Come at me purple thing(S)

With a steady pace, we kept running and outpaced most of the undead. Though they were scary, they were too slow. Lianne lagged behind but there was nothing we could do, all three of us had our own injuries to worry about.

"What is her intention? Why were you guys frozen?" I asked.

"They- they plan to make this city their base and then…" he said with a pained look. He didn't finish and I couldn't push him either.

Was he telling the truth or was he hiding something? Something about his wording struck odd to me but I couldn't pinpoint why.

Lianne cut into the conversation. "We were here on an expedition to lessen the undead but then…"

"You were betrayed…" I interjected.


I sighed. I suppose this is as worse as it gets. I stood mistaken: I might have thought too soon. Because a horde of goblins waited for us along with four hobgoblins dead ahead. Oh shit!

"This is what she meant," I mumbled.