NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 28: Reunion in Takar

(The Blitzwing crew head off towards Takar, where they hope to deal a devastating strike to the Principality. Meanwhile, in Takar…) (Play Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD ReMix -Treasured Memories- Extended)

Jin: *Sitting on a tree branch, lost in thought* (Ya know… Maybe I'm doing it all wrong.)

Mamiko: Jin!

Jin: *Snaps out of it, and sees Taliah and Mamiko waving at him* Yeah?

Mamiko: C'mon! It's time to go.

Jin: Okay! *He jumps down and walks toward them*

Taliah: *Runs up to hug him* Meesta Jin!

Jin: *Hugs with a confused smile* Meesta? Don't you mean mister?

Mamiko: She likes to pronounce things in a rather funny way.

Jin: So I've noticed. 

*The three of them begin walking off towards the house where Mamiko and Taliah stay with their grandparents.*

Mamiko: Ya know Jin, I've been meaning to ask you something. 

Jin: What is it?

Mamiko: You've been here in Takar for quite a while now. Aren't you going to go back to your blitzwing?

Jin: No.

Mamiko: Why not? You don't want to?

Jin: I don't know if I can ever go back.

Mamiko: What about your friends and your comrades? Don't you miss them? Don't you want to go back and help them out?

Jin: Of course I do, you know that. But…

Mamiko: But what?

Jin: So long as my past continues to haunt me, I'll never be able to go back there.

Mamiko: Isn't that why you get rid of whatever's causing you that stress?

Jin: That is exactly why I left. This is something I have to do alone.

Mamiko: I don't understand…

Jin: Look at Taliah. She's able to live her life without the worries of war. She lives somewhere where the effects of war haven't been felt for a very long time. I'm a soldier. What I want doesn't matter when the world's at stake. I have to solve my problems in my own way.

Mamiko: And you're sure this is the only way?

Jin: Of course it isn't, but it's the only way for me.

*Meanwhile…* (Stop playing song…) 

Zach: Landing complete. 

Kira: We've arrived undetected.

Capt. Maeko: I can always count on you two to land us safely. 

Khan: Alright, what first? 

Alex: First, we need to get into the city. Since we're already dressed up in civilian clothes, it should be easy. 

Fadra: Afterwards, Baron, Ayumi, and Capt. Maeko will head to the assembly. I'll lead you to where you need to go. 

Sonjo: What about the rest of us?

Capt. Maeko: We'll need you all to be ready to stop anyone who tries to interfere. We can't risk this plan failing. Plans fail, but this is one that cannot! 

Master Tazz: The Principality is sure to have a presence here as well. We need to be ready for anything. 

Baron Hampton: And we will be.

Alex: Alright, is everyone ready?

Capt. Maeko: Let's do this. The fate of the entire war depends on our execution here today. The eyes of the world are on us today.

(The blitzwing crew head into Takar and discuss their plans while they enter…) 

Alex: Alright, once we get into the city, we'll only have a limited amount of time to get ready. 

Fadra: Baron, Ayumi, Capt. Maeko, please come with me. The assembly will start any moment. 

Baron Hampton: Alright

Capt. Maeko: Once we're done, let's all meet up in the town square. It should be void of people by the time we're finished. 

(They all go and get ready for the assembly. A quick time skip ahead to when everyone's ready…) 

Jin: So what do we have to do today?

Mamiko: My grandparents need help building something for Taliah.

Jin: What is it?

Taliah: Grandma and grandpa are building me a swing and a treehouse!

Jin: Oh wow, that's so cool!

Roux: There you are, I've been looking for you.

(Jin, Mamiko, and Taliah stop in their tracks when they hear Roux speaking. Jin is very surprised to see her.) (Play Mobile Suit Z Gundam: A New Translation OST - 再会の風/Winds of Reunion)

Jin: Roux?

Roux: Jin, I need to talk to you.

Mamiko: Jin, who is she?

Jin: Roux, why are you here?

(Just then, Fadra, Baron, Ayumi, Alex, Kira, Zach, and Capt. Maeko all arrive…)

Baron Hampton: Huh? 

Capt. Maeko: Jin, it's you!

Jin: Guys, what are you all doing here?

(Just then, Sonjo, Khan, and Master Tazz arrive as well…)

Khan: *Gasp*

Sonjo: Hey, why is everyone looking slack jawed? Huh? *Gasps* Jin?

(They all stand there momentarily silent, before someone breaks the silence…)

Khan: Jin, what are you doing here?

Jin: I could ask you all the same thing. 

Capt. Maeko: We're here for the assembly. 

Jin: Assembly?

Mamiko: The Assembly Negotiations for Peace. If you're hoping to get your seats, then you're too late. 

Capt. Maeko: We're not here for seats, we're here to take it over. We have plans to get our message across to the entire planet, in hopes that they'll rise up against the Principality again.

Mamiko: Then I advise you to turn back now. You'll never be able to convince the city to take action against them, let alone get in the assembly. 

Baron Hampton: Actually, we've already devised a plan to get in there.

Mamiko: Wait… Are you…

Taliah: *Gasps* Mommy, mommy! That's-

Baron Hampton: Shhhhhhh! *Looks around* The world doesn't know about the two of us yet. We'll reveal that we're alive during the assembly. 

Taliah: Oh, okay! 

Ayumi: Always nice to meet another fan! 

Alex: I still maintain that after all you've done, you two shouldn't have any.

*Just then, the town square's bell rings signaling the top of the hour*

Zach: What's that?

Mamiko: That's the town square bell. It rings once at the top of every hour.

Capt. Maeko: We're wasting time sitting here, we need to get going before it's too late!

Fadra: Baron, Ayumi, Capt. Maeko, we must leave now. If we don't, the assembly will be over before we can even start our plan.

(Play Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories - Just Wondering - Extended)

Khan: Why don't you come with us Jin? We could use the help in case something goes wrong.

Sonjo: Yeah, join us Jin. 

Baron Hampton, Ayumi, Sonjo: *In unison repeatedly* Join us Jin. 

Roux: Can you all shut the hell up? 

Mamiko: Please!

Capt.Maeko: Alright, I'm done waiting. Let's get going already.

Master Tazz: You all go ahead. We'll stay out here and run defense should anything go awry. 

Capt. Maeko: Sounds good. Fadra, Baron, Ayumi, let's move. 

Baron Hampton: Right!