• Chapter #41: [PLANET LIBRA: ARRIVAL]

"Oi, clean freak. What are you dazing about?", Tatsumi raised at Shido's strange behavior. Although he had known a hint of his past, he was still confused on how did he obtain the [Morning Star].

"Right, you don't know don't you? Three years ago, the Goddess of Raging Light had given me this Ancient Relic directly… She also left a word to me.", Shido said, taking a sip of his drink.

"An Ancient God?! Is she beautiful?!", Tatsumi cried out, his eyes turning into stars. He played his drink like a charlatan imitating some villain.

"Are you an idiot?", Shido asked in disbelief, staring at the chunni with annoyance for a moment before continuing. "No mortal can survive staring at an Ancient God's face.", He finished, wiping his mouth off with a handkerchief.

"What did she say? Is it 'Oh great chosen one!' or 'You who'll save the world.', The chunni smirked at his own statement, fantasizing the scene with… Of course himself as the one being spoken to.

In response, Shido merely looked at him with disgust and scoffed.

"Of course not, you stupid chuuni. She only said that 'We share some similarities', and to this day, I still don't know what she meant.", Shido stared at the ground for a minute, a bit ashamed that he still wasn't able to discern what the Ancient God had been meaning.

Tatsumi also thought for a small moment, but quickly brushed it off as he realized that he also won't be able to solve the statement as he doesn't know enough about Shido.

"So, how are we going to find this LightSeeker?", Tatsumi asked Shido, changing the topic.

A grin formed on Shido's face, making Tatsumi wonder just what he's thinking.

"I think I know how…", Shido begun, staring at the horizon with his growing smirk.

"There was another existence who appeared back then, not too long before this 'LightSeeker' appeared… But his most notable deed… Is that he was able to defy Karma.", Shido explained.

"What do you mean?", Tatsumi's eyes narrowed. He knew what the other teen meant, as it caused a controversy that shook the world of Extraordinaries. The appearance of a mysterious figure who healed every living thing that was able to hear his tune, as well as manipulate the environment itself without much effort, has taken them all aback.

"No mortal can defy a Deity's rule without intervention… And even then, only a very few could intervene and completely stop a Deity's rule.", At this statement, Tatsumi's eyes widened, as he realized what Shido was saying. Shido's stare and grin was now directed on him.

"I think we need to investigate this 'LiveStream Hero'."


"Zen…", Karisa's figure shows up, and no sooner, besides her were AstroSuit, Ace, Sun, as well as the Triplets.

"The old man was captured… And Tatsumi…", Karisa quietly reported, trying to hide her disdain, which was luckily easier since their leader had his back turned on them.

"I see… You may leave…", The deep voice of their leader echoed through the dark halls, which immediately made them all leave. Despite their disdain, they still couldn't stand Zen's dark and oppressive presence that weighed the room and devoured light.

As they left, Zen let out a quiet sigh. He was smart enough to deduce what had happened and only let out a tired expression, as he remembered the feeling that he hadn't felt for sometime yesterday.

The birth of a World Hopper.

"The 7th one…", He muttered, pausing and gazing at the thundercloud covered horizon. "… As the 1st one, I think it's my job to give you a warm welcome.", As he said so, his mouth morphed into a grin, revealing his sharp, dragon-like teeth.

He was looking forward to their meeting, in hopes that he'll be capable of helping his goals. He also knew of the 'LiveStream Hero' and the supposed 'LightSeeker', who appeared to him as individuals who also possessed immense power like him, and had secretly made efforts to track them. So far though, it had been fruitless.

'I wish they really could help…Those beings are becoming more and more...aggressive.'


I awoke with an electric shock, as I gasped and immediately sat up. Stopping for a moment, I calmed down and took a look at my surroundings.

"Wait… Am I… In Europe…?", I muttered, taking in my surroundings. I was sitting on an alley, which was made of stone. The buildings were also made from stone, bricks, wood, and some other materials. To be more accurate, my surroundings resembled a Victorian Era Europe.

However, after sometime, I was able to discern the difference. As my heightened senses spread, I could detect traces of magic in the buildings, probably used for reinforcements, as well as individuals who were actively utilizing Magic in public. The air also contained traces of Magic which confirmed that the [World Hop] skill truly worked.

"Magika…", I heard Miyanase quietly mutter in our mental link. She still resided in my Shadow Realm and also observed the environment using my shadow.

"Ohh… So your kingdom resided in CulturedOjiisan's world.", I couldn't help but slightly widen my eyes in realization.

"Cultured… Ojii-san…?", I heard Miyanase's quiet whisper of confusion, which made me internally facepalm at my own small dumbness.

"*Cough* I mean… The Librarian of Forbidden Knowledge.", I quickly covered up my mistake. I was so used on calling those beings with their chat names that it's like reflex by now.

"Mhmm… But… A lot has changed on this world… It's very different from the past before I was sealed…", Her voice was both nostalgic and melancholic, as she probably recalled her past.

"Time continues to flow forward and innovation, especially of humans, also goes forward with the flow of time. Nothing stays constant… Change will inevitably come.", I tried my best to at least console her, but I could feel her hollow stare move towards me.

"But… Kaide… You'll never change right…? You'll never leave me…?", Her words sent shivers to my whole body, making my hair stand up and sweat to slightly break out of my skin. Despite the fact that I couldn't see her, I could strongly feel her mouth form into a smile and her eyes stare directly to my soul.

