Right Place, Wrong Time

"What?! It's already over?! But it hasn't been two days yet!"

It was already early in the morning when Onigawara Shiki finally finished his quest of rounding up a gang in the country of Viomich. As soon as he got his rewards and skills from the three initial tests, he instantly logged in on the game and tried to join the Guild Conquest Event, thinking that he should enter the event through Yuuta's newly established Guild.

But to his surprise and utter dismay, the event had already ended, and a Guild called the Nightmare Guild had defeated everyone in the event. Shiki didn't know how to react since he was really looking forward to the event. But now, it was already over and all his plans went down the drain. He badly wanted to experience the event with his best friend since it would be a memorable time for them, but now there was nothing he could do about it.