22. Fear in Heart.

"You don't at all have to worry if we can afford it or not…!" Dean said, as he looked at Athena and she nodded her head at Rachel.

"But... I..." 

Rachel got cut off by Athena as she shook her head in no.

'Don't think about anything! Promise me that you will study well! ' Athena signed with her hands towards Rachel.

"But, Athena... Are you sure about this? Because I should be the one who should take care of you!. And, give you a good education and make you stand on your feet." Rachel said hesitantly, making Athena shake her head in no.

'I can't survive with the humans around me as you know that I am not a human…!' Athena signed and Rachel nodded her head in yes.

"I know... You are not a human…!But, Dad always wanted both of us to get around with Humans…!" 

Rachel said, but Athena shook her head in no.

"Rachel! She is a wolf. And, we have no idea when and where she would transform into a wolf…! If she transforms in front of a human by mistake then the humans won't let us live…! They will be after us and kill us." Dean replied, raising his brows .

"What?" Rachel asked and Dean nodded his head in yes.

"Wait... These all don't make sense to me…! Am I missing anything here? You... You are not human... But a wolf? And you know that, Athena is a wolf too?" Rachel asked Dean, making Dean look at Athena.

Athena nodded her head in yes at Dean and he nodded his head at Rachel.

"Wow... Why didn't you tell me this before then?" Rachel asked.

"Umm... We just didn't find the right time to tell you about this!" Dean answered, making Rachel sigh.

Athena grabbed her ears and tried to apologise to Rachel.

Rachel smiled seeing the cute expressions of Athena and kissed her head.

"Promise me, you will live for yourself too and care about yourself!" Rachel said, and Athena nodded her head in yes.

'You will be with me, to take care of me...' Athena signed.

 Rachel nodded her head in yes with a smile.

"Yes. I will always be with you every minute and every time." Rachel replied as they both hugged each other with bright smiles on their faces.

"And, I will make you proud of me one day!" Rachel said.

Athena was so relaxed seeing her sister.

Dean smiled looking at them both and just then, the store bell rang indicating that there was a customer.

"Let me go check on the customer." Rachel said and Athena nodded her head.

Rachel walked away to the customer while Athena turned towards Dean.

'Thank you.' Raksha said, making Dean frown.

'Thank you for making her accept to go school alone. And telling her that it will be dangerous for me to go school.' Raksha said. Dean raised his eyes.

'It was nothing. But, I am not leaving you like this. You will get educated for sure... But, Not by going to school. But, in some other way.' Choas replied, making Athena curious about his words.

'Don't worry... You will know something soon.' Choas said, making Athena sigh deeply.

'You trust me right?' Choas asked and Athena nodded her head with a smile.

'That's enough for me..!. I only need your trust.' Choas said. 

Athena smirked.

'But...' Raksha said, making Dean look at her.

``We will not involve my sister in any of the other business that I want to deal with in the future. She deserves something better.' Raksha said and Choas agreed.

'Yes. I will take care of her in every way and keep her away from everything.' Choas replied and Athena nodded her head.

They both turned around and slowly walked towards Rachel who was dealing with a customer with a bright smile.

"How cute you are! May God bless you!" A young lady said as she caressed Rachel's hair, making her smile.

"Thank you." Rachel replied and the customer smiled at her and walked away from the store.

Athena took a deep breath as she saw her sister smiling brightly after so long.

She was ready to do anything for her only family then. She would do this without any fear in her heart. Just for her sister and to give her an amazing future. But, little did she know that there would always be a fear in her heart about her parents which she couldn't tell Rachel.