Brandished Sword

The yellow orb that is the Holy Seal enveloped the entire room, trapping everyone in it. Silence befell the group but Aldunn could be heard panting his lungs out since his energy was almost depleted. In desperation, he stared at Yuuta and gave him a cold stare. "You, kid, you have the Black Grsrzy Scarf, right? Use it now while my Holy Seal is still up! Together we can get rid of everyone here! You're heaven-sent, today we can finally get rid of all the Minths!"

Yuuta then turned around King Faier, relaying everything that Aldunn told him. There was no need for more explanation. With rage that shook the earth, quite literally, King Faier decided to get rid of Aldunn once and for all.

"My subordinates, we must eliminate this double-crosser and then eliminate the Sacred Stones. Right now, I order you to send him to the deepest parts of hell!" King Faier commanded. (The Minthian language has a lot of unintelligible analogies so the closest one in terms of earth's language is used)

"As you command, leader!" Abhr slightly bowed towards him before attacking Aldunn.

The Minths didn't waste any time surrounding Aldunn and beating the living daylights out of him. They didn't even use special powers, they just attacked him with physical attacks like throwing stones and boulders at him with their poltergeist-like skills.

Not so long after, Aldunn was already lying face flat on the ground. He barely had enough strength to keep everyone in the Holy Seal. With his last ounce of strength, he lifted his head up, which was already bleeding severely. "You, kid, what are you doing?"

"Yuuta, what are you doing?" Yua grabbed him by the hand and started shaking it. "You can't leave him! He's with Ashuril and Lorraine, right? Their group saved my life."

Before Yuuta could say anything, one of the Minths finally dealt the deciding blow, killing Aldunn instantly. Miki and Yua, who didn't know what was happening, were shaken to their core. They didn't know why Yuuta allowed Aldunn's death when he could've easily done something about it. "Why, why did you leave him like that?"

"Miki, Yua, I'll tell you everything later, for now, trust me on this one. I'll explain everything once we're done here." Yuuta snapped as he wore a stern expression on his face. Since this was the first time Miki and Yua saw Yuuta made that kind of expression, they swallowed their words and stopped talking.

Although they feel like Yuuta had done an unjustifiable thing, Miki and Yua could tell that there was more than meets the eye in the current situation. And judging from the fact that Yuuta is more informed about the world of Lucid than the two of them, they concluded that they should trust him for now... and demand explanations later.

As soon as Aldunn was dead, the Holy Seal that surrounded everyone started to dissipate in the air. Yuuta didn't allow it, however. With the use of his All-Seeing Eye, he became the same level as Aldunn and got access to all his skills. He immediately put up another Holy Seal to trap everyone in the cave.

"Y-you!" King Faier's rage rose to more than a hundred percent as he realized what just happened. He was, in fact, not double-crossed by Aldunn. But rather, they were both double-crossed by the newcomer which is just a teenager to boot.

"Now, I have a deal for you, if you don't take it, then I'm going to trap you in here forever. How does that sound?" Yuuta wore a smirk, waving around the Black Grsrzy Scarf to further intimidate the Minths. "Right, now hear me out."

"Since you have your own planet, why don't you return to your planet and never come back here? If you don't agree to my own terms, then you know what would happen next, right?"

Yuuta could feel King Faier gritting his teeth in frustration as he was driven into the corner, just like how Aldunn was a few seconds ago. He knew that there was no way out, and with the Black Grsrzy Scarf on Yuuta's hands, there was no way he could touch them. When Yuuta said he could trap them there forever, he was not bluffing.

"All right, we'll accept your terms." King Faier sighed as he sat down on his throne. We'll leave as soon as you remove this barrier."

King Faier sounded undeniably apologetic and he thought that Yuuta would fall for it. However, Yuuta isn't blind for nothing, he could tell that King Faier was naturally lying. There were no words to be said. Before King Faier realized what's going on, Yuuta grabbed a sword from his friend and assumed a fighting position. He was holding the Holy Sword of Light and Truth.

"But you can't equip that weapon, Yuuta. You don't have the Holy Element, right?" Miki worriedly asked. "Here, I'll do it for you."

"You!" King Faier growled, baring his fangs at Yuuta as he opened his mouth. Large amounts of miasma-like energy emanated from him as he grew larger in size.

"Who said I don't?" Yuuta confidently said, swinging the Holy Sword of Light and Truth once. In a split second, a faint glow was emitted on its blade and it grew in size. The radiance of its hilt also increased, temporarily lighting the entire room within the cave.

For a moment, Yuuta released the full potential of his Holy Element and a white aura encompassed him, making him look like a certain shounen character who uses a powerful blue beam to finish off his enemies. Miki could clearly tell that Yuuta's Holy Element is more powerful than her by a large margin. "How?" She asked herself but she couldn't dare ask Yuuta about his secret.

"AAAGHH!" Yuuta screamed as he leaped in the air and aimed the sword at King Faier. He sensed King Faier's fright as the blade drew closer upon his chest area.

But before the attack would connect, Aarkra suddenly boomed. "Yuuta! What are you doing?!" He screamed. "You can't kill him!"


"If you did, the whole Lucid would be at risk!"