Chapter #39: [SUNSET]

•Chapter #39: [SUNSET]



Set in a place wherein a drama was unfolding, props manufactured from paper crafts of papers, and artificial windy leafs within the background, and dim lighting fixtures shows up within the scenery wherein each actors have been performing within the stage.

wonder where am I? basically watching the opera of the Orchids university, it was exactly eleven in the morning today, and the plot of the opera was coming to its end, and it was based on a well-known rom-com manga, i've seen before.

It was a story of a blue-haired boy who had a key, trying to figured out which was the promised girl within the group that had specific lockets, but in the long run he choose the blonde one, rather than the promised girl, i am satisfied the blond girl won, hey! We got distinctive preferred waifu, so do not judge me.

After this opera, the students from the other schools will be needed to participate on the closing ceremony to announce the winner of this year's quiz competition .

" this what you referred to as play?" A gentle yet meek voice entered my ears, it was no other than Miyanase, whom hiding inside my shadow.

It appears her strength is slowly recovering, she have been awakened last night which made me freak out, the reason was because i was awoken that night time, then I felt a person was watching me, making me flip my head from my daze, after which, I noticed her staring at me together with her hollow eyes, standing at the front of my mattress. seemingly came out from the horror film, after which upon noticing me waking up, she shows me an eerie smile.

I nevertheless doubt that bastard 'tears of corruption' had certain influence in her, that even the use of Plotter's Discernment on her became in vain, I can't read her.

"yes, this was practically a play, in which each of the actors will play a role to represent the story, and tell it to the viewers. " I explained to her.

"Did the boy leave the girl who was with him and like him, to choose the blonde girl? The girl also love her right? Why did he choose another one?" She asked me, while looking at the play on the stage underneath, i'm relieved that the spectre ability is pretty suitable to cover her, it can lessen my problems.

"It was love, and he did not leave the girl but instead the boy accompanied his heart and choose whom he love. everybody had an happy ending in this story." I stated, gazing on her, I heard a low mumble coming from her tiny lips, however I did not completely captured what she stated, i've only identified a bit of what she said; like, did not leave, and choose...

Miyanase was a bit weird when she woken up from her slumber, it was still early to be suspicious about her now, apart from that, I need to check this world hop ability on Saturday, to test if I can actually cross into another world.


After the play, the announcement of the winner for this year's quiz competition was announced, the winners was called out, and I am quite surprised when I heard Hiro's group gained awards on physics,English, social sciences, Literature.

They genuinely have some competencies, and clever enough for competition and brains for subject lessons, but not in perspective of love, I don't quite apprehend why they fall for this dense guy... clearly seem like an average harem-cliche.

Reminded of the award announcement, I too have won the mathematics quiz, however it appears I was overshadowed by the dazzling figure of the harem members when we went together to claim each of our trophy. A mob remains a mob ultimately, even when my name was mentioned. It simply gave a weird look from the students and participants, then they brushed it off. My existance seems so tiny for them huh?

anyways, after the award winning ceremony, the journey to the orchard was accomplished and ended, We settle ourself within the train in the afternoon.

Yokohama was a pleasant region, and absolutely everyone seems reluctant to depart the place, I bet it was due to the fun they had, except Hiro and his group, who I have guessed was in hurry to head overseas.

Arriving at the train shuttle, I quickly locate myself a quite nice seat at far cease corner close to the window, lying down and proceeding to read some manga and reading some novels, someone disturb my relaxing weeb time.

"Does someone sit right here?" A pretty soft voice of a female asked me, based on the voice, I knew who it was.

"definitely." I replied, I knew that she will ask me if I can trade seat with her, however my gaze was still on the novel.

"Who?" She asked me in curiosity.

"i myself and I." I replied, barely looking at the two girls in front of me. It was Komi Misa the one with a pretty short blue hair, and the pink haired girl Hideyoshi Ayumi.

"....Um...can we request for a chan-" before Ayumi finished her words, I raised my hand lightly and replied.

"there may be some empty seat in the back." I responded in polite way, pointing my index finger at the back, in which few chairs was unoccupied, on the back row of the train was the male members of Hiro's group.

They simply frowned and sighed, then reluctantly go away and exchange their seat at the back while I received consistent glare from them.

For why they need to trade seats? easy answer, there is this Hiro in front of me, and the Emiya was beside him, and apparently in deep sleep, it seems that the AstroSuit beat him up real good, although his face was pretty okay because of a few magic tricks, his body was nevertheless recovering a bit from the fight. For this part it seems that the ladies need plans to comfort this dude, and I seems to bother their little plan.

Heck! take a look at the faces of Kogi, Maki, Arima and Sota. They seems exhausted from the overdue combat, yet nobody really bother them or even take a look on them. It seems to me that Kogi was not Misa childhood friend here, it seems that, Hiro is far more of a childhood friend for Misa.

Giving an extended sigh, to this questionable drama that even Dr.Senku and John Titor can't give an explanation for. I continued to read leisurely and mind my own, till we arrived at Toshima station.


