Chapter #36: [JUST A NORMAL DAY (2)]

• Chapter #36: [JUST A NORMAL DAY (2)]

I gave out a yawn. Finally, the quiz was already done. It wasn't actually that tough and I was able to answer most of the questions without using any of my special abilities. In the end, I finished up as one of the contestants for the final round on the final day of the competition.

I took out my phone and looked at the time.

[11:16 A.M.]


Well, the quiz was extended a bit longer than planned but it wasn't really that noticeable. Hmm… I'm a bit thirsty though, could use something to drink…

Remembering a vending machine that I had passed by earlier on my idle walk, I began heading towards there, using [Shop] had its purpose, but using and relying on powers can affects someone psychologically. It was better to act humanly as possible, then I began to head to that direction. However, a commotion had caught my attention.

I tried to find on what was the source of the ruckus, but when I finally did, I was quite surprised.

Snowy white hair, frost blue eyes, a cold expression, and a bombshell figure. It was Yumie Lisa.

"Hmm?", I raised an eyebrow in interest. So this is where she's schooling huh… And by the looks of it, she's also pretty famous.

Alright, who am I kidding. Of course it's to be expected that she's famous.

"Woah… Is that the rumored princess, Yumie Lisa?"

"Oh yeah! I remember her being mentioned as one of Orchard University's prided blossoms. Except that she's a flower of frost…"

"Still… She's really beautiful! She's like a real ice princess!"

I grinned a bit at that statement. You don't know how true that is.

"Man… I can just stare at her eternally…"

"Yeah, me too brother… Hey, if you actually want to stare at her for all of eternity, I have pictures of her sold here. Don't worry, it's 4K so it's worth the money!"

"Show me then… *Stares suspiciously* Assessment before I conduct a deal…"

Having had enough, I went away and bought some cotton candy on one of the shops near me. Grabbing a bite, I savored the taste of strawberry.

"Thanks!", One of the students attending the stall gave me a sweet smile.

I continued to wander around and it seems that I ran into another commotion. Trouble really loves me huh…

And this time, it was Kazuto Hiro.

"Is that the rumored Harem King, Kazuto Hiro…?"

"Can he beat the Oppai dragon thoo?"

"Dammit…! So the news was true…! Ugh! My heart i-it's…"

"Man, I feel sad for our Far East brothers…"

"Thanks bud. It hurts to see this thing everyday…"


Looks like Hiro was actually searching for Lisa, and is now on a private conversation. Though their topic is probably far from love, I can't really blame the boys of their dislike for Hiro.

Heightening my senses, I eavesdropped on their conversation.

"Lady Yumie… I'm afraid something had came up and me and my group won't be able to attend to Shanghai. We're booked on a flight to Korea next week…", Hiro said apologetically.

"Oh… It's alright.", She said in a rather neutral tone. Unlike from the time that I had talked to her, she seems to be more devoid of emotion right now. Perhaps this is what she truly acts to others?

"Thank you for considering us…", Hiro bowed down in gratitude, before sauntering away, probably to tell his group of their permission.

"That bastard…! How did he knew our goddess!"

"Could it be that his harem abilities is also affecting her?!"

"What?! Then we need to act fast! Chase that bastard Hiro down and burn him!"

"Virgin Veterans Association, ready to recruit lost hearts, let's start an revolution!"

I face palmed at their idiocy. Stupid simps… Couldn't they afford to at least observe for some more before saying something? Cause if they did, they would see that she's not affected by his protag powers.

Our gazes met for a moment. I could see that her eyes flashed recognition. Most probably, she knew me because of my blessing from Plotter.

I gave her a nod of respect before walking away.

I continued to walk to the vending machine, noticing that I had been sidetracked. Taking my phone, I opened the Bored Beings GC. It's been quite a while.

[HolyMaiden: Yay~! Darling is back~!]

[Plotter: Hello Enigma.]

• Bored Beings Updated!

• New Quests Loaded!

Finally! The quests are finally here!

[Plotter: Yeah, now that you finally have World Hop, the introduction phase had ended and new quests are now here—]

My eyebrows twitched at the mention of introduction phase. I've almost forgotten that the shit I went through was just introduction.

[Plotter: I know you have questions, but don't worry, I'm 200% sure that your phone still works on the other worlds. You'll also have free internet connection and won't ever need to charge it—]

Really? Was this part of the benefits that was given by the quest updates?

[Plotter: After all, we've taken the liberty to scan and clone your software and alter your hardware. Don't worry, only me and CheckYourInventory only knows what's inside your phone. *Smiley Face*]

My eyes bulged in shock and I immediately typed.

[Enigma: YOU DID WHAT?!]

I couldn't believe those idiots! They didn't even tell me anything!

[Plotter: As I said, no worries. We won't say anything, right CheckYourInventory?]

[CheckYourInventory: Yup yup.]

I face palmed at Plotter's statements. Still, I know CheckYourInventory is a pretty honest God, so I could trust it if he said that.

Plotter on the other hand… Yeah, don't trust this guy.

But still, he's sounding quite serious and isn't trolling right now.

[Enigma: Alright then… I'll trust you.]

[Plotter: *Nod*]

[WarIsLife: Hey Enigma! Seems that the Spartan Training thing you suggested was really liked by my warriors! Thank you my man!]

[Enigma: No worries.]

And just like that, conversation had once again went idle.

[BeastlyBeauty: Ahhh~! You're here Enigma~! This cat also needs some pats~! *Pout* It's a shame that I can't visit earth though. *Pout*]

[CulturedOjiisan: Haha. Yeah, good luck with that. Earth's security is still as tough as ever…]

[ManaLiz: Hmph. It's too bad, the Earth is quite the resource of Mana. Still, I heard that something's happening on the continent of Europe?]

