Chapter #14: [LIGHTWAYS MEDIA]

• Chapter #14: [LightWays Media]

As soon as the class ended, I immediately rushed back home. I had to prepare for the new task after all.

[Quest: Plotter has foreseen a disaster. Find the building with a crescent moon and prevent the disaster from happening. Reward: From Plotter (???) Timer: 24 Hours]

I need to get some information on what this thing is, so I opened my phone and went to news.

"LiveStream Hero, Truth or Hoax?"

"The Japanese government has not responded to anything regarding the New City Hospital Incident.''

"The Performing Hero."

"Are we not alone?"


Looks like the topic of 'Livestream Hero' still haven't died out. Even my school's number 1 trending topic was it. My eyebrows twitched though, couldn't they find a more cooler and less cringe-ass name?

Browsing for some more, I tried various search keys to find a building and a crescent moon.

After nearly an hour…

[LightWays Media]

Hmmm… Looks like I had found it, though it wasn't exactly the same, as the building was actually the one shaped like a crescent moon, not it's symbol.

However, my intuition's telling me I'm right, so I'm sticking to it. It doesn't totally relate to the fact that it's quite tiring searching for nearly an hour straight… No, not at all…

Anyways, looking at it's location, I was quite surprised and annoyed to what I saw…

"Yokohama…", I muttered, eyebrows twitching. The idiot definitely has sick cliché humor, as the place is where our quiz will be held at.

Damn Plotter...


Looking at my message box, I saw one of them message me.

[CheckYourInventory: Hey man! I made you some cool outfit to wear for anonymity.]


I looked at my back, a neatly wrapped parcel was now on it. Getting up my chair, I went to the package and immediately opened it.

What I found was a white, leather-like, jacket with black linings and designs, along with a white mask with black design. Picking and inspecting it up, I briefly looked at it before going to the mirror and fitting the clothes they gave.

The clothes were all fitted to me, as expected. The jacket had sprouted white wings at the back and a red halo above it's hood. My eyes also turned to crimson slits, giving off an eerie glow. Over all, I think it's pretty cool.


Picking up my phone at the desk, I was greeted by the message regarding the info on my new clothes.

[LightSeeker Outfit(Custom)]

– The jacket provides boost to Holy Elements and Attributes, as well as support and buff spells and magic. It lets out a calming, yet also ethereal presence and the halo blocks mental attacks. The wings boost flight magic and can be manipulated to be used in both offense and defense.


True to it's word, I tried concentrating and moving my wings, which immediately worked. Looks like it's also an easy use one.

[Enigmatic Mask(Custom)]

– The mask alters voice and negates any Scrying Magic below Deity Rank.


After reading and exploring my clothes some more, I immediately stashed it using my [Inventory] skill. It's an extra-dimensional storage that allows anything to be stored within it, without any changes at the stored item.

Yeah, that's where I also stored my piano. It's also an auto equipping one so it's quite convenient.

Sitting down my computer once more, it's time to gain some info on these gods.

[Enigma: Hey, could you guys tell me some more info about you? All that I know is that WarIsLife is also known as the Charging Abyss and Plotter is Incarnation of the Devil's Wisdom.]

[WarIsLife: Exactly! My name brings fear to my enemies!]

[WarIsLife: BWAHAHAHAHA! The weak shall quake in fear!]

[WarisLife: The strong never scheme unlike anybody...]

[Plotter: It's been a long time since I pressed the mute button…]

[WarIsLife: Tsk, if I only knew how to mute…]

[HolyMaiden: Ufufu~ Very well then, I am the Saint of Blessed Light, the Preserver of Life. You can still call me honey though, Darling~ Ufufu~]

[Enigma:.. All… Right…?]

[WarIsLife: What?! Then, how about you call me dear~?]

[HolyMaiden: Tch… Just wait till I finally arrive at your planet, barbarian. I'll purify EVERYTHING.]

[All members sent F to WarIsLife.


[All members prepared a farewell party for WarisLife.]

[CulturedOjiisan: The Gifted, that's one of it. But many called me The Librarian of Knowledge of the End.]

[PeaceLife: The Lady of Soul and Slumber. Partner is UnderworldSucks.]

[UnderworldSucks: King of Hell and Nightmares. And what do you mean partner?! We're wife and husband!]

[PeaceLife: Really? I can't recall any husband that can't even visit his wife.]

[UnderworldSucks: O… Oh… Alright, I'm sorry. I'll immediately go and bring Cerberus over. It's been a long time since we three had a walk.]

[OldFriendDarkness: The Nightwatcher, that's all.]

[OldFriendDarkness: And those above me, who possess love and affection, shall be consumed by the eternal abyss.]

[UnderworldSucks: I don't need any of your depressing lines, virgin.]

[PeaceLife: You really need a girlfriend.]

[Enigma: No worries, we're in the same class, OldFriendDarkness.]

[CheckYourInventory: Craftsman of Creation. Too pompous, I just like making things…]

[The other male gods sent lenny faces.


[HolyMaiden: Perverts!]

[PeaceLife: Repulsive…]

[BeastlyBeauty: Oh my~]

[BarrierBlock changed his name to RockHard.]

[Underworldsucks: Why you always change your name two face..]

[OldFriendDarkness: The Man who had two sides need two names..]

