Chapter #13: [SAFETY & NEW FACES]

• Chapter #13: [SAFETY & NEW FACES]

Within the safety retreats of the Kazuto Clan Temple, was a meeting room. Currently, it held all of the Kazuto Clan representatives and other Union executives. The room was ridden with countless wards that made sure no one could just go in and out, even sound.

"The Moon Rabbit of the Black Zodiac…", The lady at the head of the table, frowned as she recalled who the masked man was. The woman's name is Kami Erisa, Kami Emilia's elder sister. She was a gorgeous woman, with jet black hair similar to her sister, and a pair of blood red eyes. She had a fair complexion and is also quite tall, about 5'7".

"It seems that Hiro and the other kid held out the trouble.", Erisa's soft voice echoed.

"They were aiming for the Tyrant's Blade.", Hiro's tired voice added.

"I doubt that they are able to wield the sword but… They seem to have a use for it. And for them to send out a Supreme Rank immediately, we need to know what they want to do with the sword.", Hiro's grandfather spoke, his tone grave and serious.

"After all, this is one of the gifts that our patron god has left in our care.", He added.

"We need to secure the safety of the sword and it's wielder.", Erisa said, before looking at Hiro, who just sighed in response.

"You are one of the blessed in this clan, Hiro. Also, I know that you are responsible enough. However, as you are right now, you have zero chances of handling such an opponent. That's why we need someone to watch over you and the sword", Erisa added, a tone of finality on her voice.

With that settled, other matters were discussed, such as the existence of the man called 'LiveStream Hero'. They were pretty sure that the man is above Supreme Rank, as he's able to manipulate the moon itself and heal people of anything with a mere strum of his strange instrument. They will continue to observe and find clues about the guys origins, as well as his allegiance.

With that, the meeting had been concluded.

I had left on my own as soon as Hiro and his group, along with others got called on. I could tell that they were going to hold a meeting. I would like to sneak and see what they were up to, but the wards were something that made even me wary. I had revealed too much already, I can't afford to do more.

As for the matter about the betting game, I picked the five sword that WarisLife bet. The maniac was in tears because of unfairness and scheme, while me and the Plotter along side with other winners was laughing in joy. For the matter where I will use this 5 swords? Well I still don't know about it, I inwardly laugh as how they praise someone who weild the Tyrant Blade, while I have 5 exclusive different sword in my inventory! To avoid from the trouble and inconvenience from the Kazuto and the Union.I just went home to see what the gods are up to.

[WarIsLife: It looks like my followers are in trouble! That's good! It'll help them become more stronger!]

[Plotter: *Facepalm* He doesn't even care about his worshippers…]

Discussing some issues and other idle topics, I had learned that WarIsLife is also called the Charging Abyss.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated. Opening it, I saw that there was another quest for me…

[Quest: Plotter has foreseen a disaster. Find the building with a crescent moon and prevent the disaster from happening. Reward: From Plotter (???) Timer: 72 Hours]

How annoying, trouble on Tuesday. Anyway, the reward came from the Plotter?! What could it be...Well let's go to sleep first.

At Sunday, I grinded myself on the computer, along with CulturedOjiisan, who had once more asked more anime. Oh yeah, Hiro also called and apologized the inconvenience, and the dense bastard also asked me why the girls become more fondly and being weird. This idiot just make me wanna slam my head on the wall! Did you ever heard of hero saving beauties? The attractiveness of Protagonists who does not yield? It looks like the girls become more intimate with him since facing the rabbit. That power of friendship...that was my skill!

Then, Monday came. Like all students, I hate it. However, what's more irritating is the person who's been following me. And she hasn't left me since I came out the house!

Unknowingly, Kaide's sour mood was actually affecting the atmosphere. The girl, who had been tailing him since, felt an enormous change in the air as it became much more suffocating. She shivered, dazed and holding her head and trying not to faint.

It was just like the elder had told, the boy was extremely dangerous. Right now, the best decision would be leaving, and she did so.


I let out a silent breath. Finally, that girl had enough and left. I can now walk peacefully.

"As you can see, tomorrow is the regional quiz competition. It was decided that Kaide will be representing us. Along with other students in the school campus.", The teacher announced. Fuck me, now all of their stares are pointing at me.

"Don't worry though, the subject is Math, so I'm sure you'll do well.", He added. Heh, really forcing me to go huh?

"What would I get from this?", I dully asked.

"Since this is regional, other students will also attend. The prize money is also quite high.", He replied.

"For me? Or the school?", I added.

"You—… *Sigh* The prize will go to the student of course.", He rubbed his temples in annoyance.

"… Very well.", I answered, before resuming my cloud gazing.

Nothing much happened, just normal classes. Well that, and the sight of Hiro's harem trying to have the boy to themselves. Ah yeah, Hiro also tried to invite me to lunch, but I declined. I have nothing to do with their group now.

Plus, with countless shows I had watched, it's best to not interact with the protagonist to avoid trouble. This is the real world and there's no such thing as Plot Armor.

The teacher suddenly entered, making me look up and stop doing my phone.

"Attention everyone!", His voice was booming, which got the class's attention.

"We have a transfer student! Please treat her well!", He finished, before stepping aside and going to his desk.

"Ohhh! A woman!"

"Woah! Is she cute?!"

The boys made a ruckus, with the girls looking at them in disgust. Both were excited, with both also having different reasons.

"Come in please!", The teacher called out.

The doors opened, and a girl soon walked in. A petite woman, but having just the right curves. She had a rust colored eyes, which matched her rust colored hair, who was tied in a pony tail, reaching down in the middle of her back.

Wait… This presence… Was she the stalker?!

"My name's Suzuki Hayami, let's get along well…", She said, before simply bowing.

"Ohhhh! She's an all star in my books!"

"The blossoms of the Sakura tree had begun to rise."

"With this, my soldier shall rise!"

I frowned at their comments, shaking head a little bit. I guess they only have dicks and not a head.

I stared at her impassively, in which she noticed. She sent me a smile, but cautiousness was on her eyes. Nevertheless, at least I experienced what MC's feel like when they're getting attention from a transfer student.

"You may take a seat there.", The teacher said, before pointing at the empty seat behind Hiro.

She walked down, stopping in front of me. I noticed their curious gazes, though I was also immediately annoyed when I saw.

[Plotter's Discernment: Active]

Their eyes had swept past me, which means…

"Hiro, it has been a while…", She softly said, with a blush of course. I'm really starting to hate harem protagonists. Once again, I experienced what's the mob character feels like in a harem series, I closed my eyes and let out a sigh, as I heard the comments.

"Damn bastard! How many girls does he want!"

"Argh! Another one to Hiro?!"

"My soldier has fallen…"

"The Sakura wilted before it even bloomed…"

"The FFF club will never tolerate this!"

"So does the Virgin Veteran Association."

What the hell does this weird group came from?!

The two seem to ignore the commotion, as Hayami just sat beside Hiro and continued their conversation.

"Will you come visit my house sometime?", She asked.

"Yeah, I'll see. I've been really busy these past days.", Hiro said. As usual, the kid was oblivious to the murderous glares of the men when Hayami said 'visit my house'.

Hmmm… I wonder though, are they childhood friends…?

The only thing that is concerning me is how far does this harem protagonist hands can reach?! Whatever, it was not my problem.


Revised by BaNaeNae