[RockHard: Indeed, Earth needs to up it's defenses. It's becoming more chaotic and the Primordial is still asleep.]

[Enigma: Where does this thing sleep anyway?]

The topic of the Primordial had caught my attention once more. For some reason, I really want to know where this guy is…

[CheckYourInventory: *Shrug* That's it, we don't know. Even us cannot reach him or know where he is.]

[Plotter: This topic is not for today…]

[Enigma: You kinda sus dude!]

[OldFriendDarkness: I will recede for today… The Sun God is attacking again…]

[CheckYourInventory: Tough luck mate, the people your world are really ignorant...]

[HolyMaiden: Ufufu~ They still think that he's an Evil God?]

[TheLonelyTree: *Yawn* Sorry for having been offline for quite a while, got something that needs to be fixed here… Man, these Tear of the Corrupted is really annoying…]

[Every member sent Good Luck Stickers]

[CulturedOjiisan sent a surprised pikachu face.]

[CulturedOjiisan: Really? I'm having the same problems here…]

[Enigma: It seems that everyone's also been busy.]

[PeaceLife: Yeah, everyone's going back on their duties. Enigma, I suggest that you also read the quests so CulturedOjiisan can arrange them now.]

[Enigma: Alright… Where's UnderworldSucks though?]

[PeaceLife: Oh? He's still stuck down there creating new chambers in Hell, as well as managing those corrupted souls you brought in. He's quite annoyed and shocked at the amount you brought.]

[Enigma: I'm sorry…?]

[Peacelife: Fufu, don't worry about it. It's been quite a while since I saw him get frustrated at something. He always has this bored face… You should've seen his face when that happened!:3]

[Enigma: Then… Tell him to create extra large chambers next time for convenience instead of 1 by for each soul.]

[PeaceLife: Fufu, will do!]



I opened the Tasks app. Immediately, a notification popped up.

[Quest: The World Hop ability is rare and needs to be used wisely. Careless hopping to another world can lead to several consequences, such as getting lost in the world that you've hopped in, going out of the dimensional path and into the nothingness, and such. To activate, jump from a very high ground. However, you also need to concentrate to the world that you are transporting yourself, know it's creator, and the coordinates on where in that world you specifically want to land to. Thankfully, CulturedOjiisan has provided you coordinates and information about his world.]

[Quest(General Info): It appears that the Tear Of The Corrupted originated from CulturedOjiisan's Dimension, Planet Libra. Find out information about it's origins and solve this mystery.]

I immediately opened the GC again.

[Enigma: Hold on, isn't this your world? Can't you just fix it?]

[CulturedOjiisan: I have other concerns too. Plus, watching lolis all day gets boring too. I need some good old action as well… In fact, I think this'll be fun. Hehehe…]

[Enigma: *Facepalm*]

[Plotter: Ooh~! It's better than the LightWays Events! Everyone, grab your snacks!]

[Enigma: Wait, what the hell did you see again?]

[HolyMaiden: Don't mind him! Anyways, I'm happy that we'll see each other again~!]

[Enigma: Huh…?]

[BeastlyBeauty: Alright, that's enough HolyMaiden. Enigma dear, you need to be quick. HolyMaiden has really been becoming quite forceful when attempting to enter Earth…]

Huh? What's happening?! I don't understand! What did she mean by again? When did HolyMaiden become too aggressive?


It seems that I really just can't catch a break.

[BeastlyBeauty: *Pout* And me too… I really want to see you now… *Pout*]

I looked at the message blankly, then closed my eyes. After a while, I let out a deep breath.

[WarIsLife: Haha! How's the swords by the way? Still can't use them? *Snicker*]

Hmm… Now that I think about it, I really haven't paid too much attention on the replica of the Tyrant's Blade that he gave me. Still, it's not really like I can't use it. It's just… I feel uncomfortable when wielding it, so I just resort to ordinary weapons.

[Enigma: Yeah… It just doesn't feel right when I use them…]

[Plotter: Ha! You've been scammed by the idiot!]

[Enigma: What do you mean?]

[BarrierBlock: It's quite simple. Even though you possess blessings directly from us, those Ancient Relics like Tyrant sword and Morning star possess their own consciousness as well. Each Ancient Relic requires certain traits from it's user and when it matches, they're now able to use the item and it's abilities. Also, approval from the Ancient God tied to the Relic is also required for you to be able to wield it. When this happens, a person wielding an Ancient Relic is now crowned as a Hero Candidate. These people have much higher power than ordinary guys, and they're also capable of fighting people with higher ranks than them. However, for them to effectively fight people with higher rank, they need to have quite the bond with their Relics.]

Ahhh… Now I see. So that's why those blades don't feel right. My Attributes and Magic focuses on Light, Supplementary, and Support while the Tyrant's Blade is a weapon designed for destruction. Hmm… Alright…

[Enigma: Hey… I've also heard about this thing called 'Morning Star'. Is it also an Ancient Relic?]

[CheckYourInventory: Ah that. Yeah, it's also an Ancient Relic. However, it's one that doesn't have any physical manifestations. It's literally just a mark and large amounts of light.]

[Enigma: I see… Who's the current wielder though?]

[Plotter: Oh? You still don't know who's the wielder? I'm quite surpised. Kekeke… But still, I'll humor you. You know him and of course, he's also a Hero Candidate. Another clue, he's still at Miyanase's World.]

Hmm… I know him and he's still at Miyanase's World… Wait… Huh?

[Enigma: What? Are you saying that the old man is a Hero Candidate?]

[Plotter: *Face Palm* Of course it's not him! The guy is the same age as you and likes clean things.]

Upon seeing the last part, a thought struck my mind.

[Enigma: It's Shido…?]


Revised by BaNaeNae.