NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 36: With the World at Stake!

Jin: (If we can match the rhythm of his attacks, we can strike with the perfect counter attack!)

Zen: Any plan you come up with is futile, you'll never defeat me. Your lives end here and now! Come, entertain me more!

*They all resume the battle!*

Jin: You've caused enough pain! Just go to hell already!

Master Tazz: You're far past the point of redemption Zen. Death is the only outcome for you!

Khan: There's no escaping it, Zen!

Sonjo: No matter how strong you get, we'll keep knocking you down!

Ayumi: Oh wow! Can you believe it folks?! It looks like our heroes have launched a new offensive assault! And even better, they're coordination is astonishingly good!

Baron Hampton: That's right! It looks like they've finally put aside all their bickering, and are making lots of progress. For all the fans watching at home, let out a roar for our heroes!

Jin: Now! Sonjo!

Sonjo: Right! *Sonjo mixes his speed and lightning powers to create a static ring surrounding Zen*

Zen: It seems I've underestimated your power… No matter, it's still not enough to defeat me.

Jin: Khan! Master Tazz!

Khan: We're on it!

*The two of them begin charging in to attack Zen!*

Zen: How many times will you try before you realize it's- *He stops when he realizes his aura suddenly disappears* What? How?!

Jin: Now! Strike him NOW!

*The four of them unleash a devastating onslaught of attacks that staggers and forces Zen back. The aura returns after five seconds, and Zen releases an air wave sending them back.*

Zen: Time for you to dance! *Zen conjures up multiple meteors and sends them towards them. They have to dodge for a few seconds!

Sonjo: Damn, that was our five second window!

Jin: Not yet, I never used void perception.

Khan: Then we've still got another chance!

Master Tazz: One chance is all we need, let's end it now!

Jin: Sonjo, do you remember that thing you could do with your bo staff?

Sonjo: Yeah, why?

Jin: Give it here.

Sonjo: Ah… I think I know what you're planning. 

Jin: Then you know what to do.

Sonjo: Sure do. 

Master Tazz: He's planning something, get ready!

Khan: You're finished!

Jin: Let's go! 

*The four of them charge in towards Zen!*

Zen: So you have come this far, and still you underestimate me. How many times do I have to teach you this lesson?! *Zen charges up, causing his aura to emit more power. He uses it to create multiple blades.* Let's see you get out of this one! *He sends the blades towards them. They're able to dodge successfully, but Zen is able to catch Jin out of position.*

Master Tazz: Not a chance! *He flies in and uses is Wings of the Phoenix to block all the attacks*

Jin: Sonjo! Khan! *He throws the bo staff towards Zen, while Khan charges in to attack!*

Zen: Pitiful… *Zen gets ready to send more blades, but is caught off guard by Sonjo appearing out of thin air right in front of him.* (He's fast, but still too slow!)

Jin: Void perception!

*Jin uses void perception causing the aura to rapidly decrease in power!*

*Sonjo and Khan continue charging towards Zen's aura, until they collide and strike it with everything they've got.


Sonjo: Sonic fist storm! 

*Master Tazz charges in to attack the weakened aura. The combined effort of the three of them has caused it to crack, and they're even able to stagger Zen, causing him to lose his footing.

Roux: (Jin! Do it now!)

Jin: Right! *He flies high into the air! He quickly channels a lot of power! He surrounds himself in an aura, causing it to take the form of a butterfly. Its colors are a mix of Jin's bright side, and the anger and hatred of Roux. Bright blue, but mixed with shades of violet and red) HAAAAAAAAAAH! Shin Ryuusei Kochouken! *He charges back in at rapid speeds to strike with everyone else!*

Baron Hampton: Whoa! Look at them go!


Baron Hampton/Ayumi: *In unison* GO, GUYS! *The camera cuts to everyone supporting the Blitzwing crew in the fight* DO IT!

Everyone: *In unison* HAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

*With one more strike, they break the aura! It continuously cracks, before exploding and shattering pieces. The explosion sends Zen flying straight through the ground, causing a giant crater deep into the planet. (Stop playing the song)

Everyone: *Struggling to catch their breath*

Jin: Zen… Did we do it?

Khan: I… I think so.

Sonjo: Then that means…

Master Tazz: The war is over.

Jin: *Cheerful laughter* We did it! We won! (Play song Mobile Suit Gundam OST 1 Track 20 - Prayer for Peace)

Ayumi: They did it! 

Baron Hampton: Alright! Score one for the steak raisers back home!


*It cuts to everyone that was watching, breathing sighs of relief, and overflowing with joy. The war is finally over, and the Principality is no more.*

Kira: Capt. Maeko! They did it!

Capt. Maeko: Yeah… They did.

Zach: The war is finally over. Now the world won't have to endure any more of the disasters of war.

Alex: We did it! We did it!

Fadra: … (Sis… we did it. We avenged your death, and made sure no one else will ever have to suffer the same fate as you.)

Capt. Maeko: We mustn't forget all those that were lost to the war. All the civilians, our comrades, our family…

Fadra: Captain…

Master Tazz: We'll make a memorial site for all those that were lost to the war. The world will never forget those we lost in order to achieve this victory. 

Kira: Yeah! And we'll do something extra special for Roux!

Zach: That's right!

Fadra: *Begins to tear up, until she begins crying* Thank you… Thank you all so much!