War of Words

King Faier stood up from his throne, causing a mini-earthquake as he approached Yuuta. For some reason, Yuuta could feel some sort of rage emanating from the King but he didn't waver. Although he was growing more nervous as seconds passed, he didn't show a hint of it in his expression. He even went as far as to regulate his heart rate just so no one would be able to detect his nervousness. Just as mentioned before, when it comes to wearing a poker face, Yuuta is inherently an expert at it.

"What did you say?! Is this true, Aldunn?!" King Faier boomed in Minthian language as he whirled his head towards Aldunn. His two red orbs that represented his eyes left a trail of red since he whirled his head so fast.

"Um, King Faier, I don't know what you're talking about. What did this kid tell you?" Aldunn reasoned out as he stabbed daggers with his eyes at Yuuta, who innocently stood there.

Yuuta tried to recall Aarkra's power level and appearance so he could create a make-believe illusion of him. And as if on cue, Aarkra's illusion appeared all at once behind Aldunn.

"Aldunn, you have requested my presence? Is something troubling you, perchance?" Aarkra spoke with great fluency in the Minthian language that King Faier found believable. He was blinded with rage, not even noticing that Aarkra was only an illusion created to trick both of them. As for Aldunn, he was perplexed. He didn't know what was happening but he could tell that he was in trouble. While thinking about the sudden appearance of the Minth they subdued, he suffered a blow from King Faier, sending him skittering towards the farthest side of the cave. With a thud, he created a mini-earthquake that made boulders fall on top of him. In that instant, Yuuta thought that maybe the cave would cave in, but fortunately, it didn't. Surprisingly, King Faier still maintained a sense of composure even after seeing Aarkra appear.

"Young kid, you have given me great news, I will reward you greatly once I'm done dealing with this traitor." King Faier addressed Yuuta, making him shiver in fear.

In response, Yuuta nodded and gestured at Yua and Miki to stick closer to him. He then activated another skill of his— All-Seeing Eye. He knew that if he were to get out of this situation alive, he needs to use everything in his arsenal. "Miki, don't pull out the Holy Sword of Light and Truth, for now, I have a plan, just trust me."

Miki and Yua nodded without hesitation. They've already gone this far while trusting Yuuta, there's no way they'd not trust him all the way.

"Kid, what's the meaning of this! Were you the one who made Aarkra appear? How dare you?" Aldunn asked. Since he was caught off-guard, he wasn't able to activate any of his skills. The next thing he knew, he was already gravely injured.

However, that was nothing in front of the most powerful Holy Element user in all of lucid. He easily healed all of his injuries in a split second. "You'll pay for this!" He screamed as he pointed a finger at Yuuta.

On the other hand, Yuuta just casually stood there, trying hard not to laugh nor react negatively at Aldunn's false bravado. He was well aware that Aldunn already spent a lot of his MP in healing himself. If he were to fight King Faier head-on, he won't stand a chance. With Yuuta's plan carefully laid out, he knew that there was only one thing Aldunn would do— set up a Holy Seal by himself.

"It wasn't me! It was King Faier, he was trying to set you up so he can get rid of you! Aldunn, you do know that I helped with the subjugation of Aarkra, right?" Yuuta continued. "Didn't you receive the report from your fellow Sacred Stones members? If you don't believe me, then Yua can tell you everything, she was the one whom Aarkra kidnapped."

Aldunn's eyes widened as he stared at Yuuta. "Are you, perhaps, that kid who absorbed Aarkra with the Black Grsrzy Scarf?! You're the kid from the Beginner Village?"

'All according to plan' Yuuta licked his lips as he nodded vehemently. "Yes, that's me! King Faier caught wind of my actions and he kidnapped me and brought me here! Now he's trying to get rid of us!"

"Young kid, what shall I do with this severe betrayal? My heart aches to think that someone's alliance is a mere lie when it comes to humans. Is this what humans really are, young kid?" King Faier asked and Yuuta immediately switched to using the Minthian Language.

"No, he's the worst! You should get rid of him before he calls his lackeys over here. Don't think twice about killing him because he may as well stab you in the back later. Most humans wouldn't bat an eye when it comes to betrayal, King Faier." Yuuta convincingly said.

"I will hold on to your words and trust you, young kid." King Faier calmly said. After that, he released a portion of his energy, directing it at Aldunn without mercy. "My subordinates! I want you to search for the Sacred Stones members and kill all of them! As for this traitor, I'll deal with him myself."

"This is but a grave misunderstanding, King Faier. Since when did I betray you?" Aldunn asked after recognizing a word Aldunn spoke— 'traitor'. Piecing the puzzles together, he realized that he was being branded as a traitor before he even had a chance to explain himself.

Left with no choice and literally driven into a corner, Aldunn did what Yuuta had been expecting him to do... he erected a Holy Seal that trapped each and every Minths in the cave. "You're not going anywhere! After treating me in an uncivilized manner, do you think you'll get away with this? I'm bringing you all down with me!"

While the two sides were busily confronting each other over a little misunderstanding, Yuuta watched from the sidelines as he pulled out the Black Grsrzy Scarf from his pockets. He already knew what would happen next and he was looking forward to 'watching the world' burn' as the two sides grew more hostile against each other.