Combine! Explosion

Forward slash. 

The places my sword touched, crystalized. 

Blocking was not an option. 

Even if the emperor and my sword touched, his sword just crystallized and started crumbling. 

So now, all he could do was dodge and backtrack. 

It was over.

The stuff that crystalized wasn't healing and his black liquid nor the transparent hands could do anything about it.

And I wasn't stopping till he had nothing left about him.

I was going to destroy him- I was going to destroy him whole. 

Demons started coming in front of him. 

"My lord, please retreat."

At first, it was just the commanders but then even the soldiers- the same soldiers who were about to die even just moments ago had come to protect the dude. 

"Well, aren't they loyal?" But it didn't matter to me. 

And with that- I charged in their midst, mostly avoiding contact with them. I just dodged all their attacks and the ones that connected got healed.