Leaked Footage


The entire city, no, the entire world was in an uproar as the video of Zweihander and Lance was released to the public. As much as they tried to hide it, one of the passers-by happened to take a recording of the whole event and released it on Youtube at once. Since the video was somewhat controversial, like UFO's or the Slenderman in the past, it blew up by the millions. In just a few minutes, the video was watched forty million times.

Some of the comments deemed it as fake, others regarded it as awesome since they looked like real-life superheroes. Others thought that it was a part of a set for a new upcoming movie. And some said that it was just a conspiracy theory. In any case, the publicity of both the Zweihander wielder and the Two-meter Lance wielder garnered the interest of the masses.

Taniguchi Daisuke, Miki's father, stood in front of the window trying to act all cool and composed as he sipped on his glass of wine. Behind him was her wife, who was busily making phone class with a constipated expression. And on the farthest side of the room stood two people who remained immobile even though there was chaos in their presence.

"No, it can't be helped. One way or another, people will find out about it." Daisuke sighed a heavy sigh as he sipped on his wine a second time. "Although I want to blame you for revealing it to the public, I don't have the ability to do so. In fact, all that I could do was thank you for your hard work. You managed to stop a murder from happening."

Konya Atsushi, one of the world-famous MMA fighters, also the one wielding the Lightning Zweihander, stepped forward. He tried to say something to reason their way out and to tell Daisuke that they were unworthy of their gratitude but he sealed his lips and decided not to press the matter further. After all, the bottom line is, they stopped a murder from happening. That's all there is to it.

As for Lance Granberg, one of the world-famous Swedish representatives of the javelin thrower, also the one wielding the Two-meter lance, just nodded in response to Daisuke. The reason why he visited Japan was to meet the renowned actor Taniguchi Daisuke since he was a big fan ever since the first movie. That's why he didn't expect to be in a wild goose chase with a killer as soon as he arrived in Japan. Just like Konya Atsushi, they were in the vicinity since the get-together with other dreamers is happening soon.

"Honey, have you inquired everyone?" Daisuke asked, approaching her wife and giving her a hug from behind.

"Yes, they seem to available tomorrow evening. Although it was short notice, most of them are already in Japan and it's not like they're all busy people. That's why they all agreed." Akiko answered with a straight face, but if one were to look closer, one would see that her face was gradually reddening.

"Right, how about that kid?" Daisuke asked.

"He'll be there. I'm sure of it." With a confident smile on her face, Akiko reassured her husband.


Lucid Dream Server, Urban Area, Yuuta's Second Test.

Kirisaki Maya was bawling her eyes out when she caught up to Yuuta, giving him a warm embrace. "Are you okay? What happened?" She concernedly asked as she buried her face on his chest. Yuuta didn't know what to do so she just patted her on the head just like he does to her younger sister every time she cries. For him, this was the proven way to stop someone from crying.

"I'm fine," Yuuta simply said as he slowly unclasped Maya's hand from her back. "In any case, why are you here? Is everything all right over at your branch?"

"Yes, but I couldn't help but rush over here when I heard the report." She sniffled. "In any case, I'm just relieved that you're fine. Who would've thought that our Chief Executive Officer is like that. I didn't know..." She trailed off, then she shook her head, probably trying to forget everything she heard in the news.

"Maya-san, you don't have to worry about that," Yuuta said with a smile as he pulled out a bunch of papers from his pocket. In it were proof that Yuuta had inherited the entire conglomerate which was run by Toudou Katsu. Fortunately, the urban area adhered to the simple rule of stamp and signature to prove ownership of something or to confirm a contract. If it were the real world, Yuuta would've had more problems if he were to appear in front of the authorities with the signed papers.

Although Lucid Dream Server is oddly realistic, little details such as these are enough to remind Dreamers that they are in a game. One probably wouldn't get too immersed in the game and mistake it for the real world.

Yuuta couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief as the series of notifications rang in his mind and temporarily appeared in front of him. It was proof that he was finally done with the Second Test and he can now move on to the next one.

"Isn't that... so you're the new owner of DcMonalds now?" Maya excitedly squealed as she admired the paper held out by Yuuta.

"It just happened that way."

With the Second Test finally over, Yuuta made the necessary preparations to properly say goodbye to Kirisaki Maya and to everyone he met in the Second Test. Although this is just part of the virtual game Lucid Dream Server, Yuuta knew that every character has their own characters and personalities and that they're basically humans in his lucid dream. That's why he decided that it would be rude if he didn't treat them as human beings. That being said, he went as far as to make up a story that he'll be moving to an indefinite and faraway province and that he's not sure when he'll be back again. At the back of Yuuta's mind, however, he's still determined to find a way to bring the partners he met along the way to the actual game. And now he's got two of them— Lav Kravia and Kirisaki Maya.

"Yes," Yuuta finally confirmed.