Enter— Spirit Jungle

"So, this is the place?"

"Yup, this is the place." Miki pouted her mouth as she suspiciously stared at Yuuta. "In any case, what are you planning to do now? Are you going to just casually walk in there? A level 146 Dreamer died before he even got his whole body inside that jungle."

The Spirit Jungle has a very conspicuous boundary with the Revalia Forest (The forest doesn't actually have a specific name on the map but since it borders the city of Revalia, it would be more understandable to call it the Revalia Forest). While the Revalia Forest had an aesthetic and light atmosphere, the Spirit Jungle seemed far more sinister than any jungles that ever existed in the real world. A blanket of light mist covered its interior and vines encompassed the whole Jungle, making it appear as a giant creature instead of a jungle. Yuuta seemed rather calm taking the scenery in but it was only a pretense. In truth, Yuuta felt a bit agitated as he swallowed his dry saliva. There was something about the Spirit Jungle that felt like it's going to swallow him whole if he ever decided to go in.

Nevertheless, he had already made up his mind and there was nothing he could do but move forward. In his quest information, it says that there are only one and a half days left before the S-rank evil spirit or something completes its ritual. Yuuta knew that the ritual would ultimately kill the girl he needs to rescue so he can't waste his time admiring the ominosity of the Spirit Jungle. Yuuta didn't want to imagine what the S-rank evil spirit looks like but he concluded that he'd never want to meet it face-to-face.

After grabbing the Black Grsrzy Scarf from his storage, Yuuta then wrapped it on his forehead like a bandana. To Miki, it seemed like Yuuta did that to mentally prepare himself and she was utterly frightened for him. Right now, Yuuta is still at level 16. One can safely guess that he will experience a horrible death as soon as he stepped foot inside.

And Yuuta still stepped inside because of that.

"Yuuta! Are you sure about this? Although there aren't penalties in dying, you'll still experience the pain even though you're in the game. Just get back right now and have others complete this quest." Miki tried to talk Yuuta out of the situation but she perfectly knew that Yuuta had already made up his mind.

Without a second to waste, Yuuta confidently strode towards the jungle. "Don't worry about me. I won't die that easily." Yuuta assured her as he looked back. "See? I got my whole body in and I'm not even dead. Wait... does that mean I'm stronger than that level 146 Dreamer?"

"It's not too late to turn back, Yuuta." Miki hissed. She badly wanted to raise her voice but she didn't want to attract the entities or evil spirits that resided in the Spirit Jungle.

"Relax. Oh, and also, don't follow me. I've set up some precautions so that the evil spirits won't detect me. If you enter the forest then you'll most definitely die before I could say 'evil spirits look terrible'."

Since Yuuta was not dead yet after twenty seconds, Miki believed what he said and she sighed in relief. "All right, I'll wait for you here. Be careful."

Yuuta saluted, and then he ran straight through the Spirit Jungle without reservation.