NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 29: Lightning Strikes A Shadow!

*Shenrei and Skia' vanish in a cloud of smoke, leaving everyone else behind.* 

Master Tazz: Looks like the time has come for us to end things.

Khan: Good, cuz I've had just about enough of them.

Sonjo: Then let's get everyone together, and make one final push. The fate of the world depends on it. Fadra, don't think we forgot about you. C'mon, we need you.

Fadra: I…

Master Tazz: I know what you're thinking Fadra, you needn't say it. It's not your fault. Let's head back to the Blitzwing, it's time we won this war once and for all. 

Sonjo: Yeah! 

(They all head back to the Blitzwing, where they will rest for the upcoming battle ahead of them. Meanwhile, back at the Norahs Kingdom…) (Play song Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam OST 3 Axis) 

Lady Shirina: Tell me what happened…

*Shenrei fills her in on everything that Skia' told him, while Skia' rests in a nearby rejuvenation chamber.) (No, not that one…) 

Graves: Damn, that's crazy!

Lady Shirina: Yes, it is… And it looks like they've finally decided to stop holding back.

Shenrei: It would seem so.

Lady Shirina: *Stands up from her throne* Then it's time I stop holding back as well. If this is to be the final battle, then I will join to ensure our victory. All that stands in our way will suffer complete and total annihilation. Let the world know once and for all that the Principality reigns supreme! It's time we settle this war, once and for all.

Shenrei: I agree, it's about time we had the battle to end all battles… The ultimate battle.

Graves: Heh, gotta be honest, those are some amazing speeches y'all did there. I'm all pumped for this now! 

Lady Shirina: Then let's waste no time. Skia' will just have to join us once she's done recovering. Shenrei, Graves, it's time to end this. 

(Switch to song Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix - Dearly Beloved (Extended) (Meanwhile in Takar…)

Jin: (I can feel it, the time draws near. This war is about to end, and I can't stay anymore. I have to go out and fight to save all that I love and care about.)

Taliah: Hey! Meesta Jin! 

Jin: (He sees Taliah running over to him with Mamiko not too far behind) Taliah…

Taliah: What's wrong? You look sad.

Jin: I am, at least a little. 

Taliah: Did your girlfriend break up with you?

Jin: *Chuckles* No silly, she's not my girlfriend. Listen, I really appreciate your hospitality. But… I can't stay here anymore.

Mamiko: You can't? Why not?

Jin: You remember what Rin said right? About the Blitzwing and the war? Well, I left behind people who were very important to me. People whose heart I've become a part of, just as they've become a part of mine. I can't stay here while they risk their lives, they need me.

Taliah: But Meesta Jin, you…

Jin: Taliah, you and your mom are able to live peaceful lives away from the effects of war. You have peace that most won't ever attain in their lifetime. I have to fight to keep that peace. Don't worry, I'll come back to both of you alive. I promise.

Taliah: You promise?

Jin: I promise. 

Mamiko: How do we know you'll keep it?

Jin: I made you a promise, and my promises are everything to me. *He takes off a wristband he had been wearing since he was a child* Here, I want you to have this.

Mamiko: What is it?

Jin: As a kid, I had a special encounter with someone. They said it gave special properties to the wearer. "So long as you wear this band, you will never come to harm." It's kept me safe throughout my life, so I want you to have it. Let me keep you safe.

Taliah: *She puts it on, and looks at it, before running up to Jin and giving him a big hug* Yeah well, my hugs have magic powers too! Let me keep you safe.

Mamiko: You really have to go?

Jin: It's just… They really need me. I have to go… All that I am, is because of them. 

Mamiko & Taliah: *Both give Jin a big hug before backing away* See you soon! 

Jin: Yeah. Take care, okay? 

(Jin calls his mech down, and begins preparing to leave Takar. Before leaving, he looks back at Taliah and Mamiko. He gives a confident smile, and a big thumbs up. He then flies away, leaving Takar behind to fight for the world yet again.*

(Play episode ending songs G Gundam: Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru and Sanctuary (Ending)

Narrator: Hey guys, it's me Baron! Man, things sure are getting intense huh? I can feel the heat coursing through my body! 

Ayumi: Big brother, that's just the hot wings you had from earlier…

Baron Hampton: True, but you can't deny just how crazy things have gotten. It looks like both sides are preparing to wrap things up.

Ayumi: I know! I hope we get a chance to fight, I've been wanting to show how strong I am.

Baron Hampton: And we need all the content we can get for the fans at home. 

Ayumi: So true!

Baron Hampton: Welp, that's gonna do it for today's episode. Make sure you tune in to the next episode, when both sides start fighting with everything they've got!

Ayumi: And as always, thank you for your support. 

Baron Hampton & Ayumi: Goodbye! 

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)