Crescent Moon

Our hand's touch and I felt electricity volts run through my veins, our eyes met and he smiled, a smile I never expected to see and make me feel different kinds of emotion. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him which caused me to swallow hard several times.

My heart accelerated when he started to move for I felt a liquid of adrenaline was injected into my bloodstream. His stares and our hands clasped together were already enough to make my body tingle and start to move. I followed his steps even though I was astounded by his sudden moves. The second we started moving, the tension that climbed on my nerves melted in the joint of our graceful movement.

We swayed back and forth, The steps of our foot that are in motion are flowing like the wind that surrounds us and It's as if both of us were dancing to the music that only we can hear. This wasn't the type of dancing that I intended to do but I was too caught up in the way he moves as I follow his steps.

His eyes are so different in moments like these, his eyes look softer than I knew eyes could be. He looks like a tame wolf but as we move I felt like I cannot do it anymore and any minute from now the strength in my legs will slowly go away and I will lose consciousness.

I tightened my grip on his hand and looked at our holding hands, "You look like you're enjoying." I chuckled.

"Do I?" He said innocently and stop moving. I chuckled and nodded.

"Well then, you look like you're enjoying holding my hand too." He said which made me look at our intertwined hands and quickly took my hand away from him.

"Well, well... Who looks like a pomegranate now?"

"M-me!? A p-pomegranate?" I said while pointing myself and he nodded.

Maybe the redness of my face in front of him is severe so he is looking at me without emotions in his eyes for he is curious why I am blushing.

"But wait..." I said and look away.

"What's a pomegranate?" I said shyly while looking away for I don't want our eyes to meet.

I'm getting flustered over something that I don't know!

"It's a fruit that is known yet you don't have any knowledge about it?" He said with a disbelief tone while his brows are raised and his forehead is furrowed.

"W-well then, I'm sorry! I haven't seen one!" I said all flustered.

I slowly looked at the man next to me who looks speechless because of what I just asked. I could see his shoulder moving up and down and a peal of laughter slowly started to come out of him.

"Don't laugh!" I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"It's impossible to not laugh at your ignorance." He shifted his voice into a serious tone and stop laughing with made me stand straight.

"Maybe I should go," he said without looking at me.

"You're going already?" I asked with a hint of regret in my voice.

I thought we were going to walk around and see what he's supposed to do but why did is he leaving so fast? We're just getting started.

"Do not fret, you will see me again." He said and started walking away and I was left there standing trying to suppress my voice to call him to come back.

He told me again what he told me when we first met. He was right because we met again and here we are right now, we danced, we even talk but right now that he is leaving what if we don't meet again right?

Why do I feel so attached to that man?

I shook my head and reminded myself that this is just a dream and he is just a fragrant of my dreams. I looked at him walking away from me and there seemed to be no plan to look at me. I just kept looking at him until my two eyes could no longer see him.

In my subsequent dreams, he was there, he was there but sometimes he didn't approach me or talk to me, he just wandered around or sometimes my eyes can catch him everywhere but he is also disappearing immediately.

He became my friend in a place I knew nothing of. He has been with me in a world that is a stranger to me.

I notice a lot about how the way he would shift his attitude corresponds to his mood. Sometimes he is hot-headed, sometimes he is calm, sometimes he is mad at the world, sometimes he also looks like he doesn't give shits on the things that are around him. But he doesn't treat me badly when he's in a bad mood. I always notice that when I approach him and he is in a bad mood the resentment on his face goes away.

I can't count the days I've been with or seeing him in my dreams but sometimes I also don't see him for a few days and I'm just wandering around the village, discovering things that make me feel weird or nostalgic. I'm still not leaving in the village, the place where I first went in my dream.

I wonder. Is there something that I need to do or to complete before I can leave this village?

But wait...

If I will leave here I might not see him anymore.

"Hey!" I shouted as I stood up and waved my hands when I saw him approaching me.

He approaches me with his grumpy look but I'm used to it so I just laugh at him and that look suits him.

We don't do much when we're together. Sometimes we would talk or he would accompany me on a tour of unfamiliar places in the village. He just accompanies me here and I'm thankful for it.

It's scary when you're alone in a place that's a big stranger to you

I can't say my dreams are still normal, a lot of things are still happening to me here.

I remembered my dream last time.

I was walking on a path that was covered by trees, I was a bit far from the village. I wasn't with him because he didn't show up to me so I just wanted to venture. I was walking merrily and curiously to a path that I don't know where it's going to take me.

But I stop when I heard a hissing sound. In confusion, I look around to see what it is and where the sound is coming from.

The leaves of the trees started to rustle and I immediately back down in shock and a peal of laughter slowly started to be visible to my hearing. And I was surprised when suddenly two women fell from the tree but they landed safely with their fists on the ground and looking at the ground.

Two women who have just landed had pairs of gold wings that shined like a star in a dark gloomy night. It had raven claws and had the tusk of boars. A long slim shiny green skin of a serpent. They had wide eyes with the eyes of a snake but it casually turns into a black and had a living venomous snake as their hair who is looking at me like a cobra who has an evil glint in its eyes seeking for its prey.

One of them was thin with red snakes as her hair and the other one was quite big with blue snakes as her hair.

I shouted in fear and surprise.

They look at me with their eyes that are similar to a snake, I staggered. And then they just simply started to smile, a sinister smile that made my body shake in fear. I started to feel a pit that is starting to form in my stomach. My stomach started to churn in fear even though they haven't done anything to me yet.

The hairs on my body started to stand when first a cough erupted from their mouth and slowly started to form into a loud menacingly laugh.

