Is that hope I smell? Nope, just rot

We hurried in the opposite direction to escape the forest. We had to reach the city as fast as possible. The effects of Panora water and Lianne's fire were effective. Therefore the undead wasn't that much of a concern anymore. And more importantly, they didn't pay much attention to us in the first place. But who or what was she referring to when she left?

One threat remained in my mind. That woman had mentioned something to stop us, but there wasn't anything here besides us and the undead. She couldn't have meant the undead, could she? And then there was that 'he' she'd mentioned about. Was she referring to the emperor or someone else? My head hurt just by thinking about all this mess.

With each step we got closer to the statue, and upon reaching the statue, I felt a faint aura. The elf finally spoke.

"Stop here," elf-boy said while writhing in pain.