Chapter #40: [LIKE A FAIRYTALE]

• Chapter #40: [LIKE A FAIRYTALE]


"Shido-kun! Shido-kun!", A voice of a young girl, along with the knocking of the large wooden door, took a young boy out of his thoughts while reading.

Looking around, the room was quite grandiose. The bed was large, and various other decorations littered the room. It looked quite like the bedrooms of those people who're royalties.

"Cecile? What's she doing here?", The red haired boy, Shido, muttered, before getting up from his bed and head towards the door. Opening it, he was greeted by the sight of his smiling friend, Cecile.

Yumie Cecile, the younger sister of Yumie Lisa, being a year younger to her 9 year old prodigious sister. The two are alike, but unlike Lisa's expressionless face, Cecile was bright and full of energy.

"What are you doing here?", Shido asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing~ I just wanted to see you.", The girl sent another bright smile towards Shido, making the boy sigh, but still smile nonetheless.

"You're an odd one… Well, come in then.", He said, before opening the door wider for her to enter.

"Yay~!", Cecile let out a cheery squeal, before hopping into Shido's room.

Shido had been a pampered child, ever since he was born. It was due to the loss of her mother, that his father Matsumoto made sure that he had everything he wanted. Yet despite this, the boy never grew up to be a spoiled brat, instead being curious and adventurous, though he also had quite the uncanny cautiousness and cleanliness that also made him stood out.

It was on accident that Shido had met with Cecile, with him spotting the little girl playing on the dirty pond. Disgusted, Shido had asked on why she was playing on such a dirty area. The only response he got though, was the splash of pond water hitting his face, courtesy of the giggling Cecile.

Angrily, he chased the girl around and sometime, before they knew it, they were laughing and became the closest of friends.

Their bond became closer as their respective Households approved of it, as a potential good familial relations.

"Geez Shido-kun~ You're still as clean as ever.", Cecile teasingly giggled, as she looked around the boy's room.

"Hmph. As a gentleman, I must always be fine and good. That applies to my things too.", Shido harrumphed, closing his eyes and crossing his arms.

"Whatever you say~", Cecile only rolled her eyes to the boy's response.


It was like a dream, the bond of the two strengthened as the years passed. Soon, it would blossom into something beyond just friendship…

… Being best buddies!




Aight, I'mma head out…




As the two reached 13 years old, they were both aware of the warmth that they had felt when they were near each other. Eventually, the moment approached where they would finally be able to tell their love upon each other.

"Cecile… I think I already know the person I love…", Shido said, looking at the girl with eyes of determination. He had gathered all of his courage to say this.

"Me?", Cecile said, giggling mischievously. And just like that, the dramatic effect Shido hoped for crumbled and he became a pouting and embarrassed boy.

"No you're not…", Shido angrily muttered, still pouting and looking to his side. However, the fact that his cheeks were red as his hair disproved it.

"Haha! Oh my~ You like me? Is it because I'm pretty?", She still continued to tease the boy, although her cheeks were now also quite pink and she had begun playing with her hair.

"No… I like everything about you…", Shido earnestly said, to whatever genuineness of his age could mutter.

"Then… Will you marry me…? Will you give me a ring…?", The girl asked. She was also quite embarrassed, and just stared at her feet.

"Of course! I promise in the name of our Patron, the Saint of Raging Light!", The boy pumped his fist up to reassure the girl.

"Hehehe… I really hope you do. Then, I swear on the Dragon Lord of Mana, that we'll get married when we grow up.", The girl also promised back.

As the sun set, the two hugged each other, basking in the presence of the present and looking forward to the future…

… But a reminder, just like not all that we dream are pleasant, not all fairytales end in a happily ever after.

Cecile and Lisa's difference wasn't just on personality. While Lisa was a prodigy and strong, Cecile was sickly and it became more prominent when at the age of 14, she was struck by a still incurable disease, [White Void].

[White Void] affected Extraordinaries. Specifically, their Attributes and Mana. The disease makes a person extremely sensitive to their surroundings, which appears as the uncontrollable reactions of it's victim's Mana and Attribute. Sometimes, victims are even known to be devoured by their own Mana and Attribute, to the perception that their own body is a threat.

However, this isn't it's deadliest effect.

As time passes, it's victim slowly loses their Mana and their Attribute slowly vanishes, as their body also weakens. Despite such countermeasures of not exposing the victim to anything impure, it would only lengthen one's time till their eventual passing comes.

Shido, who had heard the news, immediately came in a rush to where Cecile was. She was quarantined, as to prevent any irritants that would cause her Mana and Attribute to react violently. The devices, as well as the measures which ensured that anyone who visits her must be rid of any impurities was great.

Thankfully, Shido's extreme cleanliness came in handy.

"Shido…", The girl muttered, looking at the approaching boy.

"Cecile…", Shido whispered sadly, taking a seat besides her.

The girl, smiled and leaned towards her partner's presence.

"Shido… I won't be able to fulfill my promise… I'll be staying here forever…", Her words were gloomy. She hollowly stared at the white room that reflected her hair. Soon, tears went down her eyes, as she silently cried.

Shido's heart broke as he stared at the woman that he loved. His eyes became misty too, and he hugged her very tightly.

"Don't worry… I'll stay here with you…", Shido reassured Cecile, tears now streaming down his face. Despite his shivering form, he still hugged the girl tightly in his comforting embrace.

"B-But… The [White Void]…", She stuttered.

"I know about it…! But I'll never leave you, is that clear?", Shido held Cecile's face, looking at her with a smile full of love. Without warning, Shido went further down and kissed Cecile's cheeks. Her eyes widened in surprise, before she also returned a peck on her lover's cheek.

Not too long, the two giggled.

Their foreheads touched each other, as they quietly basked in each others presence.

