18. Responsibilities!

Athena took a deep breath as Rachel fell into a deep slumber.

"Let me take her to her bedroom!" Dean said and Athena nodded her head in yes.

Dean walked towards Athena and took Rachel into his arms. As she was so delicate like a feather he could easily take her into his arms.

He slowly walked upstairs while Athena followed behind him slowly.

He took her inside her bedroom and laid her on her bed.

Dean covered her with the comforter and just then Rachel grabbed his wrist and brought it close to her chest, making him blink his eyes curiously.

He just kept staring at her as she didn't leave his hand. He removed the hair strands that covered her face and tucked them behind her ear.

He saw how beautiful she looked. Even though Athena and Rachel were twins, Rachel had a bright face that made her look more beautiful than Athena.

He just was lost in her beauty when he sensed Athena standing behind his back. He shook all the thoughts away from his mind and tried to release his hand from her grip.

He succeeded at last and stepped back from Rachel, while looking at Athena who was raising her eyes at Dean.

Dean scratched the back of his neck nervously as Athena's eyes were on him with her stern face.

"Umm... You need to have your dinner? You haven't had anything for so long." Dean said and Athena took a deep breath and nodded her head in yes.

Athena again set the comforter of her twin elder sister and looked at her before walking out of the room and closed the door behind her back.

Athena and Dean walked downstairs. They both sat down on the dining table chairs and Dean started serving her.

"I used to cook for myself…! I am not sure if you will like it. But, Rachel did like it!" Dean said nervously, making Athena smile.

That smile made Dean smile back at her too.

They both started having their dinner calmly but Dean was eagerly waiting for her to tell, how the dinner that he cooked for them was!

Athena looked at him and saw him looking at her.

She raised her eyebrows at him asking, what?

"Umm... You didn't tell me, how is dinner?" Dean asked nervously, making Athena giggle.

She nodded her head with a bright smile and signed with her left hand saying, 'It's amazing.'

Dean smiled at that and thanked her.

They both again just started eating silently and Dean was looking at Athena for second to second, and Athena was getting a weird feeling, seeing him behaving like this.

'What?' Raksha suddenly barked at Choas, making Dean take a back for a second.

"Umm... Sorry... I... I... just... want to ask you something!" Dean answered, making Athena sigh.

'What now?' Raksha asked sternly.

"Do you want to visit the town tomorrow and see what job you can get? Umm... As you said, you don't want to study anymore…!" Dean answered, making Athena start thinking and then she nodded her head in yes at Dean.

"Umm... I have an idea... If you agree with it... We can go ahead!" Dean said, making Athena raise her head at Dean as she raised her eyebrows at him.

"I will tell you what it is... Let's finish our dinner first!" Dean said and Athena nodded her head even though she was so curious, and wanted to know what he was talking about!

They both had their dinners and got up from their chairs.

"You wanted to work hard, right?" Dean asked, making Athena frown but she nodded her head at him.

"I don't have much money... But, I think... What I have here will be enough for us to start any business here... So, we both can make Rachel study well and reach her goals!" Dean said, making Athena's eyes wide.

Athena shook her head in no as soon as she heard about the money and the business.

'No... I don't know anything about the business…! And, I can't take money from you... You are already doing a lot for us. I can't let you do more for us!' Raksha replied, making Dean sigh.

"Listen, Athena. I promised to your majesty that you both would be at my responsibility and I will look after you both! I have none too... So, I guess. You both are my family from now on... Umm... Only if you accept it!" Dean said as he looked into Athena's eyes, making her look into his eyes softly.