17. Revenge?

Athena and Dean turned around at a time, and found Rachel who was staring at them with a curious face.

"Rachel?" Dean asked in a raised tone.

"What are you both doing here?" Rachel chuckled and asked as she walked towards them, making Athena take a deep breath.

'What are you doing here? You were sleeping right?' Athena signed with her hands, making Rachel sigh.

"Yes, I was sleeping... But, suddenly, I woke up hearing a voice…! It felt like it was Dad's Voice!" Rachel answered, making Athena frown at her, while Dean raised his eyebrows at her.

'Dad's?' Athena signed with her hands, and Rachel nodded her head at her.

"Yes. Dad's. I suddenly heard Dad's shouting. He was yelling... I got scared!" Rachel answered and Athena nodded her head as she walked towards her.

'Don't worry... Let's go to your room. I will be there with you until you fall asleep again!' Athena again signed with her hands towards Rachel, while Dean was still confused about Athena's sign language, as he didn't at all understand them.

"No... I... I don't want to sleep!" Rachel replied, making Athena irritated, and she raised her hand asking her 'Why?'

"Umm... I don't know..." Rachel answered and Athena sighed.

Athena just didn't know what to say to her. So, she just grabbed her wrist and brought her to the big wood couch.

She sat down on the couch and made Rachel sit down beside her.

'Sleep by keeping your head on my lap...' Athena signed with her hands. Rachel smiled and she nodded her head in yes.

"Yes." Rachel replied with a smile as she kept her head on her lap and closed her eyes.

Dean just kept staring at the both girls and saw how lonely they were. And, how they were trying to find some love in each other.

It hurt him, seeing them both together like that. He thought, how can it didn't hurt them much even when they lost their parents at such a young age, in front of their own eyes.

Dean had no idea how Athena would tell everything to Rachel, and how she would answer her, when the next time Rachel asked Athena about their parents. He took a deep breath and looked at Athena who was looking at Rachel and smiling.

He smiled seeing the little girl behaving like Rachel's mother by caressing her hair and making her sleep.

But, he was only scared for Athena and her future as she was so hell adamant with her decision, not at all listening to him.

He remembered the last word that Athena said, before they both sensed Rachel.

'REVENGE.' Dean said to himself as he looked at the 10 years old girl who was then smiling looking at her twin elder sister.

'Revenge?' Dean again asked himself as he wasn't at all sure if that was what Athena said before they both turned around to Rachel. But yes, he heard that right! Athena's wolf Raksha said, REVENGE.

'Revenge? But, against whom would she take such actions?' Dean asked himself as he took a deep breath. He was so confused about the things that Athena was talking about!

He started thinking, How did that 10 years old girl understand the word, 'Revenge.'?

'How is it possible?' Dean asked himself as he took a deep breath.

'Is she really a 10 years old girl?'' Dean asked himself as he shook his head and ran his hands in his hairs.

But he wasn't much concerned about the revenge thing right then.. The main thing that bothered him right then was about her denial for going to the school.

Athena was just so hell adamant. She wanted to make her twin sister's life beautiful, but not hers.

But Dean promised to Zelda that he would look after the girls very well and they were his responsibility from then on…! But seeing Athena, He was not sure about what Athena was trying to do and wanted to do!

While he wanted to give her an amazing future for her…! She wasn't at all ready to take any of his help from him anymore and just wanted to make her twin sister's life beautiful with her own hard work.

His heart hurt seeing the little girl telling him that she would work hard for her twin elder sister and not for herself…!