Chapter #35: [JUST A NORMAL DAY (1)]

• Chapter #35: [JUST A NORMAL DAY (1)]

Me eavesdropping to their conversation has given me quite the information on what happened based on their perspective.

First thing after I left, some random dude with the same ability as my [Shade Walker] was able to almost steal the Tyrant Blade. Fortunately, he was held back by Yuki and Yumi from doing so. However, the two had been poisoned by the [Shadowy Corruption] and was greatly weakened. Hmm… The guy probably has a Dark Attribute…

Secondly, various groups other than Black Zodiac had also attacked the different Union HQs on other countries. I know that this isn't a coincidence, but rather a coordinated attack. There's just no way that each group would just attack the Union on the same day…

Which also means that they have a very powerful leader, if they're able to bring a band of misfits to work together.

Also, aside from the fact the Hiro and his group would be going to Korea the next week, there seems to be a conference also pushed next week, in Shanghai, China. It's probably regarding to the attacks that had hit the Union.

Of course, I had been invited. Being a bearer of [Plotter's Discernment] had made that possible, even if I'm not a member.

However, that also means that rookies and other lower-ranked members would also be there. It's going to be woozy.


At least, Hiro's group and their pestering would not be there, so that's a bit of a relief…

"Good morning everyone! If just a minute, may I have your attention. Please remember that 9 A.M., you should proceed to your designated rooms written on the paper that was given to you yesterday. At 9:30 A.M., the quiz will officially start and those who are late would automatically be removed. The quiz will end at 11 A.M. and you'll be given your lunch at 11:30 A.M. After 12 Noon, you are all free to roam around the campus, except it's restricted areas. Once again, have a good day."

The speakers on the cafeteria had echoed. This had brought me and a lot other students out of their reveries, realizing that time is now short.

"Crap! I still need to do some last minute study!"

"AHHH! I forgot to visit the shrine today!"

"Shit… I really need to find a shortcut for this formula fast… I can't memorize everything!"

"Math… My greatest enemy… Today we'll face each other!"

I had finished my breakfast a while ago, and seeing that the other students were just panicking over the test, I decided to go and wander around for a bit.

Since it was also the school's festival week, most of their students are engaged in different programs of their respective groups, such as: Horror House, Servant Café, and others. Of course, Theater Play is the most popular one voted, and will be performed tomorrow.

Hmm… Theater Play, the event almost seen in every school anime, I wonder what type of play will they do tomorrow. Well, it's probably to be expected on the lines of romance, but… I would like it if they derail from the stereotype.


"Leaflet for your favorite maid! Be a master for today!"

"Fishing Game! Catch to win! We come with all colors!"

The cries of students advertising their group's programs had reached my ears, as I wandered around the festival venue area. I kept on walking, idly observing and listening to the chatter around me.

I suddenly halted, realizing that I might've been too distracted, as I didn't even notice the giant cherry blossom tree somewhere away from the venue. It was one of the prided sights of this school, said to be near a hundred years old.

And I can see why, around it is a grassy meadow which was perfect for picnics and such, with scattered benches, chairs, and flowery bushes.

"Yukio-kun, I love you!"


I twitched in annoyance. See why this is famous? It's also a really good spot for couples and confessions to be in.

"Let's swear our oath on this tree!"

"Yes! Love till death!"

I sent them an unknowing sneer, and I walked away scowling. How dare those little lovebirds smack their affection in front of a lonely predator avian. The guts!

I wish Miyanase woke up soon, I'm quite lonely here...

"Is this tree mocking me or something…?", I mumbled, glaring at the tree who's leaves began swaying from the light breeze, creating a pinky atmosphere in my sight.

"Welp, most couple that had a cherry blossom as a background end up in tragic ways, I read too much about curse of the cherry blossom trees..." I mumbled to myself.

"Hehehehe…", A light giggle reached my ears. I slowly turned my head to find where the voice came from. After sometime, I had finally found it.

A girl, a little older than me, sat on the slanted grass meadow, below the gravelled path that I was walking. She had a golden yellow hair, which resembled sunlight, and lime green eyes that reminded me of… Green Apples? Which maybe because her skin has the same tint as the aforementioned fruit. She's also dressed in the standard Orchards University of Science uniform, which was a white long-sleeve polo, checkered red tie, and also checkered red skirt. She also had a white blazer on top of her long-sleeves, which had a logo of the school on it's left hand side.

Her other accessories included a shoulder bag, a sweater wrapped around her waist, black shoes and white ankle high socks, as well as… A camera?

I raised an eyebrow towards her. She stopped laughing and sent a charming smile to me, that I swear I just saw sparkles around her.

"Sorry… I'm Shiori Akari.", She introduced herself to me.

In response, I just nodded at her and said.

"Have a good day then, Shiori-san.", I said, turning away and resuming my last minute stroll.

"E-Eh?! W-Wait!", She frantically called out to me, panicking.


I turned to her direction, and sent her a stare. She was walking towards me, eventually stopping a few feet away.

"Well… Sorry about that.", She apologized to me sheepishly.

