NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 28: Reunion in Takar

  Narrator: Oasis is gone, the Blitzwing is heavily damaged, and the Principality has

made a definitive strike against the Blitzwing crew in the war. With their main base of operations destroyed, the Blitzwing crew need to respond in kind, and fast. Thankfully for them, a normally quiet voice steps up to point them in the right direction. And this right direction leads right into a reunion… (Play episode opening songs Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Opening 2 HD 1080p and G Gundam: Unmei no Gong)

(This episode takes place right where the last one left off.)

Capt. Maeko: Graves, Shenrei, Shirina, I hope you're ready. There won't be any mercy shown for you!

Sonjo: But what exactly is our plan? You saw Graves was strong enough to match me AND Khan. And that's even after we developed our newfound power. 

Khan: Right. How did he get so strong?

Master Tazz: It's possible that he underwent the same level of training that I gave the two of you. But… even were that the case, his growth is way too unnatural. The thing about you two is that you already had prior experience, and a hard worth ethic, you just needed a push.

Capt. Maeko: So what's the deal with Graves then?

Master Tazz: The power Graves displayed is like that one gets when they receive power, and nothing more. Someone must've given Graves power, because he could never achieve that level on his own.

Khan: Are you suggesting that power isn't his own? 

Kira: They did capture Jin once right? Maybe they learned how to harness some of the power from the NECRO-Driver during that time. 

Capt. Maeko: That's a good point, I suppose we can't rule out that possibility either.

Sonjo: So what do we do then?

Capt. Maeko: *Begins to think deeply…*

Fadra: Uhhh excuse me everyone?

*Everyone turns and sees Fadra and Alex entering the room*

Capt. Maeko: Yes Fadra, what is it?

Fadra: I think Alex and I have something that could be helpful for you all.

Capt. Maeko: Really? I'm ready to hear it then. 

Fadra: Well… there's a nearby city called Takar, have you heard of it?

Khan: Takar?

Master Tazz: Takar is a city that has been around for a very long time. It's most known for their historical leader, Mamiko Yuy, who guided the city through several crises. Make no mistake, her influence is felt all throughout the city.

Sonjo: Then it's definitely an important city.

Fadra: It's also one of the few remaining cities that have stayed neutral throughout the war. But I don't think that's going to last very long.

Zach: What do you mean?

Alex: Takar is the host to the Assembly Negotiations for Peace, or the ANP for short. They haven't had to hold any for a good while, since they've been able to maintain their neutrality. However…

Zach: The Principality…

Alex: Exactly. Now they've gone ahead and called one, to determine if staying neutral in the war is really the way forward. 

Khan: You'd think after everything that's happened, the answer would be simple.

Capt. Maeko: Yet in war, nothing hardly ever is. So Alex and Fadra, what are you both suggesting?

Alex: That we take over this assembly, and declare to the world to rise up and stop the Principality.

Zach: Is something like that even allowed?

Capt. Maeko: The lines tend to get blurred in times of war. But after what they pulled at Oasis, the Principality will definitely have an advantage. If they didn't already have people wrapped around their thumbs, they do now.

Alex: Takar is a big city, so we'll need all hands on deck in order to pull this one off. 

Capt. Maeko: What do you have in mind?

Fadra: First, we'll need to get the proper clothing so that we fit in. I know a place where we can get some clothes, we just need to get in without being noticed. 

Master Tazz: Then perhaps it's best we go in our civilian clothing then.

Sonjo: Works for me, I do have the best fashion sense among the crew.

Khan: Sonjo… Nevermind.

Alex: Next, we need someone to take care of all the camera related things. Set up, and then display across the entire world once we get to the next step.

Kira: Zach and I can handle that.

Zach: No problem, leave it to us!

Alex: This last part is the most important part, so we need to really think this one over before we go through with it.

Capt. Maeko: What is it?

Alex: Once we get into the assembly, we'll only have a limited amount of time before things finish. When the time is right, one of us we'll take over the assembly, and give a speech rallying for support. 

Capt. Maeko: As the leader of the Blitzwing, it's my responsibility to take on such a burden, so I'll do it.

Khan: But there's still one problem with this…

Alex: And what's that?

Khan: Capt. Maeko himself isn't enough to rally enough people behind the Principality. He's an honorable man, a good leader, and always respectful. But after what happened at Oasis, we need someone who we could REALLY get everyone to rally behind.

Sonjo: Wow, way to have faith, Khan.

Capt. Maeko: No, he's right. Had recent events not happened at all, then our chances of succeeding would've been higher. But we're under a lot of pressure, we need to bring out our best, and hope it's enough.

Alex: How about Master Tazz?

Zach: Yeah! He was widely regarded as being the best martial artist ever. If we show we have him on our side, people are sure to rally!

Master Tazz: But not enough to make a meaningful difference. Besides, the world thinks I'm dead, and only us and the Principality know that I'm not. Letting the world know I'm alive could compromise our entire goal. 

Kira: I see your point.

Master Tazz: We need someone with a much bigger influence over people, someone the entire world would freeze if they saw. Someone like-

Baron Hampton/Ayumi: *In unison* Like us?

*Everyone turns around and are shocked to see Baron and Ayumi*

Sonjo: * Exasperated* Oh noooooooooooooo!

Khan: What the hell are you two doing here?

Ayumi: Isn't it obvious? We're here to help!

Alex: Help my brain cells die faster maybe. 

Baron Hampton: Oh come on! What did we do to deserve that?

Blitzwing Crew: *In unison* Do you have all day?

Baron Hampton: Look, we're sorry about all the ways we've screwed you over, and we're sorry for putting you all in the situation you're in now. This entire thing is our fault, and we're ready to fix everything.

Khan: I don't believe you.

Sonjo: Me either.

Capt. Maeko: Fix everything? Because of your selfishness, and refusal to help, plenty of people have died. We've lost plenty of people who were leading happy lives, because all you two wanted to do was raise steaks! Those people had husbands, wives, children, they had families… You took all of that away from them and more. So you'll have to forgive me if I don't buy your apologies for one second. You want  forgiveness? You better earn it.

Master Tazz: Not only that, but only one of you apologized. How are we supposed to believe Ayumi is sincere, when she herself didn't apologize?

Ayumi: Aw what? 

Baron Hampton: *Philosophical look and voice*Alright then… You've left us with no other choice.

Sonjo: What?

Ayumi: We realize now that there's only one way to convince you we're genuine in our desire to right all of the wrongs we've made.

Khan: I'm curious to see how you plan on doing that. 

Baron Hampton: Ayumi!

Ayumi: Right! 

*The two of them take out a bag of all their favorite things. Limited edition Baki manga, Baron and Ayumi merch, and several actual steaks they kept for good luck.*

Kira: Isn't this your bag of prized possessions? 

Zach: What exactly are you doing?

*The two of them toss the bag out the window, before throwing a lighter on it, setting the bag ablaze.*

Alex: What the hell?!

Ayumi: NOW do you believe us?

Fadra: That bag had stuff that you all worked your entire life for! You'd burn everything away so easily?

Baron Hampton: It is because of us, that the world itself has almost burned. All that we've worked for is meaningless if we don't win this war. 

Capt. Maeko: You're truly sincere about your desire to help?

Ayumi: We are.

Capt. Maeko: Then you can start by helping us out once we get to Takar.

Ayumi: Don't worry, we won't let you all down!

Baron Hampton: I know that a huge part of your misfortune is our fault. Just know this, we'll do everything to make up for whatever we can.

Master Tazz: Let us hope it'll be enough.

Capt. Maeko: Right, onward to Takar!