Seeing Something Unexpected

Before Yuuta was struck by blindness due to an unfortunate accident, he was a regular kid who plays a considerable amount of online RPG games while balancing it with his school work. That's because, for someone who was incredibly gifted when it comes to the 'smarts', Yuuta had a lot of free time to spend for himself.

And because of these experiences, Yuuta knew just how stupid the majority of the beta-testers have been acting.

[Name: Taniguchi Miki

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Class: Sword Class

Level: 35

Titles: Bearer and Wielder of the Holy Sword

—The Holy Sword is the holiest and purest of all swords. Those who can wield this sword have only been spoken of in the prophecy. Because of your ever-increasing insight into the sword and learning from Anna the Sword Maiden herself, you have gained the ability to wield the Holy Sword. None can wield it but you.

— Ability to learn the Holy Sword Technique

— Nullifies any inflictions caused by dark elements such as poison when the Holy Sword is equipped.

— Can support allies with the Holy Element imbued in the Holy Sword

Title: The Second Sword Maiden

— After surviving the trial of the Sword Maiden, you have gained the approval of the Sword Maiden to be her one and only successor.

— Grants an additional +50 and up to all stats and a damage reduction of 50% upon entering the Holy Sword State. The more affinity you have with the Holy Sword, the higher your stat bonuses will be.

—You can now use all swords, regardless of class, sword type, or sword element.

Stats: See window...

Skills: See window...

Character Description: Taniguchi Miki is one of the one million beta testers of the Lucid Dream Server. She is the daughter of Taniguchi Akiko and Taniguchi Daisuke— both are world-renowned authors that are currently residing in Japan. Ever since she first saw Sakurai Yuuta in an underground match, she had been captivated by him. This is the reason why she worked hard trying to unveil the identity of the mysterious teenager. And now that she had learned of his real identity, she became more and more attracted to him. Right now, she's trying to treat him as a mere friend but deep inside her heart she... See more.]

"No no no no! I don't want to see it!" Yuuta panicked as his face reddened with intensity. In an attempt to block the panel in front of him, Yuuta placed his hands over his eyes, hoping that doing so would make him forget what he just read. 'Just as I thought...

... these skills are dangerous!' Yuuta said in his mind as he forcefully closed the panel.

"You don't want to see what?" Miki asked, perplexed. She was somewhat offended about Yuuta's reaction upon seeing her but she didn't want to jump to conclusions. That's why, she responded to Yuuta by biting her lips and remaining quiet, fully hoping that Yuuta would come clean about his reaction.

"Oh, nothing, it's just that— my System, yeah it was making me watch some tutorials. I've already seen them so I don't know why it asked me again." Yuuta was desperate for the misunderstanding to get cleared up.

Throughout these years, only Shiki was kind enough to spend time with him as his friend. Now that he's got another one, he dreaded to think that he would lose a friend just from a mere understanding. He was perfectly aware that his interjection made it seem like he disliked Miki's appearance. As a matter of fact, he found it rather attractive, not that he was going to say it out loud, however.

Yuuta was tempted to click on the 'see window' buttons but he figured that he wouldn't want to see through the privacy of Miki. Of course, when it comes to enemies, he knew that seeing all the information about them would provide him the advantage but he didn't need any of that right now.

Instead, Yuuta decided to just look at his skills instead. Just like in any other VR Games, Yuuta waved his hand and a menu popped up in front of him.

"Oh, are you trying to look at your skills?" Miki excitedly asked as she peeped over Yuuta's shoulder. "Let me see, let me see!"

At first, Yuuta didn't know what kind of stats he will have so he decided to just show it to her. Little did he know that he will regret it the moment it popped up in front of them.

[Name: Sakurai Yuuta

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Class: Unknown

Level: 1

Titles: Dark Flame Master

— A mysterious ancient power resides on your left hand, granting a 100% increase on your stats in a pinch (This stat increase does not affect other buffs).

— You are immune to burn, melt, and any status inflicted by the element of fire. The mysterious ancient power is ever-burning and has existed on your left hand for a time. You are used to any status inflicted by fire

—Grants 60-100% immunity to any fire attacks. Gives you a stronger link to the water element.

Title: Daredevil

— You are an overcomer in times of adversities. If hp is about to fall below zero, activate 'Miracle', granting you immunity to all attacks for 3 seconds. Can only be used twice a day.

— Grants you +10 to all your stats and +1000 to your hp

HP: 69+1000/69

Strength: 12 +10

Stamina: 10 +10

Agility: 15 +10

Intelligence: 13 +10

(Notice: Stats vary from player to player. There are a wide array of categories when it comes to stats)

Skill: ?????

Skill: ?????

Skill: ?????

Skill: Inspect (Normal Skill, Level 1)

— Allows the user to inspect an object and know of its uses.

(Notice: Inspect cannot be used on certain objects if the level of the user is too low)

(Notice: You can't show your exclusive skills to anyone.)

(Notice: Level is too low, you cannot see any information about your skills.)

"Those are some pretty good titles!" Miki squealed as she repeatedly patted Yuuta on the back. "I guess staying in the hidden stages was worth it, right? I mean, look at that passive! You get 60-100% immunity to any fire attacks. And you're basically invincible against fire status effects. That Inspect Skill is pretty good as well. It's one of the most necessary normal skills in the game and you got it for free."

"Doesn't everyone get that skill for free?" Yuuta wondered.

"No, you can buy it at a Skill Shop for Five Garnets. If you look at your currency tab, you will see that you have three currencies there, right? That white-clear currency is a Xandrite. The pink currency is called Quartz, and the red currency is Garnet. If you think of them as real-life currency, Xandrite would be worth 1 credit, Quartz is worth 100 credits, and Garnet is 10000 credits. That means a normal skill is worth 50000 credits."

"I see, so that's how it works. I guess this Lucid Dream Server is more like a different world rather than a game, huh. As what you'd expect in an MMORPG." Yuuta muttered. "Are you planning to buy the Inspect Skill?"

"Maybe, once I get enough money. I did some title advancement quests and it took too long. That's why I haven't earned a single Xandrite until now. Here, look at this."

Before Yuuta could do anything, Miki showed all of her stats in front of Yuuta. Unbeknownst to her, Yuuta could see everything, even Miki's description, and all her backstory. Yuuta badly wanted to close his eyes but he was well aware that doing so would be utterly discourteous.

[Character Description: Taniguchi Miki is one of the one million beta testers of the Lucid Dream Server. She is the daughter of Taniguchi Akiko and Taniguchi Daisuke— both are world-renowned authors that are currently residing in Japan. Ever since she first saw Sakurai Yuuta in an underground match, she had been captivated by him. This is the reason why she worked hard trying to unveil the identity of the mysterious teenager. And now that she had learned of his real identity, she became more and more attracted to him. Right now, she's trying to treat him as a mere friend but deep inside her heart, she has a soft spot for him. She feels like she needs to protect and take care of Yuuta no matter what. That's why she follows him around, thinking that doing so would make him like her more.]