Minth and Sacred Stones Alliance

After Abhr's warning, the group finally came to a huge clearing wherein stalactites could obviously be seen dangling from the cave's high ceiling. Of course, only Yuuta and the Minths were aware of these since Miki and Yua can't really see anything beyond a millimeter in front of them.

The huge clearing had a huge gate that completely blocked the path. It was made out of stone, but Yuuta could tell that there was another huge space behind the gates, probably where the throne room of their leader was. "So, are you going with us inside, or would you rather stay here outside?" Yuuta asked out of the blue, surprising Abhr and the other Minths since it was such an absurd question.

"Of course we'll go with you! If we didn't, we'll suffer a worse punishment from our Leader." Abhr sounded rather scared as he carefully opened the gates. For someone who looked like he's made out of the smoke, he was powerful enough to easily open the gates. Once the door was half-open, Abhr meekly entered in. "Our King, we've brought human guests. They wished to see you." Abhr continued.

"Human guests?!" A powerful voice boomed. "Aldunn, are we expecting guests?!"

"No, King Faier. I came here alone, and I told everyone not to come unless it's an emergency." The voice of a man could be heard addressing the powerful voice with a calm approach.

"Perhaps... you have an emergency in your hands."

At that moment, Yuuta had finally pieced it together. Whatever it is that Aarkra was telling him a little while ago, they were all true to the letter. Just as he had concluded, Aarkra didn't lie a single time to him. Both the Minths and the Sacred Stones were nastily plotting together like a bunch of bullies who both had each other by the tail. "I mean, they both have each other's weaknesses. Why would they plot together? Unless they want to get rid of the other party as soon as their missions are accomplished.

DreamCatchers, Minths, Sacred Stones, The King's Elite Intelligent Service, and then there are the murders in real life which is somewhat connected to the criminals in Lucid. There were just too many things happening that Yuuta couldn't wrap his head around it. While everyone was enjoying the game like their usual VRMMORPG, people are mysteriously dying in the real world all over the globe, all because the Lucid Dream Server is actually connected to the most powerful Minth which opened a portal connected to the real world. And now those neurologists and game developers gained access to it, turning it into a game that could be played in lucid dreams.

"What on actual— I only wanted to play a game, and now I got all these on my plate?!" Yuuta couldn't help but sigh as he entered the room while being prodded by the other Evil Spirits.

From afar, he saw two figures inside the huge space behind the Gates. It was a Minth, but compared to the other Minths, he is easily five times larger and probably exponentially powerful than them. On the other hand, there was a guy in front of him, wearing a white robe adorned with gold embroidery. He had blond hair and yellow irises. His build was somewhat close to Yuuta but he exuded some sort of elegance, as expected of the leader of the Sacred Stones, the most powerful group of adventurers who had the Holy Element.

On one hand, the Sacred Stones have the main weakness of the Minths— the Holy Element. And on the other hand, the Minths have the Sacred Stones' weakness— knowing that the Sacred Stones were the ones who got rid of the faeries all across the world of Lucid. It's funny to think that these two groups decided to enter into a mutualism-type of a relationship after knowing each other's weaknesses. Yuuta could clearly feel the frustration and anger of each party as soon as he entered the room. They may be working with each other for now, but each of them was more than willing to betray the other if the situation calls for it.

"Abhr! Why did you bring kids here?!" King Faier exclaimed as his voice made the caves shake, making rubble fall to the ground from the ceiling.

"I'm so sorry, my King, this child here knew of our language, and he demanded a presence from you." Abhr didn't hesitate to bang his head on the ground as he bowed with great fervor.

"Greetings, King Faier, it is my honor to be in your presence." Yuuta calmly took hold of the situation. A smile plastered on his face as he finally saw their way out. It was a simple and easy solution that even a kindergartner could come up with. With a graceful bow, Yuuta addressed the King of the Minths, trying to get on his good side.

"H-h-how did you know of our language?!" The King almost stood from his throne as he examined Yuuta from head to toe.

Even Aldunn (who could only speak the language of the Minths after seeing some information on them in a certain book) was shocked beyond belief as he saw the young kid in front of him, fluently talking to the King whom he was allied with. He just stood there, speechless, as he tried to listen in on the conversation. As much as he hated to admit it, his fluency was still not that polished, that's why he didn't understand some of the formal words that Yuuta spoke.

"What a treat, a human speaking fluent Minthian. You amuse me, young child. Why did you come here?" The King asked, eyeing Aldunn from time to time, enjoying the confused expression he was wearing.

"I came to your presence bearing great news, one of which is bad and one of which is good, would you like to hear the good news or the bad news first?" Yuuta asked, bowing yet a second time.

The reason why Yuuta was speaking formally and weirdly was to confuse Aldunn even more. After hearing Aldunn address King Faier, he could tell tha Aldunn only knew basic words in Minthian. That's why Yuuta wanted to throw him off the loop. Furthermore, Yuuta could clearly see that King Faier was enjoying Aldunn's expressions.

His plan was working.

Before they came to the cave, Yuuta had a plan and another one for contingency. One of the plans was to risk signing a contract with Aarkra and use his powers to try to defeat King Faier. But since Aarkra couldn't be trusted and his power might be inconsistent, Yuuta ruled it out. As for the real plan, this time, Yuuta decided to use his 'All-Seeing Eye' Skill to copy Miki's element and use it to his advantage. With the Black Grsrzy Scarf, he knew that he could utilize the Holy Seal and trap all the Minths inside it. As for the contingency plan, he would just get the Black Grsrzy Scarf out of his pocket and run the hell out of here.

But now, things took a turn for the better. Not only did they find a way out, but they could also actually work on getting rid of everyone— however, it was more complicated than the initial plans.

First of all, Yuuta had no idea what sort of deal the two parties made with each other. If he miscalculated their agreement, then he might be the one to be targeted, further strengthening their mutual relationship. And right now, he could tell that he was getting closer to the King of the Minths, if the plan were to go wrong, then everything might, or rather, will backfire at him.

"Well, it's not like I've been wrong about anyone. Ever since I became blind, I could accurately read everyone's feelings, truths, and lies. This should be a walk in the park for me... but somehow, I feel rather nervous. Is it because Miki and Yua are here? Probably, huh."

"Very well, I would like to keenly listen in on the news you've brought me. I hope it would be as amusing as you." King Faier said, almost chuckling. He was completely enjoying Aldunn's expressions since he didn't understand a single thing he said.

After glancing at his back and seeing Yua and Miki whimpering in fear, he grabbed them by the hand, getting some courage from him as they felt relieved with Yuuta's touch. after taking a deep breath, Yuuta then glanced at King Faier one more time and said something that should've never been said.

"King Faier, Aarkra is alive. Aldunn and his men never intended to kill him in the first place. And now, they're plotting against you. They're determined to drive you out of this planet along with all the Minths." Yuuta simply said.

"What did you just say?!" King Faier bellowed, causing every Minth present to tremble in fear. "What did you just say, young child?" He repeated.

That's right, Yuuta's new plan is to turn both parties against each other.