NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 29: Lightning Strikes A Shadow!


Sonjo: *Running towards where he heard everyone would be be* I've gotta go faster! *He hears the sound of fighting in the background, before seeing a giant blast of smoke* That's it, just a bit further! 

(Cutting back to Master Tazz and Skia', both are currently spaced out, trying to figure out their next move.

Skia': All who stand in my way face a cold grave. I'll slaughter anything who gets in my way, everyone, EVERYTHING!

Master Tazz: (Quite a formidable opponent you are Skia'. So, how exactly do I…) ?! (He sees Fadra off in the distance.) (Fadra!)

Fadra: (This is my chance to be rid of this demon once and for all. I won't let Master Tazz be the one to take her down.) 

Master Tazz: (What is she doing? Why is she here?!)

Fadra: (She begins running towards Skia' with a dagger in her hand.) (I must stop Skia', I will!) *She begins having flashbacks of her good memories with Roux, and remembers how much she loves her sister. She freezes in place right behind Skia', being overcome with guilt for endangering herself, against her sister's wishes.) (I'm sorry Roux… I can't do it.) 

Skia': *Notices Fadra behind her, and turns around and chokes her while reaching for her scythe.* 

Master Tazz: *Running to protect Fadra* Don't! Skia'!!!

*Skia' slashes at Fadra, but she misses as Sonjo jumps in and rescues her. Skia' and Master Tazz look on…*

Fadra: Sonjo?

Master Tazz: *Jumps beside Sonjo and Khan, who have just recently arrived and returned respectively.* Who says lightning strikes aren't planned out? I didn't expect you, but you saved her.

Sonjo: Skia', what happened to you? The Skia' I knew would never think of doing something like this.

Skia': The Skia' you knew is dead, I killed her.

Master Tazz: Even you should be able to see it now Sonjo. She's not the Skia' you knew.

Sonjo: Skia', Roux told us the truth about everything. She told us about how you, Jin, and Roux are all connected. I still haven't made sense of it, but it doesn't matter. What you desire, wanting revenge… I get it. 

Skia': How could you possibly get anything? How could you, who hasn't been wronged anywhere near the level I have, understand anything about it? You're nothing but an idiot! My revenge… I finally got some not too long ago, on someone dear to y'all, Kabuto.

Master Tazz: (She was the one responsible for that?) 

Skia': I've never felt so GOOD before. I feel like I actually have a life for once. To end this war, one and for all. Isn't this what you Blitzwing members have been aiming for all along? You sought my help to do so before so fine, I'll help end this war quickly. By killing all of you, and destroying the world itself! Before creation comes your total annihilation! And I'll finally receive my restoration through purification! 

Master Tazz: (Darkness… It is the constant presence of hatred and darkness that has presented us with the Skia' we have now.)

Khan: (Sonjo, what's going on in that head of yours?)

Master Tazz: Sonjo, enough. Let me handle this.

Sonjo: *Begins walking toward Skia') Just keep it going, and I'll reach her. I feel it.

Master Tazz: ?!

Sonjo: Master Tazz and Khan, please don't interfere. I know I can reach her, I'm almost there. 

Master Tazz: What? Reach her how?

Skia': Now you next? Sonjo

(Play song Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3- Seeking Answers(Extended)

Sonjo: I'll finally reach you, in this fight!

Skia': Heh heh heh…

*She pulls out her scythe, swinging it at Sonjo. Sonjo dodges it before pulling out his bo staff and going on the offensive.*

Skia': There's no one to save you, Sonjo!

Sonjo: Skia'... you're…

*Sonjo starts fighting more defensively, seeming scared and anxious…*

Skia': Sonjo, is that all you've got?!

Sonjo: (Stay with her Sonjo, you can reach her. You know you can.)

Skia': I'll destroy you and the world, everything!

*The two of them jump to gather themselves. The two of them clash with their weapons. Face to face with Skia'...*

Skia': You're so pathetic, Sonjo. Your love for me means nothing. I don't care about you or anyone else. 

Sonjo: *Has a flashback of his previous conversation with Master Tazz and Khan* (You're so pathetic

Sonjo! Well, have you seen what Skia' really thinks of you? Have you?!) *Back to the fight…* (I endured so much, for so long, and I'm finally here. Skia', you can keep on wishing for revenge… you can even keep erasing "us"... But our love… the love that took so much work to form,) It isn't something I'll give up that easily! Stop! Stop and just listen Skia'! The Principality just wants to use you, and then throw you away like trash!

Skia': Hmph… If it means I get my revenge, then the consequences don't matter. 

Sonjo: You… SKIA'! 

*The two of them continue to fight, while the howls of their emotions rage throughout the valley.*

Skia': What about your dream of helping others? If you've got time to be lusting after me, you should be helping those in need. Right, Sonjo?

Sonjo: How could I ever help those in need, if I can't even help the most important person to me. You think the world would ever allow me to do that, do you Skia'?

Skia': Last time, I left a gash in your back. This time, I'll leave one in your heart. 

*The two of them pause momentarily, before exchanging glares, and continuing their fight. The two of them fight, the beats and emotions of their hearts on full display, syncing beautifully and masterfully, as two former lovers fight for every possible edge. When one gains the advantage, the other quickly turns things around in their favor. They're both even, and they both clash with their weapons, before sending each other back several feet. Both of them running out of breath, Sonjo and Skia'...*

Sonjo: *Trying to catch his breath*

Skia': *Wipes the blood from her mouth, before grinning. She puts her scythe away, before gathering energy in her hand. A huge amount of energy, combined with the very dark and demonic aura of Skia' surrounds her and begins to expand.* It's time to end this. 

*Sonjo looks at Skia', before looking down, and closing his eyes. He charges up electricity in his hand, before turning his hand into the shape of a spear. Like Skia', his energy continues to grow, surrounding his body and the area nearby in lightning. The two of them stand for a while, before charging at each other.*

Sonjo: (You know, Skia'... To me… Our love means more than life itself…) Lighting Spear!

Skia': Demonic Fang! 

*The two attacks collide, before they're both engulfed by the energy they created. The two of their attacks gone, the two of them stare at each, speechless. Reminded of the moments they shared, Sonjo reaches his hand out, but Skia' just ignores it. The two of them return back to the normal setting, before they started fighting* (Stop playing the song) 

Master Tazz: Sonjo, you're back! 

Khan: Are you all right?

Sonjo: I'm fine. Where's Skia'?

*They look over to see Skia' still trying to recover from the attack.*

Fadra: She's seriously hurt. That last attack she did took a lot out of her. 

Sonjo: Skia' you…

*Just then, Shenrei appears out of nowhere…*

Shenrei: Well well, if it isn't the members of the Blitzwing. Have you all improved since we last met?

Master Tazz: I was about to ask you the same thing.

Khan: You're more than welcome to see for yourself, Shenrei.

Shernei: Temper, temper! Best not get ahead of ourselves Khan. You wouldn't want to die prematurely, would you?

Khan: You bitch…

Shenrei: Let's go Skia', you've overused your powers too much in these fights. 


Shenrei: As for the rest of you, allow me a message. The next time we meet, will be the last time we do. Give up now while you can, your defeat is imminent. 

Sonjo: HA! Like you stand a chance of winning. Just wait, we're gonna send you through the gates of oblivion.

Shenrei: I look forward to seeing how you do.