[RockHard: I'm also called as the Immovable and Unbreaking Boulder, or just Guardian. What's the big deal changing names...]

[RockHard: When the boys are leading a tough road, you guys shou—]

Before RockHard can mention the term 'Right Hand', Plotter immedietly slammed the secret weapon as an admin.

*RockHard has been Muted*

[Plotter: Sorry, pressed it accidentally yeah?]

[TheLonelyTree: Simple my child, the World Tree.]

[TheLonelyTree: If you want elves though, feel free to come here!]

[Enigma: That sounds like elven trafficking… *Sweatdrop*]

[ManaLiz: The Dragon Lord of Mana. A befitting name for the most powerful magic caster, unlike some filthy creature.]

[BeastlyBeauty: Hoh…? You wanna fight me?! I'll take you on anytime! Damned gecko!]

[ManaLiz: Come on then! You furry freak!]

[BeastlyBeauty: Anyway, the Queen of Beasts or the Lady of Furries~ *Wink*]

[BeastlyBeauty: And I'll be sure to dominate you in ANY fight dearie~]

The whole group chat suddenly stop, especially the boys who knows what's on their minds.

A moment of silence…

I palmed my face. Haahhh… They didn't tell me their names at all, but at least I got their titles.

But in those years chatting with them the only thing I know now is the titles, and an alarming danger was telling me that, I should never deliberately seek their names unless permitted. And it was also confirmed by this skill.

[Plotter Discernment: Activated]

"What the hell are you doing?!"

Currently, I'm standing at the school entrance, where our vehicle was supposed to pick us up. I closed my eyes, as I let out a sigh. There's a total of 20 Participants, with two on each subject. It seems that this regional quiz is really going at it.

Of course, Hiro and his harem was also there, though they were separated from the others. How odd, Kogi and Carter, as well as the Mozu brothers weren't here. As usual, Hiro's harem glared at each other, as if trying to tear each other apart.

"Tch…", Another 'Alpha Wolf', In annoyance I just brushed off and diverted my eyes.

Opening my eyes, I saw Hiro signal me to come there. Raising my eyebrows, I went to their group, with the others putting on a serious face. As soon as I arrived, I immediately said.

"Apologies, but I can't join you."

"Wha—? How did you know?", Hiro asked, dumbfounded.

"It's written all over your face.", I replied.

In fact the expression on his eyes never lied, he was like an open book full of cliche plot to be read at.

"But… Why?", He told, his face holding a bit of desperation.

"I don't like dealing myself with others.", I replied in disinterest.

"But… We really need someone like you. We need another healer and we can protect you when the Black Zodiac attacks." He explained.

Hiro actually think that I can't protect myself? Like dude do you even forgot how people around you warned you about the boy named 'Kaide'?

"I am different and do not assume that I cannot protect myself.", I answered back, a frown on my face.

"You know that I despise human interaction, so I'm not fit for a thing called 'teamwork'." I added.

"I see… It's a pity then…", Hiro said, looking down in disappointment.

But his gaze was telling me he will never gave up, how naive.

And with that, I finally left. However, before I could do so, my heightened senses had picked up something…

"Tsk… What an ass, good thing that he didn't join… always selfish.", One of the girls scoffed.

I stopped in my tracks. Now, I'm really irritated…


"Kurumi! Stop that! We've got to respect his decision!", I whispered to Kurumi. No matter how Kaide had said, at least he let us explain ourselves. Even though, I felt a little bit disappointed. I turned back to Kaide's retreating form. I had noticed that he had stopped on his tracks. Oh did he actually want to join us? Wait...oh no....

I looked to the others as well, who also had noticed him suddenly halting. We looked at each other for a few seconds, unsure of what to do. Then he suddenly turned to us…

My gaze was icy, eyes glowing a malevolent scarlet. I noticed all of them flinch and step back, but I merely ignored it.

"A piece of advice to you all. You're not kids, but adults already. Know, especially on this world, that you cannot convince everyone to join you."

I swept my gaze to each of them. They looked away, refusing to meet my eyes. I stopped and continued.

"What am I to you? A stranger, you don't know anything about me. Sure, I might have told one of you my abilities, but are you sure that it's true?"

"Then… I'll trust you. I know that you're a good person, Kaide.", Hiro said, conviction on his voice, making me scoff.

"And that's one of the reasons why I don't want to join you. You're naïve and foolish, Kazuto Hiro. You're a team leader, don't just put your trust on somebody just because you 'feel' so. Doing so will easily set your team in disarray and in danger."

"Trust is one of the easiest ways to kill a person, after all.", I said, making all of them glare at me. In response, I activated [Bloodlust] and let my little bit aura flow out freely.

"Hoh? Nice glare you're going there. Just make sure that you can take on the person you give such a look."

They once again faltered, now sweating and some breathing heavily.

"I never liked being forced nor provoked Hiro, I tend to go overboard.", Looking at Hiro, his look of determination were now one of meekness.

"Think logically, what the others think, and not just your emotions."

With that, I finally receded everything and walked away. I heard some of them let out a heavy breath, dropping down and hunching.

I let out a silent sigh. Now that Hiro and his group has been dealt with, I need to focus on the task ahead.

Yokohama, LightWays Media. The place of disaster and where LightSeeker will shine.

To Hiro group, never in my life I'll follow a naive team....much worse a baggage.


Revised by BaNaeNae.