… Please don't say such things and give me such signs…

[Aptitude – Acting: Active]

"Of course… We made a pact remember?", Was the thing I only said.

A quiet relief entered my body and mind, as her intense gaze stopped and I felt her aura radiate happiness. Haaahhh… She easily shifts from being scary to a cute little sister… I wonder if this is why she was called the Lady of Joy & Sorrow?

I shook my head, I have other things to worry.

"We need to gain more information about this world…", I muttered.


Quickly accessing the magical shop, I bought clothes that closely resembled to the ones that ordinary people wore, which I knew from the people who were walking on the main road, on the end of the alley which I was in.

Of course, all of those clothing sets only cost me ¥1.

Finishing up changing myself, I walked towards the main road.

"Now I just need to find Yustas Academy…", I muttered, as I walked. As soon as I said that, I felt Miyanase perk up.

"I know Yustas… She was a disciple of mine long ago…", She informed me.

"Hmm… It seems that your disciple had been quite successful.", I said, a little bit surprised, before asking her. "Can you tell me what kind of Magic would I see here?"

She went silent for a minute, before responding.

"Ever since from the past, we had always focused on development and application of Magic in various ways… I'm uncertain of what's on these days… But looking back… I think today's Magic had become advanced and different than those of Earth's… Magicians here are ranked from Tiers 1 to Tier 9, with those above them being called 'Acolytes', 'Arch Mages, & the 'King of Sorcery'.", She explained.

"Hmm… I see, so it's quite possible to learn other Magic Spells here and see powerful Magicians. Interesting.", I nodded at her explanation.

I stopped to take a look at the surroundings once more. People walked by, carrying and doing all sorts of things. Merchants yelled, selling a multitude of wares, which probably includes some common Magical Items used here everyday. Kids ran around, playing. I even saw one kid playing with a toy truck controlled by magic. Even the lanterns have traces of mana, probably from the crystals inside them. I also saw some chariots being powered by magic, though many also used some sort of bird/raptor-like animal which pulled the carriages. I could only assume that the magically powered ones are more expensive.

I continued on walking, as I finished observing the environment and spoke again to Miyanase.

"Anyways, the reason where going to Yustas Academy is that the old Ancient God told me that it's our first location. Quite possibly, it might also have a clue about where these [Tears of the Corrupted] came from.", I said to Miyanase.

"If I'm right… Yustas was a renowned Summoner… So it's a big possibility that the Academy we're looking for is also notable for Summoning.", Miyanase said, and it could potentially be a big help.

Having said that it's an academy for summoners, she had greatly narrowed down our choices and had provided greater chances of finding the location. But still… A summoner school? I suddenly looked at the sky with a deadpan stare. The old pervert certainly has some humor.


I shook my head. I still need some plan on how to enter the school quietly and in a way that won't attract too much attention. I can't just suddenly pop out of nowhere and reveal myself. Wait… Hmm… Wasn't there an anime that was also based on a summoning school...?

I clicked my fingers. That's it! I just need to pretend that I'm a summon!

I nodded at the idea and relayed my plan to Miyanase.

"I've got a plan. I just need to interfere at someone's summoning ritual and make myself the summoned creature.", I said to her, a bit confident at the plan I made, which I named as 'Familia of Zero'.

However, I suddenly shuddered and stopped on my tracks as I felt Miyanase's hollow gaze penetrate my soul. I then began to think of scrapping up my plan and rethinking of a new one.

"Are you sure? Summoning Rituals also possess a pact between the Summoner and the Summoned, which could range from a minimum of 1 Week to a maximum of whatever time the Summoned and the Summoner had agreed for the contract to end.", She explained to me, quite sternly. However, it didn't end there.

"But most importantly, you also need an identity. Creating a fake one wouldn't easily work and will just reveal your real identity. In order for a fake identity to work, that alias must have been significantly known by others.", She added.

I mulled over her words. So creating a fake persona here isn't that easy huh… I can't use the name of 'LiveStream Hero' or 'LightSeeker' since it's a bit cliché and the two didn't really have that much of an influence back on Earth. If I named myself from other legends, such as King Arthur or Mordred from the Arthurian Legends, the information regarding what had happened during those days, as well as the information regarding all the characters would also appear…

Hmm… It's a bit tricky…

Wait… Aha!

There is a character that would fit perfectly on this era! And one that's identity is controversial and still unknown!

A grin formed on my face. I now have an identity.

"I think I know what name should I use."


"Jack The Ripper."

Miyanase went quiet for a bit while, before saying.

"… Alright.", Was the only thing she said in agreement to what I suggested. That was pretty quick, I admit to myself surprisingly.


My phone suddenly vibrated in my pocket. There was a lack of sound since I had placed it on silent and only turned the vibration on, which was at max level. Immediately, I went into another alley and pulled it out. It seems that there was another notification.

Upon seeing the message, my face immediately darkened.

[Path of LiveStreaming]

[Don't just ignore your first act to the world like that. During your adventures, make sure to livestream the important events and cool scenes (like fight scenes). The amount of viewers and their response would be converted into points, which can be used for Skills, Magic, Abilities, & Rewards.]

[From: Schemer & HolyMaiden.]


Wtf…? I gazed at the message blankly. Why…? Why would they fucking want me to bear that ridiculous name?! I facepalmed and made a deep breath.

Well… It seems that 'LiveStream Hero' will stick with me for a while…


I just continued on with my journey, my face set on a defeated expression. Seriously, what are those guys planning…?


Revised by BaNaeNae.