Incorrect Suspect

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" A voice of a young man suddenly erupted from right behind Onigawara Shiki, sending chills up and down his spine, thinking that he was caught red-handed on something that he didn't even do.

As he slowly turned his head around, he realized that the young man that spoke to him was also wearing a mask. Since it was already too late to explain his situation to the young man, Shiki decided to outrun him and return the girl to her mother. If he was successful, then the situation would speak for itself and the man accusing him at the moment would understand the entire incident. Nevertheless, he could tell that the teenager in front of him who was wearing a mask is also an adventurer since he's got a beautiful busty lava-lady with her. Somehow, Shiki felt rather envious of the man since he's got a powerful familiar but then again, it was only his first day playing the game.