Life can be such a drag sometimes- STAIRS!

There was a crowd in front of the castle and things were just getting heated up. 

When we approached them, the people in the back moved away, albeit looking a bit unhappy. This smell came in handy: I definitely didn't want it though. 

These people looked like ordinary citizens, at least the ones at the back.

We moved ahead and the guy in front of everyone was the guy in glasses. The guy I met last night; the guy from the guild. 

There were a bunch of adventurers with him and they were in a heated argument with the guards. It didn't go as far as swords crossing though. 

I didn't know why but everything so far was too peaceful. 'Something's fishy.'

It was almost like everything was preplanned. But who?

"Need a hand?"

"Lord DAARC!"

When he said my name out loud, everybody kind of gasped.