I might or might not have said too much


Wind pressing against your ear, your feet reaching for the ground but not being able to, wailing your arms but you can't grab onto anything. 

Best sensation. Best feeling. 

Ain't it?

"ARGH!" I'd fallen maybe half a dozen times in this world. 

And it sure didn't mean I got used to it either.

So, screaming was the way to go. 

Arghhh! And scream I did!

And two seconds later. 

"OWW!" I fell flat on the ground. 

I didn't break anything but it hurt.

It really did. 

This wasn't that big of a fall but it hurt regardless. 

'At least it's cool here.'

Actually, it might have been a bit too cold.

Or was it that after spending so much time in the scorching heat of the desert, my brain just fried?


I picked myself up and made a ball of light.

Gradually it got brighter. 

The architecture was the very same.