Dates! Big, fat and juicy!

Walking through the place was different than just floating about. 

The last time I was here, I was here as a spirit of sorts. 

Now though, I was here in flesh and blood.

And it was frigging midday. 

So yeah, blood boiling. 

Sweat dripping. 

And though the pond had water, the water wasn't drinkable. Reason being, glittery stuff. 

I remember Lianne mentioning that places like this which had clear water also had undead mermaids. 

Yeah, I didn't want to bother with those things. And I certainly didn't want to drink their water and fall asleep here. No sir!

Anyway, I walked on. 

Just past the lake-sized pond, there was an abundance of trees. Trees, I'd never seen before. 

I'd traveled quite a lot in this world. I'd seen all kinds of things.