Matsuki Miyuu

'L-l-like her more? What is that all about? Does that mean I already like her? Not that I'm outright denying it but still... sigh— this Clairvoyance Skill is scary.' Yuuta gulped as he saw the panel. He didn't even notice her stats since he was too focused on the Description section.

"You're strong." Yuuta simply commented as he looked away, trying to hide the redness on his face.

Miki wondered what Yuuta was doing, turning away, but then she realized that he was probably embarrassed since she intruded in his personal space. Flustered, she also turned away as she fiddled with her thumbs. "N-n-not really." She stammered. "My skills may look strong but without the Holy Sword, I can't do anything about it."

"Wait, you don't have the Holy Sword?!" Yuuta exclaimed, making Miki flinch in surprise. "If you took a long time for the Title Advancement Quest— I see, that makes sense. The Title Advancement Quest is an auto-generated quest that grants you titles, right?"


"Do you know where the location of the Holy Sword is?"


"Any ideas?"

"No clue." Miki shook her head and sighed. "But don't worry about me. You have your own quests to finish so just worry about that for now. You're still level 1. You have to at least get to level 10 before you can be considered a Dreamer, and then you can register at any guild houses so you can get quests and earn money. Don't worry though, it's easy to get to level 10. It just takes at least four days or so."

"Then, that means I can't do quests until level ten. Do you know of a—"

"I'm glad you asked! Come here!" In a flash, Miki grabbed Yuuta by his arm and dragged him to a nearby establishment.

The establishment was a normal bungalow-type residence that was common in the middle of the city. For famous people, it was your regular run-of-the-mill vacation house. Although it looked plain, the establishment had a nice touch of design since the exterior had a sophisticated brick design. It was made of bricks, but the bricks used were of a higher quality compared to any bricks that anyone had seen. It was on the level of a luxurious structure.

"Ah, Miki, I see you brought a new stu— eh? Is that your boyfriend?!" A lady in her late twenties exclaimed as she greeted the two 'lovebirds'.

Miki's cheeks flushed red but she quickly regained her composure by shaking her head. "N-no, not yet." Miki weakly mumbled as she stole glances in Yuuta's direction.

"Not yet?! You should grab the opportunity while it presented itself!" The lady blatantly lectured.

At that moment, Yuuta remembered what was written on Miki's Status Panel that he couldn't help but blush himself.

"A-ny-way!" Miki gritted her teeth, clenching her pudgy fists due to embarrassment. "We came here for help."

[Name: Matsuki Miyuu

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Class: Teacher

Level: 25

Title: Listen, Children!

— Every NPC or Dreamer will have a certain affinity with you regardless of race or social background. You will be held in high regard and most importantly, you will have children listen to you to such an extent.

(Notice: Children doesn't necessarily mean 'children'. Children refer to everyone who is younger than you. As long as you're older than them, they can be your student)

(Notice: You can't have a student that is older than you)

— Grants +100 to your charisma and intelligence stats.

Title: No means No.

— You can make children listen to your advice to such an extent. If they don't, bad luck will temporarily affect them.

— Any monster younger than you has a chance of triggering this title (60-70% chance). You have an advantage over young monsters and beasts!

(Notice: This gets more effective the younger the child is.)

HP: 4098/4098

Strength: 99

Mana: 111

Stamina: 105

Agility: 40

Intelligence: 498+100

Charisma: 397+100

Skill: Teach (Normal)

Description— Allows you to teach. Without this skill, you cannot teach anything.

Skill: Sword Strike (Normal)

Description— Allows you to use a sword. The most basic movement in swordsmanship

Damage— 50-100% based on raw attack stats+ sword

Skill Cooldown— N/A

Skill: Fireball (Normal)

Description— Allows you to shoot fireballs. The most basic spell when it comes to the Fire Element.

Damage— 10-15hp based on mana stat and staff firepower.

Skill Mana Consumption— 2/99

Skill Casting Time— N/A

Skill Cooldown— N/A

Character Description: Matsuki Miyuu is an elementary teacher before he became a dreamer. Because of her teaching qualities, she had been scouted by the Lucid Dream Server Corp. to be a beta tester for the Lucid Dream Server. She's also the heiress to the Black Apple Conglomerate which holds the current world record for owning the most buildings and establishments. She is good friends with Taniguchi Daisuke and Taniguchi Akiko since they had her tutor their daughter, Miki Taniguchi. Now that she occasionally visits Lucid, she decided to work on her teaching skills after obtaining the Teacher Class.]

[Equipment: Tome of Vergrual (Rare)

Description— A copy of Vergrual's tome. It is said to hold a portion of Vergrual's power.

Durability— 13/15

Attack— mana stat + 70

Special Function— has a 30% chance of applying a critical hit (critical hit grants 100% to original attack stat.) ]

It only took Yuuta a split second to see through the lady's character. But even after all that, Yuuta wore an oblivious expression as Miki excitedly waved her hand and introduced the lady to her.

"Yuuta! Allow me to introduce my one and only tutor!" Miki's voice was a bit high-pitched since she still hasn't gotten over her bashfulness.

Once the introductions were over, Miyuu excused herself from her class and led the two to her counseling office. She was in high spirits as she cordially offered them some tea.

"And, what would be your concern that you came all the way here just to request my assistance?" Miyuu-sensei put her hands together as she brought the topic out.

Miki cleared her throat. "We need your help, Yuuta here is a new player and he needs to level up to ten as soon as possible."

For some reason, Miyuu put Yuuta's seat and hers too close for comfort. In any case, she wasn't complaining since she hiddenly desired it. Miyuu was right on track when she decided to act as the 'wingwoman' for the two.

"Oh, then that's easy! We can just give you a few delivery tasks. It's the best way to level up before hunting mon—"

An announcement suddenly erupted all throughout the whole Lucid.