"Thank you…"


Under Shido's care, the two's relationship further deepened. Despite the toughness, Shido pursued through, always visiting and caring for Cecile whenever he could.

"Shido… Thank you for doing this for me…", Cecile warmly smiled at Shido, as she took a bite of her breakfast.

"You don't need to thank me Cecile. I love you, and I will do this even for the rest of my life. But don't worry, I had asked father to find the best healer among all Extraordinaries. I swear, I'll heal you."

Yet despite those determined words, no healer could cure her disease. It was a rare one, and only affected a few people, not even 1%. As such, researching on how the disease could be cured was also difficult.

Still, Shido didn't give up, and neither did Cecile. Cecile had continued to fight as Shido continued to find a cure. Although she knows that she'll eventually vanish from the world, her heart didn't want to.

"Cecile, your 15th birthday's coming soon!", Shido cheered her.

It was a miracle, though it also could be attributed to Cecile's determination, that she was able to live for 1 more year.

"Yeah… I really miss the garden.", She somberly said, remembering the times that she would take care of the flowers, or play with Shido.

"You never visited the garden these days too right?", She asked him.

"No, I'd rather be here besides you.", Shido said, sitting besides her and hugging her.

Cecile smiled and hugged him silently. A few seconds later, her body suddenly shivered and her aura went haywire.

"Cecile!", Shido, who felt her discomfort, attempted to calm her and called for help.

Cecile could only lie down on her bed, her breathes heavy and irregular. Her body was burning up in both heat and pain.

"Kuh…!", She gritted out, her eyes shut tight from the pain and nausea…

Time is running out…


The attacks were now becoming more frequent, yet hope is still out of reach. Shido had shut himself in his room, unable to look at Cecile's worsening condition. Yet after sometime, he had realized that she only had a few to comfort her, and those few included him.

So he made up his mind, and talked to Cecile.

"Cecile, let's fulfill our promise…", Shido said, his voice trembling as he held his lover's hands warmly.

"Let's get married.", He said, as he tearily gazed at Cecile's blue eyes.

In response, she sadly smiled at him.

"Are you sure? I'm not gonna last long, and there's many girls to come after I—", She wasn't unable to finish her statement, as Shido immediately hugged her.

"I don't care! And you're the only one for me…!", Shido choked out his words, now openly crying.

Tears also fell down Cecile's face, as she hugged him just as tightly as he did.



"We're going to get married at my birthday, and I want it to be on the garden.", Cecile happily said, hugging Shido's arm. Besides them were their families.

Their relatives faces fell at what she said. Although it should supposedly be a joyful declaration, and an occasion to look forward to, they knew that it also wouldn't be. Cecile couldn't hold on anymore, so they would at least give her this one final request.


Both families prepared for the garden wedding, making sure that the place was thoroughly warded and cleansed. As she walked towards Shido, she said her final farewell to her family and other close individuals. She did amuse herself a bit with her sister's stoic face though, which was noticeably much more lifeless. Eventually, the two cried as they embraced each other one last time.

And finally, her eyes laid on Shido. Despite him notably preventing himself from crying, he smiled to her warmly as he offered his hand, in which she gladly took while also smiling at him.

The two sat, hands tightly clasping each other. There were no words, as their eyes conveyed their thoughts and feelings towards each other…

It was time…

"I… Matsamune Shido, loyal and just, follower of my Patron, Goddess of Raging Light, wish upon my lover, Yumie Cecile, guidance for our love. May the blessed light descend and give us hope… To light our dreams the way for it's reality… I, commit myself to the one I love… Asks for thine Goddess' blessing…"

"I… Yumie Cecile, loyal and fierce follower of my Patron, Dragon Lord of Mana, request that he may give our union his most highest essence. Let the draconic flames give warmth to our love, let the dragon's might be the foundation of our bond…. A grand cry of this declaration. I, devote myself to my lover… Till this body exhausts itself… And this spirit fades…"

The sun was setting, as they finished their vows. The two didn't register anyone nor anything. They just felt the moment, only the two of them, for just this one time.



With a whisper, the two met in a lovely first kiss. Tears streamed down their faces, as they connected with each other, feeling each other's emotions.

"Thank you… Shido… I'm going now…", Cecile said to Shido, who could only nod and hug her. The two faced the disappearing sun, with Cecile leaning on Shido's arm, smiling comfortably.

The two held hands… For what's probably the last time.

"Cecile… Even if you go… I'll make sure that this will be your happily ever after… For you to not forget… I love you till the end…", Shido said, as he kissed Cecile's forehead.

"This had been the best fairytale for me Shido… Even though it was a tragic one… I wish, in another life, in another book and chapter, that you'll still be the prince that captures my heart…", Cecile warmly said, closing her eyes and leaning on her beloved's shoulder, who tightened his arm wrapped protectively around her.

The sun was at it's last moments of descendance… The orange glow was slowly vanishing…

Shido felt it… As her aura became weaker and weaker… And weaker… Till it became negligible… His body twitched and tears pooled in his eyes once more, but he didn't let go of her from his embrace…

Shido stiffened…

Her hand finally slackened… And fell… Just in time as the sun completely descended and only left slivers of it's majestic light…

The whole area became silent. The joyous occasion immediately turned into one of great grief.

Shido, who stood still for what it seems for him to be eternity, moved and embraced his lover's body fully. His father came to his side, and offered the boy comfort through a pat on his shoulder.

"Shido… It's alright to cry son for our beloved… I did so, and everybody else. What's important… Is that in her final moments, she regretted nothing and you gave her a smile…"

With those words, Shido broke down… He sobbed, cried, wailed, screamed… He let out his grief and agony while he held his partner's lifeless body… Till he became tired and unconsciousness enveloped his being…


Revised by BaNaeNae.