Chapter #38: [AN UNLIKELY ALLY]

• Chapter #38: [AN UNLIKELY ALLY]


"You damn bastards…!", Though his body was dying, Tatsumi gave out a yell and turned his body around, for him to lay on his back. His flames turned rose gold for what it seems to be the last time.

"I swear…! All of you will pay…!", His eyes burned with hatred and malice, as his flames continued to scorch the land that he lay on.

"I'll live as the protagonist of a revenge novel!", With those last words, he gathered what was left of his magic. His flames condensed, forming a fireball on his left hand.

"AAAAARRRRGHHHHH!!!", Tatsumi cried out, suddenly slamming the fireball on his stomach wound.

"GODDAMMIT…my flames are too strong for me!!!", A few moments later, he finally removed his hand and had the fireball extinguished.

"Haaahhh… Haaahhh…", Tatsumi panted out, his body all sweaty and shivering from the pain of burning himself. Nonetheless, it did it's job of cauterizing his wound to stop it's bleeding. Now, he wasn't losing consciousness and is completely awake.

He lay on his back still, looking at the realm that he was in. How long has it been…? Tatsumi shook his head, it's been quite a while. Same gray ash, the black and white world that he was in became eerily silent.

Was he the only one left?

Either way, he can't stay for too long. As they said, the Deity had been revived by none other than the LightSeeker they faced. Which also means, that the man had complete access of the world he's within now.

"Huh…?", Tatsumi suddenly turned his head, the sound of scratching catching his ears.

"Who's there?!", He yelled out. But still, no one answered. Grunting, he tried to move his body, only to find out that it was still numb. This is bad, the thing he was hearing could most likely be a monster.

"Oh? Look who's here…", Except it was not. Tatsumi's face scowled at the newly arrived individual, and he let out a growl. Pure white outfit, a leather bag, a blade strapped on his waist, and that familiar red hair and copper eyes.

It was Shido, and as always, all decked with a new and clean outfit, as if he didn't just fight anyone at all.

"Well, that was a fun story but… What was the thing that you just had run into?", Shido asked, the traces of amusement on his voice that he used when talking to Tatsumi now gone.

Earlier, as the LightWays Media and other Union members came out of the Death Planes, he had tried to investigate further, knowing that the others was safe. In the end, he got a VIP seat in watching a 'LightSeeker' crush the Executive Supreme Ranks and other members of the opponent.

Awestruck at the sight before him, he was only stopped from cheering when the suffocating combined aura of the Black Zodiac and the feeling of annihilation from the LightSeeker reminded him to never show himself or his presence. Thankfully, his Ancient Relic protected him from the worse effects of the combatants powers.

Still, he contemplated on asking the LightSeeker for help. The man was clearly above any of the sides powers, whether theirs or their enemies. However, before he could do so, the man suddenly vanished. This had led Shido to find other ways of escaping, though he still hoped that he run into the man.

"Hmm… Tell me, why did the others betray you?", Shido asked another question. He was quite curious. As his Attribute was also Light, he was able to locate where the destination point of [Final Salvation] was.

Though when he arrived, the only thing he saw was the man in cowboy outfit shooting Tatsumi before they all left.

"Most likely, I've been reported as dead already…", Tatsumi began, before a smirk formed on his face. "So why don't I tell you something? Hah! This'll be a good way to spite those traitorous bastards!", He finished.

"Just tell me already.", Shido replied, a little bit annoyed.


"Alright… It's not known to your group but… The Black Zodiac has an internal struggle for power… Though it was once unidentified who was the rebels until now.", Tatsumi's face scrunched in disgust. "They didn't approve of Zen as the Leader, but they're unable to do anything as he's just too powerful… But now…"

"They are planning to make the 'LightSeeker' fight him, in hopes that they take each other out.", Tatsumi finished, staring at Shido's eyes with seriousness.

"I see…", Shido digested what Tatsumi said and frowned, before a thought came to his mind.

"Did you know that the LightSeeker revived the Deity of this place?", Shido asked.

"Of course, the Bound Serpent was there when he did it, and he also stopped the old man when he tried to corrupt the Deity…", Tatsumi frowned. The strength of the man was inhumane and abnormal, and now, he desperately wondered on how did he obtain such power.

"Heal me… I'll give you all the information I have about the Black Zodiac…", Tatsumi suggested, earning a smirk from Shido.

