21. A new Start!

"Wow…!! So, now we have a business to take care of!" Rachel said excitedly as she looked around the flower shop on which Dean and Athena were working hard for the month.

"Yes. From now on, this is our store…! This will be our business." Dean replied proudly.

"This is amazing." Rachel said, making Dean and Athena smile brightly.

"I hope we can do this…!" Rachel said with a smile and Athena grabbed Rachel's wrist, making her look at Athena.

'We will be alright!' Athena signed her with her hands. Rachel turns towards her.

Rachel hugged Athena tightly and kissed her forehead.

"It's been a month since we came to this town. You have never let me feel alone…! I don't know why we are here, leaving our mom and dad. But, I hope we will get to meet them soon. Anyways, Thank you, Athena…! Thank you for taking care of me. But, I do really miss Mom and Dad.

I want to see them. When will we see them?" Rachel asked curiously, making Athena take a deep breath and Dean looked away from her.

Athena grabbed her wrist and made her sit down on the couch.

'Mom and Dad won't come back to us…! They went far away from us. We need to live without them as we have been living for the past month!' Athena signed Rachel, making her frown.

"How can we stay without Mom and Dad, Athena? We are still kids. What can we do without them? I don't know why they left us? Did we do anything wrong?" 

Rachel asked in a restless tone and Athena shook her head in no.

"No, nothing like Rachel", Athena tried to convince her with her sign language.

"Then why did they leave us like this?" Rachel asked as tears fell down from her eyes. Athena took a deep breath and wiped her tears off from her eyes and hugged her tightly.

"I want to know the reason why they left us like this? What happened that day? Why did Dad leave us that night with Mom? And then after a few days, you told me that Mom too left us…! We are all alone now!! What is happening with us?" 

Athena took a deep breath hearing Rachel's endless queries. She was so in pain.

She didn't know what to answer her 

Athena took Rachel's hands in hers and looked into her eyes.

'Mom and Dad... Are not bad! But they had to leave us for some reason.' Athena signaled Rachel.

"What are those reasons? Can't I know what those reasons are?" Rachel asked, making Athena take a deep breath.

'I don't know what those reasons are either! But I made a promise to them that I will look after you so well and protect you all my life…! I will not let you get any scars on you.' Athena signed with her hands, making Rachel take a deep breath.

"I don't know how we will stay without them…! But, I am sure, you will keep me happy no matter what! And I promise you too that I will look after you very well." Rachel said as she hugged Athena tightly.

Dean smiled looking at the two sisters, loving and caring for each other, a lot more than themselves. He is so happy, seeing them both together like this for standing with each other in their tough times. And prayed to the moon goddess to keep them happy like this forever…!

But, little did he know that life was going to throw some situations at them that they couldn't handle. But, he promised that he would be with them to look after everything and save them! Whatever may be the situation they would be in!

But he knew that things would surely get worse in their lives. Where even Dean would not be able to do anything too! But just become helpless…!

But as Athena was just so mature than her age, he knew that she would handle things on her own like she was doing right then, in her young age.

'Thank you. That really means a lot.' Athena signed with her hands, making Rachel smile brightly.

"Rachel... You are joining school from tomorrow." Dean said, making Rachel wide her eyes as she looked up at him.

"What? But... Why? I mean... We can't afford it..." 

Rachel got cut off in mid Sentence as Athena kept her hands on Rachel's hands, making her turn her head at her.