"It's alright, you didn't do anything anyways.", I waved off her apology, then introduced myself. I think I might've been rude for suddenly walking away without introduction.

"I'm Hori Kaide."

"H-Hori?", She giggled, covering her mouth. "Sorry, your name sounds a bit… girly.", She finished, still attempting to stifle her chuckles.

My eyebrows twitched at her statement. Damn it… Why must my parents give me this name.

"Though, I haven't seen you in this school. Are you one of the participants in the quiz?", She regarded me in curiosity. I let out a silent breath.

"Yeah… I'm from another school. Quite far from here."

"Hmm… I see. I'm Shiori Akari by the way, but I guess you already know that. I'm a member of the Journalism Club here in Orchards University of Science.", Hmm… I guess that's why she's got the camera and the charming attitude.

She suddenly stared at me silently, then got on a thinking pose.

"Hey… Care to be my interviewee?", She asked me, making me raise an eyebrow.

Me? To be interviewed? Can't you just find another person to interview? I stared at her for a few moments, thinking along those lines…

I guess, I could do that. I've been strolling for quite a while anyway.


"That's great!", She happily cried out, jumping for a bit. Instantly, a notepad and a pen, as well as a recorder was on her hand. Turning on the recorder an putting it on her breast pocket, she then began interviewing me.

"It's rumored that 'Black Wood' and "Yoshida" Schools have the highest chances of winning the competition. What are your thoughts about it?"

"Well, I've just been suddenly invited and I wasn't able to view the other schools. However, if I had the chance of doing so, I could careless. It's not the type of school that's measured anyway, but the intellect of each students."

"Hmm… I see…", She nodded to my words, writing them down on her notepad.

"Here's another. It's said that the 'Far East' school has lots of beauties in it. Is it really true?"

"Hmm… It's quite true on both social and physical point of views.", I nodded in agreement to her words, then added. "I could say so since I'm from there."

"Oh really? Then could I ask one more?", She seemed to be more intrigued now that I mentioned that I came from that school. Nevertheless, I just nodded in agreement.

"Rumors that there's a student named 'Kazuto Hiro' who has a harem.", She then paused and giggled, before continuing. "This question was asked by guys with hellish faces."

Ho? So the embers have been sown here huh? Well, let me fan it so that it can grow into a conflagration.

"… Yes. The guy has at least 10 women fawning over him, bringing him comforts. I can't say that most of the guys are happy to see him receiving many lunch boxes almost everyday.", I said to her, not revealing that I also didn't like it. But inwardly, I was grinning from ear to ear.

"Oho!", She exclaimed, grinning as she's writing on her notepad.

"Are you interested in him?", I asked her. Hiro had ridiculous harem creating abilities, so my surprise would be lessened.

Though, I doubt Hiro could truly maintain a harem. He doesn't even know that he has one.

"Nah, I'm not into naïve and insecure boys.", She replied nonchalantly. I guess it fits her position to be quite keen.

"And how did you know that?"

I ask her, it seems this girl had quite a keen sense.

"Well, I observed him for a bit today. He seems to have a long face, probably had some bad situations.", She explained to me.

"I see…"

I guess you are right.

"Yeah, thanks for attending me! See ya!", She quickly bolted off, waving at me cheerily. I just responded with a light nod and a stare at her disappearing form.

Did she just smiled while walking away?

[Plotter Discernment: Activated.]


The afternoon later, the interview was published on the school paper, named 'Daily Gossip'. Needless to say, it became one of the hottest topics in school.

"– Yeah, that's true. The guy has at least 10 women fawning over him, always bringing him comforts. I can't say that most of the guys are happy to see him receiving multiple boxed lunches almost everyday, among other things.", – Far East Student.

"That's VERY TRUE.", – Far East Student.


Of course, as the single dogs had read the daily paper, wails and screams of pain and heartbreak echoed throughout the school.

"Dammit…! So it's true!"

"Where's that Virgin Veteran Association… I want to join!"

"You mean the rip-off FFF inquisition."

"Far East… There's really no chance for us huh…"

"Damn… One of the guys really went on to say the amount of girls that he has and what happens everyday. He's quite on point."

"My brothers… A man had left us to rot while he attains Nirvana… Let us....cry ourselves in the corner, there is nothing we can do!"

As the single, virgin boys continued to speak their opinions out, a man held a bit of surprise as he stared at the newspaper. Specifically, at Kazuto Hiro.

"Kazuto Hiro… A Main Household member of the Kazuto Clan then…", His mouth formed into a grin, showing his pointed teeth.

"So this is your son, Kazuto Ryujin… The fastest blade, I wonder if your son is quite as good as you…", His grin turned malicious and he shifted. His neck showed a mark.

The tattoo of a dog.

"It seems that Japan has something going on. I wonder… Who would be the most important variable, the charismatic Hero… Or the mysterious Reaper of Light?"

His thought was cut off and a frown came to his face, remembering something.

"Where the hell is Tatsumi and the jeezer though…"


Revised by BaNaeNae.