"I was right sister! A living mortal is in the realm of the dead!" The other one said and laugh.

"What an interesting event," said the other one and slinked towards me but I made sure to back down for she is oozing.

Her face had a scary look but as she got close to me, her facial expressions started to change. She suddenly smiled brightly at me with her fangs hanging out and had a friendly expression but it quickly changes into an angry look. Vice versa.

"W-who are you!" I asked even though I was trembling from their presence.

They looked at each other and they just suddenly burst into laughter like a mad man.

"You're questioning us? The Gorgon sisters?" The one scoffed with an annoyed tone which made me feel that I shouldn't have asked that question.

But wait...

Gorgon sisters?

"G-gorgon?" I muttered nervously.

I look at them blankly for I didn't understand what they said. Gorgon sisters? The fear that I felt is now mixed with curiosity.

"Yes! Gorgon!" says the woman with red snake hair.

"The daughters of Phorcys and Ceto! The sister who has a legendary and powerful gaze that could turn one to stone! The sisters of Medusa! The one Perseus beheaded!" The woman with blue snake hair told me.

I froze when I heard the name Medusa.

"M-medusa?" I said.

"Of course you know our insolent sister! Died because her power is used against hereby that stupid Perseus!" The woman with blue snake hair gritted her teeth and her sister nodded in approval.

"We were supposed to help her," the blue hair snake said on the verge of crying.

"We are about to help our sister, we were coming to aid our poor sister." The red hair snake girl started crying and the blue one started crying also. "But the fool manages to escape and avoid us!" The blue hair snaked stopped crying and now anger is evident in her eyes.

"We saw the head of our sister being cut off," they cried and I just stood there watching them cry in anger as they rant on how they wanted to kill Perseus and avenge their sister, Medusa.

We only know a limited amount about the Gods, the unknown creatures and we don't know everything. So I was surprised when I found out that Medusa has a sister.

Medusa was cursed by the Goddess Athena for she found out that Medusa laid with the God Poseidon on her temple which angers the Goddess and cursed her to be forever doomed as a monster.

Well, that's what the stories I've heard tell but I think there's much more than there is to it.

She stopped crying and smiled at me.

"We're her sisters, I'm Stheno." The one who has red snake hair pointed at herself and pointed at her sister, the one with the blue snakes. "And she is Euryale." She told me.

"What do you want from me?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing!" They look at each other and laugh.

They were angry a while ago, they're crying in grief and anger and they look like they wanted to hurt me in the first place but look at them now laughing in front of me after they finished having a breakdown.

Are the brains of these two still okay?

"We just wanted to talk!" They both laugh.

I don't believe that they just want to talk to me. I know there is more to it. If they just talk to me, I might as well ask them questions that can fill my curiosity.

"If you're sight can turn someone into the stone then why I'm not turning into a stone?" I asked out of nowhere.

They look at each other and laugh again, "Duh! We're talking to you, why would we turn you into a stone? How will we have a conversation with you if we turn you into a rock?" They rolled their eyes.

"If we want someone to turn a stone, we will use our eyes and flash them... did we flash you? No right?" Stheno said.

"Unless you want to?" Euryale smirks and I immediately shake my head.

"But you know when our sister died, she gave birth to the winged horse Pegasus, and the giant Chrysaor, both emerging from the open neck wound let from the decapitation." They changed the topic again.

But why would they tell me this?

This is still a dream, right?

"And the audacity of Perseus to use Pegasus as his ride!? The audacity! I should have turned him into a stone immediately!"

"No sister! We don't know that, some of the people say that he used the winged sandals that Hermes gave him." I heard Euryale whisper it to Stheno.

"I don't care! He still killed my sister!" She said and crossed her arms. "And duh! Do you forget that Perseus carried her head and use it as a weapon to save her damsel in distress!?" She added.

"Oh right! The sea monster should just have swallowed them both!" Euryale said while nodding to what her sister said.

"Why are you all telling me this?" I asked curiously.

I mean I was interested in what they were saying and not in what I was complaining about I was just wondering why they were telling me all this.

"Well we wanted to be friends with you," they smiled sinisterly which made my forehead furrow.

They approached the two of me and they touched my shoulder with their hand with long nails and with snakeskin.

"You see, we saw you're being friends with him so we wanted you to help us negotiate with him," Stheno whispered into my ear.

"What do you mean who?"

"Don't act all innocent, like you don't know him! I know you both are close." Euryale giggled and touch my hair so I quickly pulled the hair that she was holding.

"We want you to help us revive our dear poor old sister who is doomed, we don't our poor old sister to suffer here in sadness and alone." They said and had a sad emotion plastered all over their face.

"Revive?" I said in this disbelief. "I don't understand what you're all saying, revive? I don't even know that! The person you mentioned? Who!?" I said while slowly retreating away from them.

I don't know if this is still a dream or what!

"Well if you're not going to help us then you will die!" They both said angrily and I close my eyes in fear and before they could launch at me.

I just saw myself behind him, he was wearing a cloak and an angry look on his face while looking at the gorgon sisters in front of him. I was shocked when I was suddenly behind him.

"Leave," He ordered in a dark icy tone which made me scared too, the two sisters panicked and ran away and it was just like nothing happened.

"W-what are you doing here!" I blurted in surprise.

"Curiosity can lead you to danger, you shouldn't have wandered away." He said and took my risk and started walking, we walked away from where we were standing.

I tried to catch up with his footsteps for he is walking so fast and I had a hard time following him while he is holding my wrist because of his walking speed.