19. A new start?

'You are already one…! 

The day you tried to help us for the first time, we became a family!' Raksha said as Athena smiled at Dean. Dean's face grinned.

"Thank you!" Dean replied and Athena shook her head.

"Come... I will show you something!" Dean said and Athena raised her eyes but still, nodded her head in yes.

They both walked upstairs to the 2nd floor and Athena walked behind Dean into a room. It looked like a store room.

'Huh? Why are we here?' Raksha asked curiously and Dean turned around and chuckled.

Dean and Athena walked inside the store room. Dean tried to move all the things aside and walked towards a shelf, making Athena frown.

Dean slowly took out a box from the shelf and smiled seeing the wooden box. It was as good as the last time.

'What is this?' Raksha asked.

"My grandmother used to secure some money here... In this box. Only we two know about this. I never came back to this house after she passed away…!" Dean replied in a low tone, making Raksha look at him curiously.

Dean slowly opened the box and saw a red bag in it.

He slowly took out the small bag and opened the bag.

"I know…! There will be some amount to start something new... And there is!" Dean said with a smile as he took the money in his hands.

'Oh god... That's a lot...' Raksha Replied making Dean nod his head.

"Yes. And I am sure, this will help us raise... I mean... To start something?" Dean asked, making Athena take a deep breath.

'Are you sure about this? What if we can't do this?' Raksha asked.

"You need to be positive to start everything new in this world. We know nothing, that is true. But, we can still try something new!" Dean answered confidently, making Athena sigh.

'Alright... If you say so...' Raksha replied with a smile.

"Tell me... What do you want to start with?" Dean asked, making Athena shake her head in confusion.

'No…! I don't know anything. I am still not that intelligent. You decide it.' Raksha answered, making Dean pat her head with a smile.

"Umm. My grandmother always wanted to have a flower shop in this town. I am not sure…! If it will help us or not!" Dean said.

A flash of happiness went through Athena's face.

'Flower Store then!' Raksha replied, making Dean frown at her.

"Huh? Are you sure? We can do something else too?" Dean asked.

'No. Let's start a flower shop.' Raksha answered without any reluctance. Dean was happy seeing her confidence. He smiled brightly.

"I will see what I can do to start the flower shop…! But first, We need to go around the town tomorrow!" Dean added to her statement and Athena nodded her head in yes.

"I am sure, Rachel will really like this town." Dean said, making Athena smile brightly.

'That will be really good if she does.' Athena replied.

"Yes. Now,It's quite late! You need to get to bed." Dean said and Athena nodded her head in yes.

They both walked out of the store room and then towards their bedroom.

"Here... Keep this with you!" Dean said as he forwarded the wooden box to Athena.

'No. This is yours. This should be near you!' Raksha replied, and Dean shook his head in no.

"No. This is not mine. This is ours! Remember that!" Dean said, making Athena smile brightly.

"And this will be safe only if this is with you! You have a locker in your girl's bedroom." Dean said with a smile.

'Umm... I... I don't think I should take this!' Raksha replied, making Dean roll his eyes. He just grabbed Athena's hands and kept the box in her hands.

"Please, keep it near you!" Dean said with a smile, making Athena sigh.

'Fine.' Raksha replied and Dean again patted her hair, making Athena smile at him.

'Thank you for everything!' Raksha said.

He chuckled.

"It's nothing... You don't have to say thank you!" Dean replied and Athena shook her head as she looked down on her feet.

'These might seem nothing to you…! But, for me... For us... It's a lot.' Raksha said as a tear fell down from her eyes and Dean took a deep breath.

He walked closer to her and wiped off the tear from her eyes and was hesitant to hug her or not…! But Athena saw his hesitation and just hugged him tightly, making him smile.