NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 26: The Fall of Oasis Part 1

*Jin begins walking away from the crowd, and towards a less populated part of the city. He settles in a park, when he once again hears someone calling out to him.

Mamiko: Hey you!

Jin: Hm? *Exasperated groan* You again, what now?

Mamiko: Back there, you said something about moving forward. How exactly do you move forward?

Jin: Seriously? You can't figure it out on your own?

Mamiko: Stop wasting time! Do you know the answer or not?

Jin: No I don't, and it's not something that you can just easily figure out either. It takes time and experience, of which everyone has different versions of. My experiences will never be the same as yours. We are two different people, living two different lives. I can only give you advice based on the life I've lived, and even that would not be sufficient for you.

Mamiko: Who are you?

Jin: I'm no one, just a vessel from other people's ambitions.

Mamiko: I meant your name…

Jin: Wouldn't you love to know. *He begins walking away when he feels something tugging on his arm*

Taliah: Where are you going mister?

Jin: Somewhere I can find the truth.

Taliah: The truth? Why do you want to find that?

Jin: The truth is everything. Living under misinformation all your life is just as good as being dead. I need the truth, and I'm going to find it.

Taliah: Ohhhh! *Continues following him*

Jin: What are you doing?

Taliah: Following you.

Jin: Please don't, I hate being followed. Besides, I don't have time to play any games or babysit. *He notices her still following him* Hey, stop it!

Mamiko: Taliah, that's enough! I apologize mister-

Jin: *Continues walking away before he feels another tug on his arm* *Exasperated sigh* You're really just gonna follow me around forever huh?

Taliah: Yep!

Jin: Why?

Taliah: Because you're nice!

Jin: You just follow anyone who happens to be nice huh? Are you not gonna get your kid?

Mamiko: Sorry, but I can't do that. Once she's made up her mind, she's gonna do whatever she wants.

Jin: And you have no intention of stopping this? You really are a bad parent.

Mamiko: What?! That's it, now I'm gonna follow her with you just to spite you!

Jin: You fools, you're both going to regret that decision. I'll warn you now though, following me is the worst decision you could ever make.

Taliah: No more talkie, way more walkie!

Jin: Are you for real?

Mamiko: You heard the lady!

Jin: *Exasperated groan* … Jin.

Mamiko: Huh?

Jin: My name.

Mamiko: I'm Mamiko, and you've already met my daughter Taliah.

Jin: Mamiko? What kind of name is that?

Mamiko: I'm named after a historical leader of this city.

Jin: Alrighty then. Let's get going then, I guess.

*The three of them continue traversing through the city. Meanwhile, back at the Norahs kingdom… Lady Shirina, Shenrei, and Lalah are seeing Graves and Skia' off.* (Play Naruto Shippūden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 ‒ Story Board: "Creation" (S. Board Theme #1) [⟨4K60res⟩]

Graves: Hey Skia', you know how to work any of the systems at Oasis?

Skia': Only the one that sends messages to the Blitzwing crew.

Graves: Perfect.

Skia': Why do I get the feeling you've hatched another "brilliant" plan in that head of yours?

Graves: Because I have. When we get there, can you send a message to them for me?

Skia': Sure, I suppose it wouldn't kill me. What exactly did you have in mind?

Graves: *Evil smirk and chuckle* The complete and total annihilation of Oasis.

Narrator: Hey guys! It's me Baron! WOW! It looks like Graves has finally decided to stop holding back, and unleash his terror upon Oasis. Skia's with him too, still can't believe she would betray us! Just when I was getting ready to give her one of my Baron action figures too..


Baron Hampton: Hm? Oh, right! Will anyone be able to stop Graves now that he's actually trying? And just what in the world is Jin doing with his life? We find out all that and more, on the next episode of NECRO-Driver Dawn!

(Play episode ending songs G Gundam: Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru and Sanctuary (Ending)

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)