NECRO-Driver Dawn EP 36: With the World at Stake!

(Meanwhile, back on the battlefield…)

Jin: Man, we sure did a lot of damage to this place.

Sonjo: Forget about that! What're we gonna do?

Jin: Whaddya mean?

Sonjo: We lost our girlfriends Jin! Why now we're… we're-

Baron Hampton/Ayumi: *In unison* MAIDENLESS!


Khan: *Laughs out loud* Ya know what? I was wrong about you two. Now that you two aren't actively making my life difficult for no reason, you're alright.

Sonjo: Gotta admit, he's right. You two are actually cool now that you aren't ruining our lives.

Ayumi: WOW! I never thought I'd see the day either of you would show us some respect.

Baron Hampton: We went through so much to get it too.

Jin: More like you put us through so much to get it! You legit screwed over so many people, us included.

Baron Hampton: Now now, it was all according to plan. I knew you had it under control.

Jin: Mhm, riiiiight…

Sonjo: Anyway, let's get back to the blitzwing. I'm dying to finally eat something and shower.

Khan: Agreed. 

*They all begin walking back towards the Blitzwing*

Ayumi: OOH! Can we try out that new wing place? I heard they had the world's hottest wings!

Baron Hampton: I wonder if they sell skinless wings.

Jin: Well I'm sure they- wait what?

Sonjo: The fuck are skinless wings?

Khan: Let 'em have it y'all. I'm too tired to fight them anymore.

(As they are walking away towards the Blitzwing, Jin turns around and notices that Master Tazz is overlooking the crater. He goes over to see what's going on…) (Play song G Gundam Music: Kizu Dakare no Yume wo Nigiri Shimete)

Jin: Aren't you coming with us?

Master Tazz: He was right, you know.

Jin: About what?

Master Tazz: So much of what he did only happened because of my selfishness. The war, all the blood spilt, the lives lost… All of this blood is on my hands.

Jin: Master Tazz…

Master Tazz: I don't deserve to go back with everyone. I deserve to rot out here in this barren wasteland. 

Jin: You don't believe that, I know you don't. You helped us save the planet from what could've easily been the end of everything. You turned against someone you loved, someone you raised, in order to do what was right.

Master Tazz: That was the least I could do.

Jin: And yet it made such a great difference. *He's joined in by everyone else* Maybe you don't think you deserve to be alive, but we do.

*Everyone smiles at Master Tazz, encouraging him to come back with them.*

Master Tazz: The man I was made many mistakes… Perhaps it's time I start trying to rectify those mistakes.

*All of them begin walking back towards the Blitzwing. Finally, after a long, hard fought battle, the war is over. There was lots of blood spilt on both sides, lots of growing, and lots of loss. The war almost certainly affected the lives of everyone involved. Our heroes head back to the Blitzwing. As they leave the battlefield, for the last time, one thought is constant. May the world never suffer the same way that it had during the war.* 

(Play episode ending songs G Gundam: Touhou wa Akaku Moeteiru and Sanctuary (Ending)

Narrator: Hey guys! It's me, Baron! WOW! I can't believe we finally won the war!

Ayumi: Yeah! The Principality is no longer a threat!

Baron Hampton: Wait, but if the war is over, does that mean we can't make any more content?

Ayumi: Of course not! We still have plenty of ways to entertain the fans!

Baron Hampton: True enough Ayumi! Well, that's all we got for today! Thank you for- (phone rings) Oh, hold on. Yes? Mhm, mhm… no, you're kidding?!

Ayumi: What is it?

Baron Hampton: They want all of us to go down to the studio for a thank you episode. 

Ayumi: Alright! We owe it to the fans!

Baron Hampton: Until then, we'll cya next time.

Baron Hampton/Ayumi: *In unison* Goodbye!