Special Quest

One of the things that Yuuta learned during his stay in Lucid was that no one actually knew if someone is an NPC or not. NPC's only know if one is a Dreamer or not based on their clothes. If their clothes look unusual, then they must be a Dreamer. That's just how it is

That's why, before Yuuta approached the lady, he changed into villager clothing and fixed his hair so it wouldn't be spiky. Once his preparations were complete, he walked towards the lady with a mournful expression on his face. Yuuta wasn't acting, he genuinely felt pity towards the NPC since she seemed so real.

"Is everything okay?"

Looking up, the lady was surprised to see a teenager walking towards her. She immediately dismissed the idea of asking for the teenager's help since she knew how dangerous it is to venture into the Spirit Jungle.


Yuuta grabbed a piece of paper from the lady. Drawn there was the face of a girl who resembled the lady greatly. "Is this your daughter?" He asked, noticing that the photo of the girl was, in fact, hand-drawn.

"Y-yes, that's Yua. She's my heart and soul." The lady sniffled while wiping her continuous tears.

That's when he noticed the severe wounds on the lady's fingers. 'She must've drawn at least a hundred photos of her daughter just so she could distribute her face around the city.' Yuuta said to himself. It was so unexpected that he momentarily forgot that he was in a game and that everything in here is just a simulation. Before he knew it, a stray tear fell from his eyes as he studied the carefully drawn face of someone's daughter. Was it a hidden quest? A special quest? None of that mattered anymore. In Yuuta's eyes, all that she could see was a mother mourning for her missing daughter.

"Did you draw all these?" Yuuta asked, just to make sure. Nonetheless, he already knew just what the lady's answer is.

"Yes, it took me two hours to do all those. They were a bit rushed but I've done the best I could." She said. "I've been here for three days but no one would listen to me. After they scoured the forest beside the Spirit Jungle, no one else tried to do something. I've tried to enter the Spirit Jungle as well but then I noticed that an Alien died after taking a step inside."

"An Alien?"

"Yes, you know, the people that just came into our world and polluted it? They call themselves Dreamers or something." The lady stared at Yuuta and explained. She couldn't help but feel a bit concerned about the teenager talking to her. Her daughter was just a few years younger than this teenager that's why she felt the need to explain some things to him.

"Ah," Yuuta nodded, implying that she understood what the lady talked about. He was careful not to show any reaction or expression that would give away his true identity. As far as he knows, he's an alien in front of the lady and he decided it'd be best if he continued keeping it a secret.

After studying the well-drawn portrait of the girl, Yuuta stood up and dusted off his pants. "Well, I'll try to do what I can. If you'll allow me, I can bring your daughter back as soon as tonight."

"Are you thinking of venturing into the Spirit Jungle? Why? Are you crazy?! Do you have a death wish? You're just a teenager! You shouldn't risk your life at such a young age. Wha— " The lady then bit her lips and stopped short.

The look of shock and contempt in her eyes spoke clearly towards Yuuta. She finally realized that he was one of the so-called Aliens she was talking about. Mix emotions welled up inside her as she tried to decide what to say next. She knew that getting the help of a Dreamer would be less risky than getting the help of others. After all, the rumors about them being immortal are true. And even if they died a thousand times in the Spirit Jungle, that would just benefit everyone else since it had been proven that— Dreamers grow weaker every time they get killed.

But somehow... the lady thought twice before saying something else. In front of her was a teenager no older than her daughter. She knew that this teenager has, in fact, parents. And if he were to die, it would hurt them the most.

That's why, even though she hated all the aliens that suddenly appeared in the world of Lucid, she just can't seem to hate the teenager in front of her who was genuinely trying to help her. Call it motherly instincts or whatever, but that's what came to her mind as she pondered the overall situation.

"If you can... please save my daughter. She means the world to me." The lady clenched her fists as she slightly bowed her head down. "You may be an ali- no, a Dreamer but I don't want to believe that your tears were insincere. If you have the strength to save my daughter, please do so. I'll do anything in my strength to repay you."

[Special Quest: Save Hirasawa Yua


—Ally +1

—Reputation +1000

— 5 Garnets +bonus rewards

— 1 Randomized Gift Box

Description: Hirasawa Yua has ventured into the Spirit Jungle where evil spirits reside. An S-rank evil spirit has found a suitable vessel for itself. It is now grooming Hirasawa Yua to be its vessel. Save her before the ritual is complete.

Time Remaining: 35:59:59.59]

Upon reading the contents of the quest, Yuuta remembered something that seemed so long ago. Without further ado, he accessed his storage and got a scarf.

That's right, it was the Black Grsrzy Scarf he got when Aldr was buried in the beginner village.

[Item: Black Grsrzy Scarf (??? Grade)

Description: It wards off evil spirits and is normally used in a funeral. Having this in your pockets makes you immune to evil spirits in Lucid.]

A smile formed on Yuuta's face as the plan crystallized in his mind. He thought that the Spirit Jungle would be near impossible to clear... but who would've thought that it would be so easy?]