"Well, I was already planning to use you against them anyways. But still, this makes things much easier.", Shido said, making Tatsumi scowl, though he didn't say anything.

Opening his bag, Shido grabbed some bandages, healing salves, and a liquid for cleaning wounds. He then dropped them besides Tatsumi.

"Is this effective? I wish I also have Holy Element…", Tatsumi stated, a bit regretful, as he stared at the pack of bandages in his hand.

"Don't worry, those bandages are special and the healing salves are enhanced.", Shido merely waved of Tatsumi's statement.

As Tatsumi proceeded to clean his wounds and heal himself, he also took the time to think some more.


His body felt lighter as the healing salve had applied it's effects. Still, he wondered, how did Shido escape? He knew that he had clothes that negated sealing, but he was sure that it wasn't enough…

Then suddenly, his eyes narrowed in realization.

"Heh, looks like you just realized something.", Shido sent him a smirk to Tatsumi, who just sat still, his hair shadowing his eyes. Though as Shido stared, he noticed that Tatsumi's mouth slowly morphed into a grin.

"Hahahaha… I can't believe this! You've actually been a Heroic Candidate all along! And here we thought that the harem boy was only the one! Ahahahaha!", Tatsumi laughed at their lack of observation. Shido had been in their hands earlier, and had they realized it, the others could've brought an Ancient Relic back.

"I'm curious though… I don't see any signs of an Ancient Relic in you.", Tatsumi asked Shido in curiosity. It was probably the reason why they didn't thought that he was a Heroic Candidate, as they weren't able to see his Ancient Relic.

"I'll tell you when the time comes.", Shido smirked mysteriously, before turning back and walking away. The now patched up Tatsumi, stood up and chased after him.

"I'll tell you something good that the old man told me.", Tatsumi smirked. Now he was walking besides Shido. The teen only regarded him with a stare, not saying anything and still walking.

"The LightSeeker… He has multiple abilities that directly stem from several Ancient Gods… But what allowed him to control souls… Is his connection to the Lady of Slumber.", Tatsumi explained, making Shido halt his steps. Without warning, he quickly turned around and grabbed Tatsumi in his collar.

"What did you say…?", Shido whispered, his burning gaze drilling into Tatsumi's own eyes.

"It's true! And stop choking me!", Tatsumi glared at Shido in irritation.

Slowly, Shido's grasp weakened and he let go of his neck. Tatsumi looked at Shido weirdly, staring at the teen's slow forming grin on his mouth.

"Hah… Ha… Hahaha… AHAHAHAHAHAHA!", Shido then laughed maniacally, slowly starting out as slow and in intervals before becoming into a full blown howling.

"Hahahahahaha!", Tatsumi also joined the laughter, though he took a step back from Shido. He still was confused on why the man suddenly acted all crazy.

"The hell are you doing?", Shido stopped laughing and frowned at Tatsumi.

"Uhh… Joining the laugh session…?", Tatsumi replied awkwardly. The two stared each other in silence for a few moments, before releasing a sigh and resumed walking.

Still, the possibility of being able to obtain a soul and make it live once again…

"If I can find that man… Then… Cecile…", He whispered to himself.

"Hey chunni, help me get something from the Black Zodiac, so that I can see that LightSeeker again.", Shido suddenly asked Tatsumi.

"Heh, you say. I'll be more than happy to give those bastards a stab on their backs!", Tatsumi grinned, happily agreeing to Shido's proposition.

"You're an odd one… Easily switching sides.", Shido raised an eyebrow, as he regarded Tatsumi's statement with amusement.

"Hmph. Clean freak, I know that you must know that you're not the only one with a story. Asides from my past self who was a fire dragon kin—", He was cut off by an irritated Shido.

"Just get to the point already…", Shido growled in annoyance.


"Why does no one let me finish speaking… Anyways, we all have our goals, and I was betrayed from achieving it. My eyes show it.", Tatsumi said, before adding.

"And that's why I want to be a freeloader for a while. Equal exchange.", He shrugged.

"Tch…", Shido clicked his tongue in irritation, before sighing in resignation.

"Let's just go and find a way out of here… Or that LightSeeker.", Shido said, as he dabbled on his ring.

"Hmph. So sentimental."


Revised by BaNaeNae.