I was pretty surprised when we arrived on the late afternoon, the class remains on hold, and Hiro and his group right away applied for a leave at the principal's office, purpose? despite the fact that this bunch of youngsters will go to Korea, particularly Seoul. The excuse they write was... cultural exchange program. it seems that the principal had thing to do with extraordinary, allowing them to leave at ease.

After some little events of congratulations, and obviously the prize cash that the school reluctant to present me, was finally got in my palms after a few quick bla-kuhum persuasive skills.

it seems that the student absolutely did no longer care for a mob that won them a mathematics competition, and they appears to gleam in spark once they see the girls and the shoujo appearance of Kogi and the Mozu brothers claimed the recognition, apparently proud on them.

Going again to my comfy home, it was nearly five pm when I got back, I had to prepare myself into another busy week from the task Culturesojiisan assigned on me, which concerned the quite frightening 'Tears of corruption', I without delay depart the house and positioned a puppet to replace myself.

After getting ready all the things, I exhaled and went into the tallest building using [Feathers Light], flying myself up around the building and gaze for a bit, while looking below.

After few moments of breathing in the cold breeze of the highest building in Toshima, I looked down underneath me and bravely set myself to leap.


The breeze of air as I fall, covers me, then closing my eyes, I muttered the ability.

[World Hop]

The drastic view changes, the sector beneath and above became invoked in pure darkness, like I am falling into an endless tunnel, quite curious and excited, I also realized why world hop needed a few coordinate when hopping, it was easy to get lost on this falling tunnel.thankfully Culturesojiisan already informed me his location on my thoughts, it seems that when you knew, your thoughts will comply with that power making your world hop get right of entry to that coordinate directly.

As I reach the far end light of the tunnel, whilst constantly falling, I smiled and looking ahead to a brand new world. Farewell earth! Good day, good evening, goodbye!


on the distant runway, at the same time as waiting on the flight to be scheduled. Hiro and his group straight away arrived at the airport with the use of teleportation, they looked back behind the departing sunset and sighed.

"let's move." Kogi commanded, tapping Hiro shoulders, and a look at him with reliance.

"We've got people to save Hiro." Kogi added.

"They will be healed... We will not be long after all." Ayumi stated in encouragement. Hayami nodded and every person set their steps on the hallway leading to the plane. They nonetheless needed to pass into the airport even when that they had powers to travel near and far, it was to avoid unnecessary stuff, unless they really need to cover their tracks.

"I am hoping 'that' family will welcome me once more." Kogi said, and softly smiled. "they will surely do." He nodded to himself.

"We will be back! We are on this together." Hiro encourage everyone, and his brown hair and honey eyes reflect the sunset departure from the window, developing a scenery of brown and tint of orange in the surroundings.


"Young master...I will take my leave now." A hoarse voice of an old man gaze at the red-haired Shido, the youth was gazing on the ring on his finger, He sighed in pity and without delay closed the door.


"Hiro and his group appears to have their personal agenda..." Shido smiled and look at the individual beside him, Tatsumi, that came out from the window and took a seat on the cozy couch.

"hey clean freak! You positive this will work? finding the lightseeker?! That Monster is more powerful than you suspect, and you still want to ask a favor for him? " Tatsumi looked at Shido with a grin,contradictory to his confused question.

Shido smiled and straight away moved his hand, Tatsumi looked at his hand, and his eyebrows slowly raised.

A brilliant light was slowly accumulating in a single place, and a massive cluster of pure light invoked. A dense but vibrant ball of light was immediately shaped, it has a pure shade of white, and Shido's palm started out to glow additionally in white light, matching the light ball on his hand.

"this is the morning star. My relic, it had no permanent form, and no weight, as same goes to light, The reason why I called Hiro my rival was due to this." Shido said, explaining the relic on his hand, the 'morning star'.

"Tsk... My flames are hotter and brighter than this...regrettably it was not a relic." Tatsumi was quite amazed however without delay brushed it off, and asked. "I know the tyrant sword attributes are chaos and darkness which means.."

"Purity and light." Shido replied straight away and nodded.

"Hmm...then, How did a clean freak such as you had a relic of this kind in the first place? Which certain ancient god had blind eyes for not seeing me and gave this to you rather." Tatsumi said while posing.

"Shut it Chunni! stop calling me a clean freak! besides, you aren't the only with a story to tell, even though yours had loads of exaggerating story, and eighth syndrome sickness fantasy.." Shido mocked him.

Tatsumi glared at him and asked. "Then tell me yours, mine is more spectacular and outstanding." Tatsumi stated, a smirk emerged from him, and a proud appearance appears on his face.

Shido looked at him and asked in deadpan expression.

"How old are you again?"

Tatsumi face contorted to frown and responded. "i'm on my early 20's"

"I see, it seems feel like i am the grownup here..." Shido sighed and looked at the Chunni, head shaking.

"What do you imply by that? what's with the expression? hey! That head shake, I saw it!" Tatsumi grumbled.

Shido disregarded Tatsumi's blatter, and looked at the ring on his left ring finger, his eyes then gazed on the scenery of the sunset outdoor, remembering a bittersweet past, saying with a sorrowful expression.

"Mine was a fairytale that ends with the very last sunset, I was married when i was 15."


Revised by PurpleGrimm.