NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 34: Showdown in the Barren Wasteland (Part 2)

Narrator: Void perception has been awakened, and Baron Hampton's shenanigans have finally caught up with him. Having made a crucial lapse in judgement, he has revived Graves and Lady Shirina. Having been betrayed by his "lover", Sonjo, Khan, and Master Tazz now have come in to try and salvage things. The fate of everything will change based on the outcome of these next two fights… (Play episode opening songs Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Opening 2 HD 1080p and G Gundam: Unmei no Gong) 

(This episode takes place right where the last episode ended.) (Play Vegeta Hells Bells HD 1080p) 



(Back where Jin and everyone else is…)


Ayumi: Oh no! 

Roux: There's so much power coming from that attack!

Baron Hampton: I can't watch this anymore! *He begins flying toward the explosion*

Khan: *Flies in front of him to stop him* Baron, wait! 

Baron Hampton: Wait for what?! Our boy is over there dying!

Khan: But he's also taking out Graves in the process. We all know Sonjo would never want us to interfere with something like this. He'd want us to take out the remaining members of the Principality. 

Baron Hampton: Tch…

Ayumi: Poor Sonjo…

(The explosion of power continues, before finally dying down. What's left is a massive crater from where Sonjo and Graves stood. They fly over to the site…)

Jin: Sonjo! 

(They see Sonjo and Graves' lifeless bodies. Graves turned almost completely to ash, his body still buzzing with static. Meanwhile, Sonjo remains still, his body eventually withering away before being carried away by the wind…) (Play G Gundam: Kienai Itami Kakusenai Namida)

Khan: No…

Baron Hampton: He truly was the most electrifying man in our lifetime. A master troll, a master chef… But most importantly, a master friend and man.

Ayumi: He raised the steaks in a way people could only dream of.

Jin: Even now, he finds new ways to troll. Why? Why did it have to be him?

Khan: It should've been Ja'Skaar or C! Why him?!

Roux: I'm sorry guys…

Ayumi: Yeah me too…

Baron Hampton: We'll have to get them back for this one!

(Just then…)

Khan: AH! 

Jin: What's wrong Khan?

Khan: It felt like something just stabbed me in the neck.

Jin: Say what? AH! I felt it too, what's going on?

(They turn around to see Sonjo who's perfectly fine) (Play Naruto OST 2 - Fooling Mode)

Sonjo: Hey guys, what's happening? 

Jin: HUH?!

Ayumi: Sonjo, you're alive?

Sonjo: And kicking!

Roux: How is that possible? We just watched you wither away.

Sonjo: I can re-materialize at my bo staff remember? I just did that, and here I am. Plus, it turns out I can use a bit of my power to speed up my healing process.

Baron Hampton: So this whole time we were grieving you, you weren't even dead?

Sonjo: Nope! You should see the look on your faces! I got y'all so good! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Khan: Why you… 

Jin: Let's jump him!

Ayumi: YEAH!

Sonjo: Wait what? NOOOOOOOO!

(They all dogpile on Sonjo and a cartoonish cloud appears with them all pummeling Sonjo over and over…) (Play Naruto Shippuden OST - Prophet (Yogensha) + Crimson Flames (Kouen)

Master Tazz: So, it seems Sonjo is alive and well.

Shenrei: Yes… It's too bad the same won't be said for you very soon. 

Master Tazz: Oh?

Shenrei: You've been "dead" too long. While you were off playing dead, I reached a level you could only dream of.

Master Tazz: Is that so? Well then… Let's see how you fare against fists that know no equal.

Shenrei: That title is long outdated, as are you. 

(The two of them face off and get ready to fight. Everyone else sees the two of them getting ready to fight…)

Sonjo: Uh oh, this looks like it's about to get real ugly.

Jin: Even more ugly than Graves?

Khan: Nothing could ever be THAT ugly.

Roux: We should create some distance between us and them. We don't want to get caught up in their fight.

Baron Hampton: This is it! The master, who's known to be unrivaled in martial arts, will face off against the student he trained so long ago!

Ayumi: But things are different this time. Shenrei is a completely different person, with completely different motives! 

Jin: Why are y'all narrating over the fight?

Ayumi: We gotta keep the content going for the fans.

Sonjo: You guys are still doing the vlog?!

Baron Hampton: Of course! Just because we're in a war doesn't mean we forget about our fans.

Ayumi: The fans always come first! Now let's see what these two have in store for us. 

(They turn their attention back to Master Tazz and Shenrei…)


Master Tazz: Ready?!


(The two of them engage in an epic clash! Both fighting with the same style, the same techniques, but expressing them in different ways. Shenrei fights with the arrogance and fire of a student looking to prove he's better. Master Tazz, however, fights with the refinery and precision that led him to be master to begin with. There's no real winner to the fight, it's back and forth the entire time.)

Master Tazz: You really have gotten stronger Shenrei.

Shenrei: Repetition is the path to mastery, and I've far surpassed the "master"!

Master Tazz: I see you paid attention to what I said, but don't get too cocky!

(They continue to dodge each other's attacks. Master Tazz blocks a punch from Shenrei, and then throws his own. Shenrei casually moves to the side, but gets caught by the punch anyway. Master Tazz unleashes a barrage of attacks, all of them connecting, before sending Shenrei flying with a punch.)

Jin: Oh man! What a fight!

Sonjo: Now that I think about it, we've never really seen him fight. There were times where we couldn't even compete with Shenrei. But Master Tazz is just outclassing him!

Khan: Relax Sonjo, you don't need to hype him up too much. We all know you like being submissive as long as Skia' is the master.

 Sonjo: HEY! That's not true at all!

Khan: Mmmhmmm right.

Roux: You all seem to be forgetting that Shenrei is a disciple of Master Tazz. It won't be easy for him to be defeated. 

Baron Hampton: It better not! The fans have been calling Shenrei some horrible things in the chat. We need him to keep fighting so we can get some content!

Ayumi: That's right! As Sonjo would say, FIGHT BACK! 

Sonjo: FINALLY! Someone appreciates my knack for that.

Shenrei: So the old man can still throw a half decent punch..

Master Tazz: Half decent?

Shenrei: If that's all you've got, then I'm more than disappointed. 

(Shenrei charges back and goes on the offensive, unleashing multiple attacks in seconds. He's able to connect with some of them, and even staggers Master Tazz. Master Tazz recovers, and they begin exchanging attacks once more. The two continue with their back and forth. The two of them finally take a step back…)