Interlude: Chaos descends

A messenger broke into the courtroom. 

He didn't wait, he didn't even let the guards stop him. Rather he just stood before their ruler. "I bring ill news, your highness." He bowed on his knees and his head was down, he couldn't look up. 

Sweat dripped. 

The courtroom that was ridiculed with arguments even just moments ago became silent. A scent lingered in the air: the scent of distress. 

Their ruler- the high elf- Lianne exhaled but she didn't lose composure. "Go on."

"Archduke Daarc Green, is no more."

Lianne blinked twice. Once to make sure she heard right, twice to make sure, this was reality. Unfortunately, in both cases, she met with disappointment. 

She was a half-dead. Her sense of fear and the pain of loss was very much the same as normal elf's: dulled. But- but the news hit her hard. She couldn't quite believe anything and neither could anyone else in the whole room.