms leg. She begins hiding behind Mamiko's leg, looking very frightened.)

Jin? Hmm

Mamiko: Hey sweetie, what's wrong?

Jin: Yeah, you look like a deer caught in headlights…

(It's at that moment that they both look up and see a figure standing in front of them. Mamiko looks on, confusion and anger setting in for her child being scared. Jin looks on with a death stare. He knows full well who this is, and what them being here means.)

Rin: Simply amazing Jin!

Jin: *Annoyed growl* You…

Rin: No hello?

Jin: What do you want?

Rin: I've been looking for you.

Taliah: *nervous* Who is she?

Jin: You two stay back, this is mine to handle. *He walks forward a bit* Well, you found me. What now?

Rin: What are you doing here Jin? Shouldn't you be with your friends on the Blitzwing?

Mamiko: Blitzwing?

Jin: Not anymore…

Rin: Come now Jin. We both know that we can't escape our painful pasts. It's impossible to do so.

Mamiko: What is she talking about?

Jin: I'm only gonna ask you this one more time. What do you want?

Rin: I know that look in your eyes. You're not here to escape from the Sarlen, you know that'd be foolish.

Jin: …

Rin: I know what it is that you want. I'm here to tell you to rethink your decision.

Jin: Rethink?

Rin: Don't be daft Jin, don't act like it isn't written all over your face. You won't accomplish anything if you go right now.

Jin: Is that so?

Rin: You'll do nothing but help their cause if you leave now. 

Jin: You're right. I'm listening…

Rin: We need to rally support against them. There are so few of us who know the true colors of The Principality. I can tell you're losing the light within you. The time isn't right.

Jin: You have a plan then?

Rin: I do. I've received word that they're planning to destroy Oasis very soon.

Jin: *Gasp, and then laughs* The Principality wouldn't try that, they'd get stopped by the Blitzwing crew if they did.

Rin: Did that stop them from destroying Wabba City? Did that stop them from project VP? You know better than that Jin. The fact of the matter is that people are going to die, lots of them.

Jin: If you've got time to sit here and tell me all of this, couldn't you just have told them yourself?

Rin: They'd never believe me, not before it was too late. And besides, we need the world to see them for what they are.

Jin: What are you planning?

Rin: I know what they plan to do. Graves and Skia' are leading this mission.

Jin: Skia'... (So, this is what you've decided on huh?)

Rin: Graves may be strong, but his ego is big enough to compensate for his lack of decency… and probably other things.

Jin: Umm… didn't need or want to know that.

Taliah: Mommy, what does that mean?

Mamiko: *Covers her ears* JUST STOP LISTENING!

Rin: Oh whoops, forgot there was a child here. Sorry about that, hehe.

Mamiko: Bitch…

Rin: Back to my point, the one thing we can always count on is Graves getting full of himself. His pride and arrogance always provide an opening no matter the situation.

Jin: That's true, keep going…

Rin: They plan to announce their destruction over the PA system at Oasis, just to mock them before their self proclaimed final moments. But if someone were to get hold of that, and broadcast it over every satellite, putting it in front of the entire planet…

Jin: Then the world would be forced to realize they're a bunch of low level scum! I like this, when will you go?

Rin: Hold on Jin, there's a catch to this. I can guarantee you aren't going to like it.

Jin: Of course not…

Rin: Since we need to expose them, we need them to commit a crime first. 

Jin: No…

Rin: I'm sure you see where I'm going with this. 

Jin: I do, and you're damn right I don't like it. Hell no!

Rin: It's the only way Jin.

Jin: You'd really ask me to sit back and watch as innocents get murdered?

 Rin: This your first time?

Mamiko: Well this got lewd very quick…

Jin: Get your mind out from the bottom of the ocean please.

Rin: In order for this to work, people are going to die Jin. Don't forget, this is war. 

Jin: You're asking me to take a lot on faith…

Rin: I'm asking you to trust me.

Jin: You seem a little too eager about this plan.

Rin: I admit, I do hope to see them suffer a bit for what they did to me. But ultimately, our goals are the same. We wish to see The Principality destroyed by any means.

Jin: *Takes a deep breath* Alright… I'll trust you.

Rin: There's just one more thing Jin.

Jin: What's that?

Rin: *Chuckles* I like this little family you've started, but what do you think Roux will do to you once she finds out?


Rin: No need to be embarrassed about it, Jin. Alright, I better go, I've used up a lot of time. Make sure you're ready when the time comes Jin.

Jin: Don't worry, I will be.

Rin: I certainly hope so.

*Rin vanishes just like that, without leaving a trace. Mamiko and Taliah look confused*

Mamiko: Okay, who the hell was that?!

Taliah: *Gasp* Ooooh mommy you swore! You owe me $5 for my swear jar!

Jin: Actually she owes you $10. She did it earlier when your ears were covered.

Taliah: YAY! Now I'm closer to getting that new toy! 

Mamiko: Taliah, that isn't really a swear word.

Jin: It is the way you used it.

Taliah: Teehee, thank you mister!

Mamiko: Ugh! You're a real pain Jin, you know that?

Jin: Yeah, I get that a lot.

Mamiko: But what was that all about?

Jin: I'll explain later. Right now, we need to get you both home and fast.

Mamiko: Why?

Jin: Whatevers about to happen next, will not be pretty. This place hasn't been affected by the war yet, but that could easily change. I've got a bad feeling about this.