A disturbing truth: the goblins

There were Abnormals everywhere. 

If I didn't know better, these things were bad news. 

But they weren't alarmed of me, rather they were alarmed of the girl next to me. Gryole. 

This was a large room and kind of like a conference room of sorts. And the goblins were in their round table, almost like they were having a civilized meeting or something. 

"I welcome you, O, holy lady of yonder." The king of the goblins, along with the rest of the Abnormals and the goblins behind us, all bowed. Most of the king Abnormals looked rather young. The king however was old, a long white beard and perhaps what could be described as a hobgoblin with an Abnormal sized head. 

Holy, what with the what now?

"Why are they bowing?" The girl in robes whispered. 

"I'll explain later."

Because I might or might not have been wondering the same thing. 

"Please-" Gryole raised her hands. "No need for bows."