NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 33: Showdown in the Barren Wasteland (Part 1)

(Meanwhile back with Sonjo, Khan, and Graves…)

Sonjo: Alright, so maybe that plan didn't work. 

Khan: Well, that's what happens when Baron just starts giving out power ups for free. 

Sonjo: This power up was more free than those free samples at the store we went to.

Graves: *Evil chuckle* I should thank you for this marvelous gift, Baron. Thanks to this newfound power, I'm able to make easy work of these trash cans. I hate to be the one to tell ya boys, but y'all are by far the easiest opponents I've ever faced. I had an easier time facing Roux, and she killed me! 

Baron Hampton: Oh shit…

Jin: Yikes…

Baron Hampton: Me personally, I wouldn't be taking that disrespect. *Starts screaming* Hey Khan! You better not sit there and take that, you better get him back! 

Khan: Screw this I've had enough!

Sonjo: Khan, wait!

(Khan charges off towards Graves, and throws several attacks, but they're also easily avoided, and Graves sends Khan flying. Sonjo then charges in, but the result is still the same. Graves continues to avoid all their attacks, and occasionally throws some of his own. He continues to toy with them, much to their fury and annoyment.)

Graves: *Evil laugh* That fool Baron said you were a master chef, but whatever you cookin ain't edible! Forget a full course meal, y'all ain't even the starting butter and toast.

Jin: Oh shit, he's really cooking them! Why the fuck aren't they handling business?

Roux: The way things are going, it looks like Graves will be the one to win the bet.

Ayumi: Guys we've gotta do something!

Baron Hampton: Alright… I wasn't trying to get involved, but now it's time for me to provide some next level coaching.

Jin: Oh?

Roux: And just how is your coaching next level?

Baron Hampton: Relax, watch what I do here. *He hops in next to Sonjo and Khan* Yo!

Sonjo: Baron? What're you doing here?

Baron Hampton: Oh ya know, just been watching the fight. 

Khan: This fight wouldn't be as difficult if you didn't give him a cheap ass powerup.

Baron Hampton: Again, that wouldn't've happened if y'all weren't trying to kill my Lady Shirina every second. 

Khan: What do you even want? 

Baron Hampton: I'm here to provide y'all with some next level coaching. 

Sonjo: Right, "next level"... Alright then, let's hear it.

Baron Hampton: It's super easy, so there's no way y'all mess this up. But before I tell you that, I'll let y'all in on a little secret.

Sonjo: And that is…

Baron Hampton: The reason y'all haven't been able to beat Graves yet, is because y'all haven't been doing any damage to him.

Khan: What? 

Baron Hampton: Let me explain. Graves has a protective aura around him that stops any and all incoming damage. Not only that, but the harder you try to break it, the stronger it becomes. 

Sonjo: Now that you mention it, I thought something was off. He was shaking off some of our best attacks like it was nothing. Well, I guess because it was. 

Khan: So how do we break it?

Baron Hampton: As strong as the aura is, it does require you to be fully concentrated in order to use it. If you guys were to say shock him, that could catch him off guard, and that would remove the aura. Remember that you can't just brute force your way through it. 

Sonjo: Shock him huh? Well who better for this job than me? I can handle this!

Baron Hampton: Whoa, slow down there quickster. Remember what happened the last time either of you went in charging alone?

Khan: He's got a point Sonjo, we did just get completely trashed just now. 

Baron Hampton: Have y'all thought of just jumping the man?

Khan: Jumping him?

Baron Hampton: Yeah. Ya know, you two just continuously attack him TOGETHER without giving him a chance to fight back. The only reason he keeps winning is because y'all refuse to work together. The two of you are WAY stronger than him together than you are alone. 

(Play Code Lyoko- William Theme (2017 Remastered Full Version)

Khan: Ya know, the funny thing is… I hate every single word you said, but you're right. Alright Sonjo, it's time for us to be on demon time.

Sonjo: So, how do we manage to get him to drop his guard?

Khan: You have lightning powers right? Can't you literally shock him just by tapping him?

Sonjo: Oh yeah, you're right! Alright Khan, let's do this!

Khan: Right!

Baron Hampton: SICK EM BOYS!

Graves: You boys spent an awful lot of time talking. Are y'all ever gonna get back to fighting?

*Khan and Sonjo both charge forward again. This time, they charge together, and Sonjo just morphs into nothing…*

Graves: ?!

Khan: I gotcha now! *He winds up a fierce punch, and throws it right for Graves. But right before it hits, he stops the punch*

Graves: Uhhh…

Khan: *Smirk*

*Just then, Sonjo reappears behind Graves, and gently flicks Graves on the back of the neck. The flick itself does nothing, but now Grave's protective aura is down.*

Graves: Hey, what the?

Khan: Oh, you're done for now. HAAAAAA! *Khan finally throws his punch with all the power he had been using to hold it back to begin with. He sends Graves flying back a few feet*

Sonjo: BOOM!

Graves: *Struggling to get up…*

Baron Hampton: Hold up, hold up! Let him get up, let him get up.

Khan: *Sprints over just as Graves is getting, and throws a MEAN right hook that sends Graves stumbling back.*

Sonjo: You're not going anywhere! *He kicks Graves back into Khan, who's preparing to throw another attack.*

Khan: Sonjo, let's ping pong him. 

Sonjo: Say less!

*Sonjo and Khan continuously attack Graves, as he screams out in pain. He's unable to defend himself as he's constantly off balance, due to being ragdolled around by the two of them*


Khan: All that talk and you can't even land a single punch! 





*The two of them continue their beatdown on Graves, before both throw a punch together that sends him flying back. They feel victorious, but also extremely tired.* (Stop playing the song)