NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 33: Showdown in the Barren Wasteland (Part 1)

Sonjo: Oh yeah… We got him good.

Khan: Sure did.

Jin: They did it! Alright!

Roux: I didn't think seeing Graves die twice would be just as satisfying. 

Baron Hampton: And more importantly, Sonjo won the bet for me and Jin. Yes sir!

Ayumi: What do you mean? Did you not see how many attacks Khan landed? Clearly he won!

Jin: Do we not have an official tally for this?

Ayumi: Actually we do. We have Sonjo's 60 landed to Khan's 61.

Jin: Really? He lost by one?!

Roux: As I predicted. If he attacked Graves instead of flicking him, he would've tied at the very least. But he trolls too much.

Baron Hampton: Welp, he'll just have to fix that.

Jin: Fix it how?

Baron Hampton: Look over there.

Jin: Hm? BRUH!

*They all look over and see Graves walking back towards them. He's visibly injured, and can barely stand.*

Khan: Oh my… Are you kidding me?

Sonjo: How many times do we have to beat you?

Jin: Wait what?

Baron Hampton: What do you mean by that?


Graves: HEY! This fight ain't finished yet!

Khan: You can't be serious. You can barely stand, and you still think you can win?

Sonjo: You're crazy.

Graves: I won't be beaten by pieces of trash! I will not stand for this! RAAAAAAAAAAH!

(Play G Gundam Music: Tooi Kioku) *They stand there for a while, Graves still slowly moving toward them. The battlefield very quiet for the first time in a long time.*

Khan: This guy… C'mon Sonjo, let's- ? *He looks over to see Sonjo looking serious* Sonjo?

Sonjo: I know what I need to do. 

Khan: What?

Sonjo: I can only think of one way to get rid of him, forever. Go, get out of here Khan. You and everyone else get far away from here. 

Khan: Sonjo, what the hell are you on about?! Just what are you trying to do? If you're trying to play the damn hero, then give it up! 

Sonjo: Khan, you are my eldest friend. We've known each other our whole lives, and yet you still don't know that trying to change my mind never works.

Khan: …

Sonjo: There's just one thing I want to know before you go. Tell me Khan, how do you think I handled this Skia' ordeal?

Khan: Sonjo...…. You know me too well to know that I'm not gonna lie to you. I think you don't have enough backbone, and that you're a total simp for still trying to get with someone who almost killed you, and everyone you care about. But… I also respect your undying loyalty and persistence to fight for what you believe in. You also managed to make everyone forget just how bad things are with all your trolling. You've handled everything quite well I'd say, much better than most ever could.

Sonjo: *Chuckle* A troll till the very end, how fitting. Now go, and get everyone else out of here! 

Khan: Right. *Khan flies off towards Jin and everyone else* 

Graves: Hey, where's he going?

Sonjo: Someplace you're not. Now, it's just you and me.

Graves: *Angry growl* I will defeat you Sonjo, I'll KILL YOUUUUUUUU!

Sonjo: It's a shame, I almost feel bad for you. I used to fear you at one point, and now look at you. You're nothing more than a shell of all that you claimed to be. I'll put you out of your misery here and now.

Khan: Hurry guys! Sonjo's planning something big! We have to get out of here!

Jin: A-alright!

*They all join Khan and leave the battlefield*

Roux: What's going on?

Jin: Why are we leaving Sonjo to fend for himself?

Khan: I didn't understand it at first, but I do now.

Ayumi: What?

Khan: Sonjo's preparing to deliver an attack so destructive, it'll wipe out all life in the area.

Jin: But that includes him as well! Why are we leaving instead of going back to stop him?!

Khan: His heart and his mind are made up, we'd be dishonoring him if we didn't let him follow them. 

Jin: But…

Khan: For the first time, Sonjo's finally decided to stop trolling… To make the ultimate sacrifice!

(Play DBZ Dokkan Battle: INT Majin Vegeta Active Skill OST) *Sonjo powers up to his max, becoming engulfed by a blue and white aura, surrounded by lightning.*

 Sonjo: You're about to get short circuited Graves. I'll kill you so fast, you won't even see the life flash before your eyes.

Graves: Huh?

Sonjo: *Confident smile* (Jin, Khan, Skia', I do this for you. And yes, you too Toriyama) RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! 

(Sonjo unleashes all his power in a massive explosion! The power of the explosion is so great, that not only can it be seen from miles away, but it unleashes winds that pushes Jin and everyone else back.)


Ayumi: Oh no! 

Roux: There's so much power coming from that attack!

Baron Hampton: I can't watch this anymore! *He begins flying toward the explosion*

Khan: *Flies in front of him to stop him* Baron, wait! 

Baron Hampton: Wait for what?! Our boy is over there dying!

Khan: But he's also taking out Graves in the process. We all know Sonjo would never want us to interfere with something like this. He'd want us to take out the remaining members of the Principality. 

Baron Hampton: Tch…

Ayumi: Poor Sonjo… 

(They all look on as the explosion continues. All of them sit and feel helpless, as Sonjo's request is something that they want to respect. But by doing so, they've lost someone very dear to them. Today is yet another reminder of the terrible cost this war has commanded.) 

(Play episode ending songs G Gundam: Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru and Sanctuary (Ending)

Narrator: Hey guys! It's me, Baron! Man, this episode sure hit me right in the feels. 

Ayumi: I can't believe Sonjo would do something like this.

Baron Hampton: He proved that he truly is the most electrifying man in the world. 

Ayumi: I'm glad that Graves is gone, but what happens now without Sonjo?

Baron Hampton: I'm not sure, but I do know this, I don't wanna miss it!

Ayumi: Me either! I hope to see all you fans there with us!

Baron Hampton: Next time on NDD, The Master and Disciple finally have their showdown! You don't wanna miss it.

Baron Hampton/Ayumi: *In unison* Goodbye! 

(Created by Malcolm Holmes)