A disturbing truth: the goblins (Part two)

"Alright, then how about a truce? To my knowledge, goblins and men always fought. When let's say a human got lost or injured, why didn't you offer your assistance and try to sort this out? Assuming you could help one guy maybe once a month all across the world, wouldn't that have-"

Even if things went bad once, it was always possible to patch things up, given that both sides tried. But I guess, it wasn't that simple. 

The goblin king shook his head. "It's pointless. We have lost countless that way. We have lost…" He glared straight at me. "I've answered your questions. Now, what other purpose do you have here?" I guess I stepped on a nerve there. 

I had a feeling they were ready to attack me. 

Though the room was seemingly empty, there were probably goblins here and there, hidden.